True me.. Tap-641..

Don’t worry about what people think of you or about the way they try to make you feel. If people want to see you as a good person, they will. If they want to see you as a bad person, absolutely nothing you do will stop them. Ironically, the more you try to show them your good intentions, the more reason you give them to knock you down if they are commited to misunderstanding you.

Keep your head up high and be confident in what you do. Be confident in your intentions and keep your eyes ahead instead of wasting your time on those who want to drag you back. Because you can’t change people’s views, you have to believe that true change for yourself comes from within you, not from anyone else. STAY TRUE TO YOURSELF & JUST YOURSELF, THAT’S ENOUGH.

(That post on 10-April was scheduled before a year. Don’t take it seriously, things change. That’s the reason i deleted it.)

Tap OUT..💪

True me.. Tap-640..

Look around you. How many people do you think are settling? Probably a hell of a lot. People settle into okay relationships, okay jobs, okay friends, and an okay life. Why? Because okay is comfortable. Okay pays the bills, and provides a warm bed at night. Some people are fine with okay, and guess what? That’s okay. But okay is not thrilling, it isn’t passion, it’s not life changing or unforgettable. Okay is not the reason you risk absolutely everything you’ve got for the smallest chance that something absolutely amazing could happen. Okay isn’t fun.

You have this one life. How do you wanna spend it? Apologizing? Regretting? Questioning? Hating yourself? Running after people who don’t care for you? Be brave to say NO to this OKAY. Believe in yourself. Do what feels good. You have this one life. Make yourself proud.

Tap OUT..💪




Fresh received package from DHL. Any university pal wants to take some, you are welcome.😜

True me.. Tap-639..

I am yet to reach 30s & i can say one thing from my observation & experience; “People who aren’t successful/happy with their life, always find reasons to justify their lie/cheat/nonsense/inconsistency every single time with the easiest predictable way”.

Now why i focus on these two words “SUCCESS” & “HAPPINESS” in most of my posts?
My answer is; A successful person is more focused on his success rather than rest garbage of life. I am saying it for a relationship as well. Even research studies show successful people hardly cheat in a relationship because they have better things to achieve in life.

So what goes wrong here; when you aren’t happy with yourself or when you aren’t successful in your career/finance/your own goals/dreams, even you don’t know what HAPPINESS means to you. You swing every possible way without next thought in search of that happiness to every wrong place. Nobody can bring happiness to your life. We humans are engineered to like predictable things, i mean a predictable tomorrow with what’s gonna happen, what lifestyle we gonna enjoy, what house we gonna live, what will be our next vacation, what will be our next vehicle, all such things. In modern world most dream big, but sadly it’s daydreaming. Big dreams bring sadness when you see them fading away. It’s your responsibility to sort out your own life first.

Find your peace within yourself. Find your happiness within yourself. Find what “SUCCESS” means to you within yourself. A stable YOU is the priority, rest can join later.

Tap OUT..💪

True me.. Tap-638..

The world is filled with people who, no matter what you do, will point blank not like you. But it is also filled with those who will love you fiercely, they are your people. You are not for everyone and that’s OK.

Talk to people who can hear you.

Don’t waste your precious time and gifts trying to convince others your value, they won’t ever want what you’re selling. Don’t convince them to walk alongside of you. You’ll be wasting both your time and theirs and will likely inflict unnecessary wounds, which will take precious time to heal. You are not for them and they are not for you; politely wave them on, and continue along your way. Sharing your path with someone is a sacred gift; don’t cheapen this gift by rolling yours in the wrong direction. Keep facing your true north.

You are not for everyone.
(Not my words).

Tap OUT..🖐️

True me.. Tap-637..

Life is kind of like a party. You invite a lot of people, some leave early, some stay all night, some laugh with you, some laugh at you, and some show up really late. But in the end, after the fun, there are a few who stay to help you clean up the mess. And most of the time, they aren’t even the ones who made the mess. These people are your true friends in life.

Tap OUT..🤗

True me.. Tap-636..

The hardest part about wanting something real is trying to convince everybody you’re not crazy for feeling like you deserve it. But then you realize, you don’t have to prove anything to anybody.

