True me.. Tap-544..

Gut feelings is something you should not ignore while making difficult decisions. People often tell you to just listen to your gut. We all have a sort of sixth sense and knowing what is right or wrong and whether or not the decision we are making is a good one. All of the information that you process subconsciously triggers a physical response that you shouldn’t ignore. These feelings are the most primal of impulses and evolutionary end. It’s hardwired into us and their main purpose is to protect us. It’s very important not to dismiss warning signs from your subconscious as it picks up much more about the environment around you than your conscious mind does and it can help you make better decisions. So here few examples on how to work on your feelings.

Being drawn to someone is common. There are positive gut instincts you should pay attention to. One of them is the urge to help another person. Even if there isn’t an obvious reason why someone would need your help. Your brain picks up on body language, tone and other indicators that can suggest the opposite. It doesn’t cost anything to ask someone if you can help them in some way. Besides it’s human instinct to help others and make a difference for someone if we can. Other times you may get the feeling that someone could just be the key to accomplishing some goal or dream. You have your gut tells you that this person will be important in your life whether it’s as a friend, romantic partner or business partner. Getting to know them could lead to an amazing opportunity. If you feel this pull towards someone, you should probably act on it & strike up a conversation and see where it leads.

Follow what you feel. (Said by my bestie bitch when i was going through a rough patch).
Tap OUT..🤗

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