
So called mistakes/nonsense happen under darkness, forgiveness/apologies are made in public. No matter who you are, I can’t bend my rules.

True me.. Tap-184..

Sometimes a paycheck is not enough, then just focus on building yourself for the better. Fun is something when you find yourself truly indulged in right set of people.

And when the same paycheck is extra, you are ready to enter a relationship. That’s the time loyality & intentions will be tested. Prove yourself. LOVE blossoms beautifully under financial freedom.

Tap OUT..😜


Stop victimising yourself. Cut through the crap. Be bold enough to be confident & stand up. Your own mental prison mustn’t push you down.

True me.. Tap-139..

Some relationships look good in Instagram, some work in bed, some work under just certain circumstances with tons of mindfuckery. You definitely know what I am talking about, all those glittery bullshit I mean. I want none. I am just happy to be me. And I want nothing except TRUTH. I will buy the same when I approach LOVE, vice versa.

This is to the one i wanna be with & name LOVE: Trust me I am a real nasty person when my mind loses shit, most of the time it’s work or past memories. I might end up snatching your pizza slice or last bite of cheesecake, more over that I don’t know what harm I can cause you. For me cheating means, Sunday cheat meals. That’s it.

Tap OUT..🤗