All you have to do is…
Be patient enough to make it right. Be committed enough to make it strong. Be honest enough to make it last. Us genuine ones deserve something great, we deserve something authentic. And we reserve the right not to be impressed with the usual. It’s not about being too picky or having unrealistic expectations, it’s about knowing you’ve dealt with enough of the BS and you’ve earned the right to have a preference.

Stay true to you, even when nobody gets it. Trust your heart, even when you’re scared. Believe in love, even after you’ve been hurt. Things get better the minute we stop expecting them to be perfect. Timing is everything, so always remember: Some amazing things can happen when you mix patience with hope.

(Not my words)

Tap OUT..💪


Never make friends with people who are above or below you in status. Such friendships will never give you any happiness.

-Chanakya (Ancient Indian Teacher).

True me.. Tap-635..









Tap OUT..👍


One swallow does not make a summer, neither does one fine day; similarly one day or brief time of happiness does not make a person entirely happy.


True me.. Tap-634..


1. You fail to speak up when mistreated.

2. You give away too much of your time.

3. You agree when you actually feel like disagreeing.

4. You feel guilty for dedicating time to yourself.

5. You feel taken for granted by others.

6. You have toxic relationships.

7. You have chronic fear about what others think of you.

8. You over-share details about your life with others.

9. You constantly feel like the victim.

10. You attract people who try to control or dominate you.

(This video got nothing to do with the post above. A tiny message for my bestie bitch Demi; Be a good aunt & get this toy for my future kids. I promise i will let you babysit them when i am out on a vacation.🤣😜)

Tap OUT..🤗

True me.. Tap-633..

Consistency is harder when no one is clapping for you. You must clap for yourself during those times, you should always be your biggest fan.

You can be the whole package and still end up at the wrong address. When this happens, the receiver will mishandle you because
1. They don’t know what to do with you.
2. They weren’t meant to have you in the first place.

Be the best version of yourself just for yourself. Be consistent, truthful, happy & be you, all just for yourself. You are your responsibility.

Tap OUT..🤗


Once you start a working on something, don’t be afraid of failure and don’t abandon it. People who work sincerely are the happiest.

-Chanakya (Ancient Indian Teacher).

True me.. Tap-632..

Educate yourself. When a question about a certain topic pops up, Google it. Watch movies, YouTube videos and documentaries. When something sparks your interest, read about it. Read read read. Study, learn, stimulate your brain. Don’t just rely on the school system, educate that beautiful mind of yours.

Go to university, but go for the right reasons. Education isn’t a gun held to your head: it’s a weapon in your hands. Go not because you’re afraid of not getting a job but go because you love to learn, because you’re excited by ideas, because you believe that education is important for its own sake, and when you get there, pay attention, read everything you can get your hands on, cram yourself with words and figures and ideas, because that’s the one thing they can never take away from you. At the end understand Knowledge, Skills & Qualification, all are equally important parts of life.

Tap OUT..💪

True me.. Tap-631..

If there is ever a day when you feel tired of saying good for them and you are wondering when things will be good for you, take heart with great hope, and consider all the things this season of growing will lead into. Like an ocean that awaits many miles way, you may not be there yet, but you are surely on your way.

So take your time while you are journeying, travel light, be safe. For there will come a time when you finally arrive on those shores and you will be so glad you did not settle. You will be so glad you did not give up. You will be so glad you did not sync yourself to someone else’s pace and chose instead to anchor yourself in the steady rhythm of grace. And after everything you went through, you arrived where you needed to be on time, and everything will be fine. Not perfect, but fine. For every beautiful thing will happen in its TIME.


Tap OUT..🤗

True me.. Tap-630..

Stop worrying about other people understanding you. Get in touch with yourself instead. Focus on what makes you happy, what makes your soul feel at peace. You are your biggest commitment, so start loving your flaws, your awkwardness, your weirdness, your intensity, your vulnerability, your everything. Life becomes so much more fulfilling when you are just simply yourself.

The world keeps spinning whether people understand you or not so why not make this next trip around the sun about you. Be you.
(Not my words).

Tap OUT..🤗

True me.. Tap-629..

