True me.. Tap-1732..

Remember, most of your stress comes from the way you react, not the way life is.
Adjust your attitude.
Change how you see things.
Look for the good in all situations.
Take the lesson.
And find new opportunities to grow.

Let all the extra stress go.
Let all the extra worrying go.
Let all the extra overthinking go.
Your reaction is your power.



Never blame anyone in your life.

Good people give you happiness.
Bad people give you experience.
The worst people give you a lesson.
And the best people give you memories.

True me.. Tap-1612..

7 things to keep in mind:

1. Go after dreams,
not people.

2. Love yourself,
and the rest will follow.

3. Never lose your sense of wonder.

4. You are capable of more than you know.

5. No regrets in life.
Just lessons learned.

6. Your only limit is you.

7. Life goes by in a blink of an eye.
So live life.



The most important lesson I’ve learned over this past year is;
Don’t let anybody make you cruel.

No matter how badly you want to give the world a taste of its own bitter medicine, it is never worth losing yourself.

True me.. Tap-1439..

Do you believe that there are no accidents in life?

Everything happens for a reason.
Every people we meet will have a role in our lives, be it big or small.
Some will hurt, betray and make us cry, to become stronger.
Some will teach us lessons, not to change us, but for us to realize our mistakes and to help us grow and make us a better person.
And some would simply inspire and love us, to make us happy.


True me.. Tap-1425..

It’s funny how we outgrow what we once thought we couldn’t live without.
And then we fall in love with what we didn’t even know we wanted.

Life keeps leading us on journeys we would never go on if it were up to us.
Don’t be afraid.
Have faith in yourself.
Find the lessons.


True me.. Tap-1388..

7 things to keep in mind:

1. Go after dreams, not people.
2. Love yourself and the rest will follow.
3. Never lose your sense of wonder.
4. You are capable of more than you know.
5. No regrets in life, just lessons learned.
6. Your only limit is you.
7. Life goes by in a blink of an eye, so live life.

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-1253..


• These hard times, this pain, these lessons; one day they’ll be your strength, your awareness, your blessings.

• Stop expecting honesty from people who lie to themselves.

• You’ll never look good trying to make someone look bad.

• Save your explanations for those that are determined to understand you.

• Give your silence to those that are determined to misunderstand you.

• Your life is too short to be unhappy. 5 days a week in exchange for 2 days of freedom; that’s not how you are supposed to live your life. Live & experience life everyday.

• Don’t be upset from people you don’t respect.

• Life is not tiring. Wanting life to be a certain way but not having the confidence to make it that way, is tiring.

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-1203..


• These hard times, this pain, these lessons – one day they’ll be your strength, your awareness, your blessings.
• Stop expecting honesty from people who lie to themselves.
• You’ll never look good trying to make someone look bad.
• Save your explanations for those that are determined to understand you.
• Give your silence to those that are determined to misunderstand you.
• Your life is too short to be unhappy 5 days a week in exchange for 2 days of freedom.
• Don’t be upset from people you don’t respect.
• Life is not tiring. Wanting life to be a certain way but not having the confidence to make it that way, is tiring.
• Your consistent approach to anything you desire dictates your success in career, business & relationships.

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-1163..

Most of your stress comes from the way you respond, not the way life is.
Adjust your attitude.
Change how you see things.
Look for the good in all situations.
Take the lesson and find new opportunities to grow.
Let all the extra stress, worrying, and overthinking go.

(This video got nothing to do with the post above. Big fan of Key & Peele, I had to share this. WELCOME TO DEMOCRACY.)

Tap OUT..😜

True me.. Tap-1160..

Life lessons it took me a while to learn:

1. Missing people is not a reason to reconnect with them.
It’s okay to remember people without rekindling.

2. You can’t talk to everyone about everything.
It’s okay to have certain people for certain topics.

3. When someone is envious of you, it’s not your job to make them feel better about who you are.
Be you shamelessly.

4. Assumptions are not rooted in fact.
If you want to know something, it’s always best to ask.

5. Authenticity equals freedom.
There’s nothing that someone can hold over you when you’re okay with who you are.

Tap OUT..💪


I saw a post today that said, “When you finally learn your place in peoples lives, your feelings won’t get hurt. And loyalty doesn’t mean accepting unlimited amounts of inconsistency & pain from others”.

