True me.. Tap-1719..

Even if you cannot change all the people around you, you can change the people you choose to be around.
Life is too short to waste your time on people
who are inconsistent,
who don’t respect you,
who don’t appreciate you,
who don’t value you.

Spend your life with people
who make you smile,
who make you laugh,
who make you feel loved,
who bring a vibe that’s consistent.
Life is fun, let it be.


True me.. Tap-1698..

Work hard.
Talk less.
Do what you know is right.
Learn from your mistakes.
Build people up.
Laugh often
Stop complaining.

Invest in yourself.
Dream big.
Plan ahead.
Love yourself & your people unconditionally.



Try to surround yourself with positive people who make you happy, sarcastic people who make you laugh.
And coffee.
You should always surround yourself with coffee.

True me.. Tap-1506..

Next time you’re stressed,
take a step back,
inhale and laugh.

Remember who you are and why you’re here.
You’re never given anything in this world that you can’t handle.

Be strong.
Be flexible.
Love yourself.
Love those love you.

And always remember,
just keep moving forward.


True me.. Tap-1480..

My goal is to be filthy rich.

Rich in knowledge.
Rich in adventure.
Rich in laughter.
Rich in morals.
Rich in wealth.
Rich in health.
Rich in family.
Rich in love.


True me.. Tap-1416..

Focus on developing certain habits if you want to live a happy & fulfilled life:

1. Ignore nonsense.
2. Talk to the point.
3. Learn new skills.
4. Help less fortunate.
5. Laugh.
6. Wake up early.
7. No entitlement.


True me.. Tap-1401..

Have a goal.
Wake up earlier.
Start to run.
Make your breakfast.
Cuddle your horse.
Say “I adore you” to someone.
Discover something new about yourself & others.
Own a business.
Sleep well.
Go to that specific place you desire.
Be in peace with yourself.
Take a picture on the top of that mountain.

No matter the kind of goal, have one.
And fight for it.
Wake up everyday with motivation, and fall asleep with a smile.
Live your life to the fullest, every second.
Do exactly what you want, and accomplish it.
You are the master of your life.
You decide.
You create.
So go.
Never doubt of your capacities, and go.


True me.. Tap-1324..

When you wake up each morning, take a moment to think about the kind of life you want to have.
Consciously choose to have a happy life.
A life that is filled with love, laughter, good health and success.
Then begin your day focused on the things you can do to make this your reality.

Be silly.
Be fun.
Be different.
Be crazy.
Be you, because life is too short to be anything but happy.
Choose a happy life.

Tap OUT..✌️



True me.. Tap-1268..

I am slowly learning how to just be in this moment.
How to survive.
How to exist.
How to live.
How to thrive.
How to understand that I cannot control life.
How to understand that I can only experience life in both it’s light and it’s dark stages.
I am slowly learning how to laugh and cry and feel through it all.
I am learning how to welcome the confusion and the joy that come with loving and living and breaking.

I am slowly learning how to accept where I am.
I am slowly learning how to simply believe in what I am becoming.
I am becoming a better version of myself, and that journey is just AMAZING.

Tap OUT..✌️


You need to fight your mind every time it tries to convince you that you are: not good enough, criticized, too serious, not interesting, not wanted, excluded, rejected, or laughed at.

– Martin Brown.

True me.. Tap-1224..

Keep the honest moments close to your heart.
Especially the ones that are the most human.
When you laugh until your ribs ache with your friends, when you feel stars exploding inside of you from falling in love, when life breaks you open and those tears of transformation pour like a river from your soul.
Life is really quite simple.
We get to experience this planet for a brief while.
We get to learn how to love ourselves and one another for the strange, messy, and magical creatures we are.
What a gift it is to have a human life.

If you look a little closer, there is always something to be grateful for.
True GRATITUDE isn’t ignoring the darkness.
It’s participating with your whole heart in whatever moment life brings.
It’s leaning into the unfolding process and having the courage to not need all of the answers.
(Not my words.)

Tap OUT..✌️


So BREAK your silly egos.
FORGIVE quickly.
BELIEVE slowly.
LOVE truly.
LAUGH loudly.
SMILE often.
And NEVER AVOID anything that makes you HAPPY.

True me.. Tap-1182..