You need to ignore what everyone else is doing and achieving. Your life is about breaking your own limits and outgrowing yourself to live YOUR best life. You are not in competition with anyone else; plan to outdo your past, not other people.

Stop apologising. You don’t have to say sorry for how you laugh, how you dress, how you make your hair, how you speak. You don’t have to be sorry for being yourself. Do it fearlessly. It’s time to accept: this is you, and you gotta spend the rest of your life with you. So start loving your sarcasm, your awkwardness, your weird habits, your unique sense of humour, your voice, your talents, your everything. It will make your life so much easier.

Tap OUT..💪

True me.. Tap-628..

Few practical ways to create a better life;


-Enjoying alone time.

-Turning off gadgets and go outside.

-Positive thinking.

-Believing in yourself.

-Making your own happiness your priority.

-Expressing your creativity.

-Acknowledging your desires/dreams/wishes.

-Make everything you want happen.

-Helping others realize they can make their own dose of happiness.


-Playing the victim card.

-Making excuses.

-Letting society tell you how to live.

-Trying to make other people happy.

-Relying on others to make you happy.

-Doubting yourself.

Tap OUT..💪


Too often we forget that discipline really means to teach, not to punish. A disciple is a student, not a recipient of behavioral consequences.

True me.. Tap-627..


So even in the mundane, even in the ordinary, when it feels like you’re walking a plateau, do not give up.

Keep moving. be committed to finishing what you started. And when you do so, without a doubt you’ll find yourself making progress. It’s just a matter of showing up everyday with patience persistence. You got this. Days away from now, you’ll be in a different place and look back at this moment and thank that you continued to show up even in the hard and dry moments.

Things never stay the same, believe that.
(Not my words).

Tap OUT..💪


Education is the best friend. An educated person is respected everywhere. Education beats the beauty and the youth.

– Chanakya (Ancient Indian Teacher).

True me.. Tap-626..


1. If you are unsatisfied with your situation, face the facts. You can either do something about it or accept it. Everything else is being a crybaby.

2. Starting is the hardest part, but even if you fail you’ll grow just from trying.

3. Judge people based on your interactions with them, not on what other people say.

4. Take responsibility for your mistakes. It is hard but people will respect you for being mature and honest.

5. When you want something, don’t settle for mediocrity. Give it your all.

6. Obsessing over the past is the worst way to waste your time.

7. Try to fix the problem before being pissed off at yourself. Sometimes it’s an easy mistake and you won’t have to kick yourself for making the mistake.

8. Make conversation with whoever you can and whenever you can. You can meet some interesting people.

Tap OUT..💪

True me.. Tap-625..


1. Personality is not set in stone. You are able to take control or change it the way you like.

2. Never leave your parents. They are the reason you are here.

3. Never get confused to select between love and friendship. Both have their respective parts to play.

4. When in anger, isolate yourself. Give yourself some time. Finally think about the situation again with calm mind.

5. People say “Follow your heart”. Not in every situation, Instead “Listen to your heart” & “Act With Your Brain”.

6. Time heals almost everything. Give some time and experience the change.

7. Thoughts control your Feelings. Feelings control your Actions. Actions control your Results. POSITIVE THOUGHTS = POSITIVE RESULTS.
(Not my words).

Tap OUT..💪

True me.. Tap-624..


Don’t let this world make you bitter. Don’t let the actions of other people turn you cold inside. Certain things happen that hurt us, people come that leave us, and most of all there are moments when you’re bound to fall. Don’t let those things make you unkind human. It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to be sad. But it’s never okay to do other people wrong just because you were done wrong.

We are HUMANS. We break. We make mistakes. But don’t let pain and sadness run your lives. Wake up in the morning and do what you think is right. There are moments in your life where you feel like giving up and you can’t take it anymore. It’s okay. Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. I know you’re weak. But the things that show your weak side are also the same ones that make you stronger in the long run. It’s all about taking whatever life throws at you and learning from it.
(Not my words).

Tap OUT..💪

True me.. Tap-623..


1. Become more observant. Notice everything that surrounds you. The world is full of examples, ideas, words, wisdom, mistakes and experiences.