Whether it’s friends, family or whoever. I swear that’s the truth and one of the most important life lessons you’ll learn.

True me.. Tap-1126..

7 Things to live by:

1. Go after dreams, not people
2. Love yourself and the rest will follow.
3. Never lose your sense of wonder.
4. You are capable of more than you know.
5. No regrets in life. Just lessons learned.
6. Your only limit is you.
7. Life goes by in a blink of an eye. So live life.

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-1120..

When people act shady, allow them.
When people betray your trust, allow them.
But never, ever sink to their level.
Their choices are a direct reflection of who they are, not who you are.
No matter how angry, hurt, or disappointed you may be, do not allow them to make you bitter.
Be better.
React with love.
Sometimes that means retaliating with understanding and compassion; other times it means retaliating with acceptance and sheer silence.
Whatever it is, make sure it benefits you as a human being instead of lowering you into a position which you would rather not be in.

Normal people dont go around destroying other human beings.
Only those who are hurt, lost, and confused cause pain.
Don’t be one of them.
Just take the lessons and move on gracefully.

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-1076..

Everyone has a story to tell, a lesson to teach, and wisdom to share.
Life is a beautiful masterpiece bound together by your experiences.
Open up and share your story; become an inspiration to others.

You can make a difference because you matter.
You were created with purpose.
Live your life with good intention, go out there and make a difference by being the difference.

(This video got nothing to do with the post above. Big fan of Key & Peele, also a big fan of Neil deGrasse Tyson. Watch it for fun & you will definitely gain some knowledge about parallel universe.)

Tap OUT..😜

True me.. Tap-1069..

7 Things to live by:

1. Go after dreams, not people.
2. Love yourself and the rest will follow.
3. Never lose your sense of wonder.
4. You are capable of more than you know.
5. No regrets in life. Just lessons learned.
6. Your only limit is you.
7. Life goes by in a blink of an eye. So first live life.

(This article got nothing to do with the post above, you can click on the image to read the entire article. There’s a reason i don’t like apps like TIKTOK or Instagram reels, such apps are limiting our attention span. Our human race is losing focus & we struggle to put attention towards where it’s needed. I know some people who can’t read a page long article because it’s a page long or they can’t watch a 15 minutes video because it’s 15 minutes long.🤣🤣 This is called GOLDFISH SYNDROME, which means 10 second memory of a goldfish.)

Tap OUT..😜


Remember, most of your stress comes from the way you respond, not the way life is.
Adjust your attitude.
Change how you see things.
Look for the good in all situations.
Take the lesson and find new opportunities to grow.
Let all the extra stress, worrying, and overthinking go.


The most important lesson I’ve learned over this past year is,
don’t let anybody make you cruel.
No matter how badly you want to give the world a taste of its own bitter medicine,
it is never worth losing yourself.

True me.. Tap-951..

Stop overthinking and replaying episodes from your past you are not happy about.
Realize that everything happens for a reason.
It served its purpose.
It made you better.
Only through experience we can truly feel and understand the contrast of what is good and what is not, what we want and what we don’t want.

Experiences teaches us most valuable lessons.
It helps us grow, love ourselves and have empathy towards others.
Be grateful for your experiences, but move forward.
Embrace the new & remain consistent in your walk of life. (Not my words.)

Tap OUT..💪

True me.. Tap-946..

How many times have we done something “wrong” and then regretted it later?
As long as we learn something from it, the experience is not wasted.
We aren’t perfect.
We are here to learn from our mistakes and imperfections, not beat ourselves up for them.

Think about how to alter your regrets into lessons for the future.
Nobody is perfect.
As long as we continue to strive to be better, our imperfections are part of our journey.