2. Collect ideas. Ideas and thoughts tend to evaporate from your mind too fast. Try to capture them before it is too late. Ideally, write down or sketch every single one.

3. Read. Read a lot. Reading is probably the best investment of time ever. Devote at least 30 minutes per day to reading. Ideally, have a book always with you.

4. Analyze your day. Before going to bed, spend 10 minutes analyzing your day. Consider what things you managed to do well and what mistakes you made.

5. Start writing. The biggest value of a good writing skill is that it cultivates a discipline. First of all, the discipline of thinking. Your thoughts will cease to be random and chaotic. They will gradually become systematic and structured instead.

Tap OUT..🤗



True me.. Tap-622..


1. Everything you think is important and meaningful has absolutely no bearing on your future life.

2. Time is too precious to be wasted on the wrong persons.

3. People don’t fall apart because they’re busy, they fall apart due to their differences.

4. Traveling always changes the way you think. Travel as much as you can and don’t settle.

5. There are lots of things that you can’t change, the only thing you can change is yourself.

6. A beautiful body won’t make you happy for so long, a healthy one does.

7. Trustworthy people don’t make you question whether you can trust them or not.

8. Letting go is always the most difficult yet the most important thing we need to learn.

Tap OUT..😘


At your absolute best, you still won’t be good enough for the wrong person. At your worst, you’ll be priceless to the right person. LIFE it is.

True me.. Tap-621..


1. Wake up every morning, say, “this is going to be the best day of my life,’ and it will be.

2. The moment you realize you are responsible for every aspect of your life is when you are completely free.

3. You don’t have to be in a relationship to be happy. You just have to understand yourself.

4. To love yourself, simply be yourself.

5. Life is in constant flux. Savor the moments we enjoy and know that those we don’t will pass.

6. The self is always changing. What matters is how we create the self we wish to be every moment.

7. We only have so much time. It’s okay and crucial to cut off things that are unnecessary.
(Not my words)

Tap OUT..💪

True me.. Tap-620..


1. Everyone is insecure about something. It’s not just you.

2. You will never be 100% sure about decisions you made. But always make a decision because it’s better to go back and fix it than to never make it at all.

3. There is always someone better than you. So there’s no point to compare.

4. There’s nothing in life you can really control except your own thoughts and actions. So always hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

5. Nothing lasts forever. Things change. people change. And YOU can change anytime too.

6. Life is not a fairy tale. That’s why it’s always exciting and you’ll never be bored.

7. Hard work doesn’t guarantee success. But That’s what makes it challenging & fun.
(Not my words).

(This video got nothing to do with the post above. Shared it because i love knowing more about corporate monopoly.)

Tap OUT..💪


Having someone understanding your mind, thoughts, emotions or even face expression, is real intimacy to me.

-Janice Price.

When somebody tells you they are changing the world & you are helping them do that, REMEMBER IT’S PURE BULLSHIT.

(This video got nothing to do with the post above.)

True me.. Tap-619..

Working towards creating a life with certain set of disciplines, some are there & some are on it’s way. Let’s stay optimistic. This post is more of a reminder & checklist for myself.

(Someone shared this video in university group. I wanted to share it because it teaches a lot about how/why slow & steady growth must be our priority).

1. Do one thing at a time & work towards it till it reaches it’s optimum level of success.

2. Go slow and do it deliberately.

3. Develop rituals towards a holistic living.

4. Designate time for certain things.

5. Learn to smile and serve others.

6. Make cleaning and cooking my kind of meditation.

7. Workout everyday & eat right. (Not because i love my abs, but because LOOKING LIKE THE BEST VERSION of myself is my priority for a happy confident look on my face).

Tap OUT..🤗

True me.. Tap-618..

Current generation in relationships be life “Boy playing playstation games & Girl busy with make-up/tiktok videos or instagram pics, i find it both stupid & funny”. Building wealth, property, knowledge, investments & a stable career are becoming flimsy with time among young crowd. When such people enter relationships with their 9-10 month validity boo-boo bullshit, it becomes HILARIOUS further.

I appreciate those who understand “Entering a relationship means becoming a better version of yourself to earn the spot of being with the person you desire”. First become the person you dream to be with.

Tap OUT..🤗

True me.. Tap-617..

You’re going to realize it one day that happiness was never about your job or your degree or being in a relationship. Happiness was never about following in the footsteps of all of those who came before you; it was never about being like the others. One day, you’re going to see it-that happiness was always about the discovery, the hope, the listening to your heart and following it wherever it chose to go. Happiness was always about being kinder to yourself; it was always about embracing the person you were becoming. One day, you will understand that happiness was always about learning how to live with yourself, that your happiness was never in the hands of others.

Happiness was always about you, it will always be about you.

Tap OUT..😘

True me.. Tap-616..

Positive attitude is about seeing goodness in every situation of life.
If you have food in your fridge, clothes on your body, a roof over your head and a place to sleep, you’re richer than 75% of the entire world.

If you have money in your wallet, a little change, and can go anywhere you want, you are among the top 18% of the world’s wealthy people.

If you are alive today with more health than illness, you are more blessed than the million people who will not survive this week and die.

If you can actually READ this message and understand it, you are more fortunate than the 3 billion people in the world who cannot see, cannot read or suffer mental retardation.

Life is not about complaining pain and sorrows. It’s about a thousand other reasons to be grateful and happy.

Tap OUT..💪

True me.. Tap-615..

The average life span of a human is approximately 80 years. That’s equal to about 29,200 days. About 8030 of those are school days & university, leaving you with 21,170 days left. Let’s say you work for 40 years, that’s 14,600 days, leaving you with 6570 days. By the time you retire, you’ll be too weak to do as much as you could’ve. Almost 70% of your life is spent in school and work. So stop waiting until Friday, stop sleeping until 1:00 pm on weekends, stop telling yourself that the week will be over soon because that week might be your dream week. Spend every day like it’s your last & it’s your best. So go out with your friends, pull the all nighter, tell them how you feel, travel around the world, get your hair wet in pool, buy that expensive watch you desire, let go of toxic friendships, fix your GOALS and fetch them, do what your heart desires without hurting others. Don’t wait. Live a life you’d want to relive, or ur just cheating urself.

(Now that you read the entire post, calm the fuck down till this pandemic calms down. Follow rules of lockdown & get vaccinated when it’s your turn.)

Tap OUT..🤗

True me.. Tap-614..

How to practice SELF RESPECT?

When someone treats you like you’re just one of many options, help them narrow their choice by removing yourself from the equation. Sometimes you have to try not to care, no matter how much you do. Because sometimes you can mean almost nothing to someone who means so much to you. It’s not pride – it’s self-respect.

Don’t expect to see positive changes in your life if you surround yourself with negative people. Don’t give part-time people a full-time position in your life. Know your value and what you have to offer, and never settle for anything less than what you deserve.

Tap OUT..🤗

True me.. Tap-613..

Sadness gives depth. Happiness gives height.

Sadness gives roots. Happiness gives branches.

Happiness is like a tree going into the sky, and sadness is like the roots going down into the womb of the earth.

Both are needed and the higher a tree goes, the deeper it goes simultaneously.

The bigger the tree, the bigger will be its roots. In fact, it is always in proportion.

That’s its balance.

– Osho

Tap OUT..👍

True me.. Tap-612..

Once in a while i talk about the flip sides of comfort zone. The darkest side of being stuck in your COMFORT ZONE is; “You could lose your individuality”. When you live your entire life inside your comfort zone, you easily become lost in the crowd without an inner guiding light. You become just another sheep walking with the herd. When you break away from the masses, It might feel uncomfortable but that is the space where you can find fulfillment through growth and connection. Unless you retain your individuality, you won’t make a difference in the world. Capitalize on your potential or learn new things. Once you release yourself from the prison of comfortability, you’ll start to see new and better opportunities and you’ll be able to take advantage of them. Other people will notice how you move forward through life and they will look up to you for guidance and inspiration. Instead of being just another follower, you empower yourself to carve your own path and Lead others toward their greatness as well.