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-871..

Keep looking.
Not for a person, but for your passion, your love, your courage, your goals, your dreams, your happiness, yourself.
Keep looking.
Explore your life before you explore another.
Know your worth, know yourself.
Only then, you will know what you need over what you want.
You need yourself to become your own.
Key to your future happy life is in your hands.

Life keeps leading us on journeys we would never go on if it were up to us.
Don’t be afraid.
Have faith.
Find the lessons.
Life is fun, let it be.

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-858..

Eleven meaningful truths/lessons on life:

1. Average human life is relatively short.
2. You will only ever live the life you create for yourself.
3. Being busy doesn’t mean being productive.
4. Some kind of failure always occurs before success. And both success & failure can be equally amazing.
5. Actions without intentions are like walking without using legs, doesn’t make sense.
6. You don’t have to wait for an apology to forgive other people. There’s a tendency of CHEAP, it keeps getting CHEAPER with time.
7. Some people are simply the wrong match for you. Keep checking who’s coming for good time & who’s coming with good energy!!
8. It’s not other people’s job to LOVE you; it’s yours.
9. What you own is not who YOU are, it’s about how you purpose what you have.
10. Everything changes for the better.
11. Forever takes forever to build & behold. (Not my words).

Never regret being a good person to the wrong people.
Your behavior says everything about you,
and their behavior says enough about them.

– Marc & Angel.

Tap OUT..✌️


“why is this happening to me”
“what is this trying to teach me”

(This music video got nothing to do with the post above. Very few know the real meaning behind this song. Still learning a lot about anything/everything, credit goes to my neighbour girl & bestie bitch.😜)


The people who are meant to be in your life are the ones who know how to gently wait for you to heal.
You do not want to rush actions with them.
For if you do, you will miss the lessons you can learn along the way.


(Video by Alux & the title is; Being well when you are alone is a SUPERPOWER.)

True me.. Tap-812..

So many of the lessons I’ve learned have been about standing up for myself and setting boundaries.
Most people in our current world are used to inconsistent approach & deceptive behaviour, which are both cheap & unacceptable in accordance to HUMAN standards.
It’s really hard and sometimes even painful.
In work environments and everyday life, be sure to set boundaries for those you’re spending time with.
Make sure they’re aware with what you’re comfortable with and your limitations.
Communicate with others to make sure you are honoring yourself.
It’s hard, but it’s worth it. Always.

You don’t owe anybody the present other than yourself.
Take time for you.
Respect yourself and your privacy.
Set boundaries.
Set one boundary today in your professional or personal life. (Not my words).
Life is fun, let it be.

(This 5 minutes video got nothing to do with the post above, It’s about world’s top economies in 2050. Watch it for little knowledge & fun. FYI my entire stock market investment portfolio is linked to number 2, 3 & 7 countries.)

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-810..

Each of us leads unique lives with experiences that nobody else will ever completely understand.
Your story holds so many valuable lessons that can help inspire, teach, and motivate someone else.
Should you choose to share it!?!
In life, I have heard so many different stories.
Just by listening, I learned so many different things.
I’m so thankful I found the courage to share my story as well and talk about what I’ve been through.
Not only has it helped me, but it has helped give perspective and strength to so many other people, my people to be precise.
I encourage you to do the same.

Share your story with someone who is worth your time.
You never know how one sentence of your life story could inspire someone to rewrite their own.
No matter what you have been through in life, good or bad, don’t take it for granted.
There are lessons in every moment of our lives.

Tap OUT..💪

True me.. Tap-796..

Every morning when the sun rises, I am a changed person.
There is no use looking back at yesterday.
I am no longer the person I was back then.
Changed by the experiences I’ve had,
the lessons I have learnt,
and the love I have received.
It’s time to move forward and embrace the life that I’ve been given.
Be grateful for the many blessings that have been bestowed upon me.
And start living a life of passion.
There will always be ups and downs,
good times and bad,
losses and gains.