So many people trap themselves within the confines of their comfort zones, for some it’s merely a habit, others never leave because they let their irrational fears dictate their lives, these people condemn themselves to a reality full of frustration and regret. Don’t let that be you although it seems scary to venture out of your comfort zone. You need to take the first steps. If you practice pushing the boundaries of your comfort zone, you’ll become comfortable with the unfamiliar. Then you can jump into drastically different territory of surprises & happiness. It’s the opportunity to become a better version of yourself & create an IDENTITY which can’t be replicated.

Tap OUT..🤗


No Mirror can reflect a picture of a Human as best as his attitude and way of speaking do.

-Hazrat Ali.

(This video got nothing to do with the post above).

True me.. Tap-611..

Most people have a misconception that “Routine is making me bored, repetitive & lazy”. When you think of comfort you might imagine a cozy warm space with blankets and a hot drink, its pleasant for sure. But Comfort is double-edged sword that typically results in the consequences of contentment boredom and laziness. Routines can help give structure to your life and your nightly netflix chill ritual might be satisfying but your habits could also be holding you back from opening up in discovering your hidden talents.

When you trap yourself in your comfort zone for too long, you’ll transform into a zombie, a mere cog in the machine without meaning or fulfillment in life. When you lose your drive to learn to do and to achieve, you lose the ability to create meaning in your life and while it’s nice to feel comfortable, it often leads to wasted potential.

Tap OUT..👍

True me.. Tap-610..

“Choose your words carefully”. Just like your body language, the words you speak and think have a huge impact on your mindset. Establishing a vocabulary that utilizes positive words is an essential habit for healthy mind. Even positive self-talk can help you regulate your emotions and improve your overall psychological state. And it doesn’t end there, the words you use with other people affect how they respond to you creating a feedback loop whether that loop is positive or negative.

It’s up to you before you begin to craft your personal dictionary. You need to know what’s already in it. How do you label things or describe them in conversation? When you talk about your emotions, is the language full of intensity understanding or complexity? When you’re feeling uneasy about a presentation, you might say that you’re terrified but perhaps you’re just a little nervous. If you’re having issues with your partner you could say you’re extremely furious but in reality, you may just be a bit annoyed. When you tag your emotions with intensity, your brain recognizes that in response accordingly. If you are mindful and aware, you can tone down your vocabulary and use language with less emotional power. This way you will be able to stay more positive.

Tap OUT..🤗

True me.. Tap-609..

There’s this one superstition almost everyone of us practices without realising; “Saying bless you when someone sneezes”. Telling someone bless you after a sneeze is a quick reflex that many people possess this superstition. It’s customary to respond to a sneeze so much so that if you fail to bless someone, they may get offended.

But why are we so compelled to say these words to anyone who sneezes? Well, there are a few superstitious theories on why the sneeze specifically calls for a bless you. The most popular began in Rome when the Bubonic plague ravaged the population and one of the symptoms of the disease was sneezing. Pope Gregory the first belief that saying “God bless you” after a sneeze what protect people from Death. There is another theory that stems from ancient history, It used to be believed that a sneeze could accidentally expel someone’s Spirit from their body. Fortunately God could prevent it with the small blessing. Others believed that sneezes expelled unwanted evil spirits. This was good for the sneezer, but it put others at risk. So blessing everyone around was the safety.

(I too say BLESS YOU when someone sneezes, it’s fun & i feel it’s one more way to send some good vibes to other person.)

Tap OUT..🤗

True me.. Tap-606..

Be HONEST, that’s the easiest way to earn respect in a relationship/business or any kind of equation in this world. No one will deny that honesty is essential. In fact, it’s been important throughout all of human history to gain someone’s respect. You must first gain their trust by being honest. Why would you respect or trust someone who’s known to cheat lie or steal! Dishonesty is not a good look in any setting, whether it’s with the cashier at the grocery store or a longtime business partner.

If you want to earn respect, you must always be honest. Successful people know that if the foundation of a relationship either personal or professional spilt a trust, they will have solid ground to stand on. If that ground is cracked with lies or is crumbling due to deceit, the relationship is doomed.

Tap OUT..🤗

True me.. Tap-605..

We all think about past good or bad days, then the next step is “beating yourself up in your head”. We must stop doing this to have a happy healthy state of mind.