Life is about learning lessons,
showing love in the process,
and growing into the beautiful souls we are meant to become.
Don’t let yesterday rob you of your happiness today.
Every time the sun rises, it’s a new opportunity to make your life the best of your life.
Enjoy every moment.

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-776..

The universe will keep handing you the same lessons, same failures, the same relationships, the same type of love and the same type of pain until you realise that the common denominator is you.

Until you are finally tired of your own patterns.
Until you finally love yourself enough to raise your standards and believe you are worthy of holding them.

You see the thing is, until you learn to love yourself more, you will continue to accept the love that mirrors how you truly feel about yourself.
The answer to everything you desire is within you.

Desires must help you become a better you.
Now relax.
You’ll end up where you’re supposed to be.
Choose consistent truthful people to vibe & shine.
Be picky.
You glow differently when you have good people with good intentions in your life. (Not my words).

Tap OUT..✌️


Date, in private.
Love, in private.
Be happy, in private.
Live, in private.

That way, you can;
Take your losses, in private.
Maintain yourself, in private.
Achieve peace, in private.
Rebuild yourself, in private.

True me.. Tap-665..

I don’t know why nobody teaches this in business schools. When you have an entrepreneurial mindset, you must have to be good with your communication skills with almost every kinda people irrespective of their class, qualification, occupation or age. When you are on the right track towards your success & goals, never miss this tiny advice.

1. Accountants.
2. Lawyers & Tax Advisors.
3. Product development specialists.
4. Engineers & Architects.
5. Marketing Experts.
6. Graphic Designers & Web Developers.
7. Fitness/Mental Health Coaches.

Your contacts are worth more than real Money. The group of people you hangout with talks a lot about your personality.

Tap OUT..👍

True me.. Tap-642..

Forgive yourself,
for the bad decisions,
for the times you lacked understanding,
for the choices that hurt others and yourself.
for being young and reckless.

These experiences are what matters most right now. These are vital lessons & your willingness to grow from them.

Life is choice, all day everyday. Who we talk to, where we sit, what we say, how we say it. And our lives become defined by our choices. It’s as simple and as complex as that. And as powerful.

(Not my words).

Tap OUT..💪


Well, we all make mistakes dear. So, just put it behind you. We should regret our mistakes & learn from them, but never carry them forward into the future with us.

– L.M. Montgomery.

True me.. Tap-505..

One can’t be present if they are looking backwards, or for that matter forward. This is a tricky one to explain because it seems to imply that past and future don’t matter, somewhat seeming to contradict our vision for a better tomorrow. But that’s not really true. Let’s look at it like, as humans we often have the tendency to get caught up in thoughts about past achievements & failures. And sometimes, it’s living in our dreams of future that hinder us from seeing the potential of present. We tend to forget that present counts much more than the past or the future. Actually the steps that you take in the present are more important than the memories of the past & dreams of the future.

You need to deal with the past & the future while living in present. Take your sweet time and go back to the past once in a while to collect necessary lesson, then come back and live in your present without reliving those same low points of life. Use lessons from the past and also use dreams of a grand future to drive yourself to take the necessary steps that’s required right right now. We all might have dealt with bad memories and bad experiences in our past, that mustn’t stop us from seeing the light of a beautiful tomorrow. I always say this “TOMORROW IS ALWAYS AN UPGRADE OF TODAY”.

Tap OUT..🤗

True me.. Tap-245..

Business or any sort of investment is like watching a child/tree grow big & tall in front of your eyes with time. It has no short term benefits behind it. If you really want some quick excitement, you should book a cheap flight ticket to neighboring country & get on with it. Having a control over money is the first lesson of entering men’s world.

Tap OUT..💪

Tap my thoughts.. 198..

Last time I cried was in March-2019, before that it’s January-2017. I have a count, I took lessons when my tears were wasted for worthless people or reasons.

True me.. Tap-188..

I am motivated, not because of some stupid goals. I have fears, those fears are my competition now. There is a anger in me to crush them. Achievements are not big for me, but the lessons I learnt are priceless.

Tap OUT..💪

True me.. Tap-134..

My TRUTH is my standard. I have learnt my lessons hard way. My boundaries are for myself. I can’t push things on you. But if you can’t meet my level of clarity, I will not be friends with you. Done.

Tap OUT..👍


People come to our live to either appreciate or use us. I say both are accepted, it’s either a beautiful experience or a painful lesson.

True me.. Tap-117..

A tiny message for someone special!!

Don’t be afraid. Don’t forget what you are. I used to look upto you when things go up or down. You ruled my world. You was the only reason behind my happiness for a while. We all have a rough patch in our lives which dragged our self-esteem down to zero. Hiding & escaping isn’t a solution. Face it like what you used to be. How can you just give up? Lessons are learnt. Digest it, try to see life for what it is. Don’t be surprised when things get better. Any negativity can’t push you down for long. Open your eyes and allow yourself to see a better you. Experience some good days being a legit self. That 07-Feb is the best day of my life, actually 08-Feb for you. Vibe right. You are my sunshine, doesn’t matter where/what you are.

Tap OUT..🤗😘

True me.. Tap-92..

Doesn’t matter how much you are invested/involved with me; if you are connected to me, I am earning something from you. Either it’s some knowledge or some lessons.

Life is easy. I don’t have time to play tit for tat. Deserving people will prove their worth.
Words first, intentions next and then someday I will value your actions too, if you are consistent.
I smell lies & my TRUTH makes me what I am.

BE YOU.. Tap OUT..🤗


One lesson I totally understood with my journey of life;

Lack of MONEY makes you evil, more of it makes you either proud or kind. Either way try to go for the next, proud & kind can be a furious awesome combination.


Pick your path. Times can be bright or dark. Keep your aim sharp. Be an eagle or owl. Owl is lazy, but known as night-eagle. Now that you know where to head & what to get, focus & fetch it.

Be the hunter, not the hunted.

True me.. Tap-08..

Everyone wants success & financial independence, but why no-one dares stepping towards it?

Life will not give what you want. It isn’t just talent, brainpower or education.
If you want success/fulfillment or happiness, you gotta show up, demand it for yourself & strive to reach there. It’s all about that desire & determination. Keep that hunger in you to be the you, you dreamt eyes open.

Being Tap: Not easy, My Past Past Year (December)..

Feeling loved & blessed. I am on a small journey of life with little fun & little more work. Some friends & well wishers make me feel bee’s knees. Life is on a roll now. The hoover is now just a tad. I have to mention; that year 2009 which resulted to some bad grades in my initial days of engineering, i lost hope in me. Finished it anyways.

Long story short, few tossers made me feel like a toff. Digesting my life is going easier with time. I am somewhere at least. Anything in me ( Some achievement or that 5 figure bank balance), it’s a contribution of my little efforts to see a next day better than today & that push by my loved ones who never lost faith in me.

I am working on making a life which is simpler & happier. Yes, money excites me. But, when i see me heading to 2-3 countries every month for work or fun, it looks like; “This grumpy TAP made it big.” I am trying. I am consistent. I am still stuck. Stuck at my small health supplement business, my bad health conditions, my PhD admission process in Germany or USA, there are people seeking me stronger with every minute passing, some making me feel loved, some friends busy ruining my habits on how i see life.

Thank you all. Thank you for being there. Thank you for making me feel tad wider-stronger-loved. Thank you all for keeping me alive in your wishes. I never claim to be a good person, but I am an optimistic individual, so I am moving towards a better state of mind/health/vibe. I know how bad i am, few people make me see the goodness in me which I still can’t digest.

Oh. Rest will be there in my new blog/telegram. I will update soon. Wish you all an awesome year ahead.

(3rd pic: That number 9 is actually 12 BTW, i just don’t understand the fight between Google & Apple maps).

Yeah. New product update. As if now, the best selling in my catalogue. Thank you & i will update about next drop soon.