People with strong stable mentality hold themselves accountable for their behavior. They refuse to entertain toxic self-criticism. They don’t beat themselves up when they fail or make mistakes because they know, it only harms them in the end instead. They choose a path of growth and compassion always forgiving themselves and learning from their mistakes. First step to achieve peace of mind: FORGIVE YOURSELF.

Tap OUT..🤗

True me.. Tap-602..

This post today about what “your text/email style” talks about your personality. Though it may seem immaculately random, there’s an immense correlation between how we speak in real life and how we write texts/emails so much so that they can reveal a lot about who we are. For example; narcissists tend to use first person language like me, I ,my, mine a lot, extroverts like to use casual tones intend to talk about fun activities/gathering/interests/visions.

How you say something can be just as important as what you say, no typos means that you’re mindful perfectionist or even obsessive, while bad grammar could expose lower levels of IQ and no academic intelligence, long texts/email can show that you have a lot of energy and you are very thorough & patient, but sometimes it can also communicate that you’re overwhelmed with attention or needy in some cases. A person’s personality is like a mine, you have to keep mining good habits to reflect a STRONG PERSONALITY.

Tap OUT..🤗

True me.. Tap-601..

Never expect affection or approval from a narcissist. They always focus on your faults. Narcissist boost their own self-worth by demanding special treatment garnering obedient followers and establishing the highest expectations from others and they enjoy inflating their egos by making other people feel bad about themselves. That’s why they focus on what you do wrong in life.

A narcissist will keep a laundry list of your mistakes faults to use when it’s convenient for them at the same time. They’ll overlook your successes and anything that you do right? Keep that in mind. In the next time you’re trying to gain approval or affection from a narcissist, no matter how hard you try nothing will ever guarantee their support.

Tap OUT..🤗


In Money, there’s no ENEMY. We address everyone as competitors or inspiration, that’s all. Arrogance in the world of business is the beginning of the end.

True me.. Tap-598..

Let me shine light on this issue of “SMARTPHONE ADDICTION”. Just ask yourself “how many of you are starting and ending the day on your phone!!”. Most people are inseparable from their phones. Sometimes this type of connection can be more harmful than helpful, especially at the beginning and end of your day. It’s easy to form the habit of picking up your phone when you wake up and end the day scrolling. Many people even charge their phones right next to their beds.

(I must mention, i am not a huge smartphone addicted person. My addiction is black coffee, Tom and Jerry, Kindle app, now a days i am learning more of music mixing & a new machine learning course. So i am kinda addicted to my iPad. Sad to say i am spending bit too much time with my iPad after work, all thanks to this lockdown.)

But here the problem is emails, to do lists, social media feeds, games and everything else is just creating a barrage of distractions and ideas that cloud your mind creating no good outcome. For the sake of your mental well-being at least try to minimize technology as you start and end your day.

Tap OUT..🤗

True me.. Tap-587..

Stop lying yourself about “I don’t have the time”. Thinking you don’t have time prevents you from taking Chances. It allows you to put the important stuff off until you really don’t have time. If something is important to you, you should try to make time for it.

Just changing the way you think about things is beneficial. Merely thinking about something important that’s worth spending time on can encourage you to actually get it done.

Tap OUT..🤗

True me.. Tap-586..

How often do you feel “I’m too different”!! That’s not just you. So many claim to be different which makes everyone similar and lackluster at the end with that same way of thinking. Spending all your time squeezing yourself in a box trying to fit in is a waste of energy and stops you from reaching your true potential.

Standing out isn’t a bad thing and you might not be as different or weird as you think. Use your unique qualities to your advantage to help you become successful and the best version of you.

Tap OUT..🤗

True me.. Tap-585..

In case you want to grow into a bigger better person, your past mustn’t dictate your present or future. Most believe “past is 100% indicative of future”. Everyone screws up sometimes and we’ve all been hurt in some way, be taken advantage of or have been accepted less than we deserve, but you shouldn’t regret any of it as every negative situation is a chance to learn something and they help us make better choices.

The next time you’ll learn who you can trust, what you want in a friendship or relationship or a business partnership, how to read people and to detect insecurity, you figure out who you are and how to be yourself and most importantly to appreciate the good things in your life over own flaws. Life is fun, let it be.