Sneaker Talk: My Journey!!

Till my engineering days were on; the best sneakers i was able to afford was a Puma California & Adidas Superstars. & Yes, i used to cry infront of my mama for one pair of sneakers a year in my school days.

During my recent past & MBA days: my choices skyrocketed to Air Jordans Grape, Air Force 1, Nike Kyrie 2 Gold medal, Nike SB Dunk California High, Air Jordan Lance Mountain, Vans SK8.

Now i am badly stuck at all Adidas originals Campus, Ultraboost, ZX FLUX PK, Gazelle, Yeah Yeezy, Vans Prelows Denim/Suede too. A nice pair of shoe always adds so much personality.  It barks “YOU ARE TODAY”. An outfit goes 90% complete when you hit that right shoe game.

Why is this stupid post! Past year 2017 has given me so much more than i deserve. I see myself in a alltime learning & leaning curve. I will be the same for life. That’s how i am. That’s what i am. I am so limited to my small limits. Friends with whom i lost my touch in university or made few during my travel trips are hitting me up with some warm texts & gifts. Life seems fresh just like a start.

In coming days you will see here so much more about my passion+love for travel & sneakers.

Now. Let’s open up this sneaker game. I want to buy a Nike Air Yeezy 2. If anyone can suggest, a help is always welcome.

Post 1. Keto Diet Chart for freaks.. Day 3

OK.. OK.. First I was thinking of naming the Subject to “Keto Diet Chart for Dummies”.. But Now, let’s skip that & jump to what we need to do in a short span to get rid of those extra fat.
Thought by me while typing: Clothes worth a million can’t make you look good if you look like a douchebag(look Fat)..
Diet Chart:

During Keto everyone avoids carbs, because that’s what Keto Diet is. I too do the same. As I said in my last post; If you are up with a 10 to 4 job, it becomes really hectic to follow a routine/discipline. The advantage of reading this blog post is, Now you don’t need that(Routine/Discipline).
Just remember you have to complete a four time meal as I am going to mention.

You have to eat veggies & some meat/fish/prawn/egg throughout the day as your breakfast-lunch-dinner-any other mood food. If you can go for a small workout routine or you are a fitness enthusiast, please add 2 scoop of 100% whey protein to your diet (any time).
N.B: Lazy guys can just eat right & chill.
Breakfast can be a omelet of 3eggs + some veggies added. Don’t use onion or any sauces to cook. Just some butter & herbs will do the rest when put in a little high flame. Cooking time will be 8-10minute max. This was my breakfast since last 3days. From tomorrow onwards i will be switching to some mushrooms with cream & cheese.

Lunch should be little high on calories because it is going to last till your evening workout starts(in my case). If you are not planning to go for a workout during Keto, I am just suggesting to start with a mild one like walking a mile or try some sit ups. Because during Keto, body gets to experience a new kind of diet which is being consumed by you. High fat, standard protien & low/zero carbs. Still, you need about 15-20grams of carbs in a day to get going. So, don’t forget some veggies.

Now, do or try a small workout after you are free for 20-30minutes (least). Dinner needs to be as half good as your lunch. So cut everything half what you eat during lunch. Or just go with a whey protein shake (No milk/No dairy), use only water. If it tastes lousy, try add a drop/tablet of Stevia. That’s it, you can’t ask more. Ketosis or Keto Diet is basically the survival mode of your body, you may feel a little drowsy or consumed/weak. But, trust me that’s a matter of one or two days. After that you & your body will be habituated to the routine.
In my case, my working hours are 10am to 4pm. I take my breakfast at 8.30. Then lunch at 12.30-1pm. I return home by 5pm, & I have included a small workout routine for myself as I still desire to look like a good looking average guy. (Yes Funny).

Whatever age group you belong, if you are planning to look good & feel sporty; get rid of those extra kilos. & It’s easy, super easy. A small amount of determination can do wonders.
Next post tomorrow, Tap ON for further gyans related to stay fit.