Tap OUT..🤗

True me.. Tap-582..

Live a life with a thought where nothing is wasted. Seeing postivity in everything/everyone is tough, but worth it. Let me explain. Most think “failed relationships were a waste of time”. No. There are people who are meant to be in your life and people who aren’t, but that doesn’t make any failed relationship a waste. Even if it was awful and wasn’t what you wanted at all, at least you learned what you don’t want.

You shouldn’t force people to stay in your life. If they know your worth and want you in their lives, they will make desirable space for you.

Tap OUT..🤗

True me.. Tap-581..

Someway or other we all have this attitude of “Discounting the positives”. I am talking about not taking responsibility for the good things of our life. It’s a form of negative bias in thinking. This thought pattern is different than ignoring or overlooking the positivity in our life. Instead when good things happen, you might believe that it was luck or explain it away a circumstance. When you don’t acknowledge that your success is yours, you’ll start to feel a lack of control over your life.

If you fail to recognize how your hard work, good decision and skills help you accomplish your goals, your levels of motivation will decrease over time. This is known as learned helplessness. Cherish yourself with some positive vibe time after time.

Tap OUT..🤗

True me.. Tap-580..

So it’s valentine’s day today & even though i don’t believe in such bullshit, i am still writing a tiny post to elaborate my opinion on this nonsense. Have you ever seen a kid who’s super excited for christmas!?! You must have seen, 99% kids are like that. And then there is rest 1% weird type of 4 year old kids who say “SANTA IS FAKE”. The second weird one’s parents already know their kid will definitely become a engineer/doctor/scientist someday. Now i am coming back to topic of valentine’s day. Just like SANTA CLAUS was marketed by rich newyorkers as the face of CHRISTMAS, Valentine’s day is another such gimmick which exists in our society as if it’s a ritual. And yes i don’t believe in it.

What bugs me the most is this question; “TAP, WHAT’S YOUR TYPE!!”. Almost all girls i know in my university have asked this question to me. Some have asked out of curiosity, some asked for romantic reasons. My answer is; I don’t have any type. I don’t have certain set of criterias to pick a girl whom i wanna date. The reason behind it is; i never wanted a girl just because i want a relationship, but I definitely want a relationship if i want someone specific. I am hella slow in such matters. I love taking my sweet time. Still pretty much in love with my bank account. But soon or sooner i definitely want to belong to the one whom i am sold to. Very few of my friends know whom i am mentioning when i say ZK, It’s still a work in progress. A truthful consistent person is the burning desire, that’s all & that’s enough. For those who believe; Happy valentine’s day.

Tap OUT..😘

True me.. Tap-579..

Certain things must be kept personal no matter how clumsy life gets, two such things which bug us the most are past resentments & fears and weaknesses.

Everyone has fears and weaknesses and sharing these things will not provide you comfort. People enjoy seeing other people’s weaknesses, so don’t feed them. You can study up on your fears and weaknesses or if that isn’t working, get some professional help.

Resentments about the past or constantly digging up the past, It’s not going to help. Those past experiences can easily affect today. Do not let these define the moment you are in. The best thing you can do is to express yourself in the moment. This way you can prevent past regrets and resentments. Forgive others in order to be peaceful, move on and let go.

Tap OUT..🤗

True me.. Tap-578..

You will never win an argument with a narcissist. People with narcissistic tendencies are unable or utterly uninterested in resolving a conflict at hand. They simply cannot have a healthy mature conversation. If you’ve ever found yourself arguing with a narcissist, you know that you are always left wondering why you even engage with them in the first place!!

The trouble is when you have a narcissist in life, even a small request for comment can turn into a full-blown argument that goes around and around in circles. And the worst part is that, you feel guilty by the end of it even if nothing is your fault. Well here it’s not you, it’s them. Narcissists are highly skilled in manipulation techniques that are meant to confuse and disorient you. You’re not communicating with a logical mind and that’s why you always feel insane after disagreements. So do what you can to avoid getting into these arguments in the first place, that’s the only way to win.

Tap OUT..🤗