You can be high-functioning,
and still be depressed.
You can appear confident,
and still suffer from anxiety.
You can laugh and seem happy,
and still be depressed.
You can make progress in your healing,
and still feel the weight of the trauma.
You can have it all together,
and still feel empty inside.

Be gentle with yourself and others.
Everyone is going through something.

There’s nothing more beautiful than a kind empathetic heart which can feel the same for others as much as for yourself.

Tap OUT..✌️


Don’t hustle yourself into an early grave.
Work hard, but rest harder.
Take time to laugh with friends and family.
Express gratitude for the things you have in this moment while you work to achieve more.

True me.. Tap-1140..

You can be high-functioning,
and still be depressed.
You can appear confident,
and still suffer from anxiety.
You can laugh and seem happy,
and still be depressed.
You can make progress in your healing,
and still feel the weight of the trauma.
You can have it all together,
and still feel empty inside.

Be gentle with yourself and others.
Everyone is going through something.

Tap OUT..✌️


When you’re serious about your DREAM:

• Be ready to be ALONE.
• Be ready to be LAUGHED AT.
• Be ready to be DOUBTED .
• Be ready to be CRITICIZED.
• Be ready to be MISUNDERSTOOD.
• Be ready to lose MANY PEOPLE.

True me.. Tap-1113..

Have a goal.
Wake up earlier.
Start running early morning.
Make a new recipe.
Buy a weighted blanket.
Cuddle your puppy or horse.
Say “I love you & I care for you” to someone.
Laugh to dad jokes.
Discover the universe.
Sing your favourite song.
Have your own blog/business/investments.
Sleep well.
Go to the specific place you desire.
Be in peace with yourself.
Take a picture on the top of a mountain.
No matter the kind of goal, have one GOAL.
And fight for it, keep fighting till you get it done.

Wake up everyday with motivation, and fall asleep with a smile.
Live your life to the fullest, every second.
Do exactly what you want, and accomplish it.
You are the master of your life.
You decide.
You create.
So go.
Never doubt of your capacities, and go.

Tap OUT..🤗

True me.. Tap-1075..

More than anything I really believe we are put here on this earth to enjoy the time we have.
Life is precious so don’t get hung up or bent out of shape over the small stuff.
Enjoy the present moment and have fun, whatever that means to you.

Enjoy free time with family and friends.
Enjoy a laugh and make some memories.
Enjoy learning & making people feel the goodness of life.
Life is fun, let it be.

(This instagram post got nothing to do with the post above. Shared it because i liked it. I am not too much into shopping. Fast fashion brands & discounts in malls/online stores never excite me to purchase anything. I buy something when i am very specific about what i want. Most clothes/sneakers i wear are usually gifted by friends/brands during my birthday/thanksgiving/christmas or any random Monday. But i am a big sucker for watches. Now a days i prefer a good automatic or chronograph watch, but sometimes i still wear G-Shock watches from my high school/engineering college days.)

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-1050..

You can be high-functioning,
and still be depressed.
You can appear confident,
and still suffer from anxiety.
You can laugh and seem happy,
and still be depressed.
You can make progress in your healing,
and still feel the weight of the trauma.
You can have it all together,
and still feel empty inside.

Be gentle with yourself and others,
everyone is going through something.

(This video got nothing to do with the post above. Shared it because i liked the wit. Don’t go too deep into it. There’s a reason stand-up comedians make whole lotta fun & cash.)

Tap OUT..😜


Nobody is going to finally give you permission to love your life, your body, your existence on this Earth.
You do that for you.
You don’t need permission to enjoy the sunshine on your face, the feel of warm water on your skin, the laugh you make when something catches you off guard.

Stop hoarding your joy.
You deserve it all.
Act accordingly.


LIFE Is short.
So BREAK your silly egos.
FORGIVE quickly.
BELIEVE slowly.
LOVE truly.
LAUGH loudly.
And NEVER AVOID anything that makes you SMILE.


Nobody is going to finally give you permission to love your life, your body, your existence on this Earth.
You do that for you.
You don’t need permission to enjoy the sunshine on your face, the feel of warm water on your skin, the laugh you make when something catches you off guard.
Stop hoarding your joy.
You deserve it all.
Act accordingly.


True me.. Tap-937..

Don’t waste your time judging other people, it’s not your place.
You weren’t put here to judge others.
You are here to be the best version of yourself that you can be and to spread love and kindness to everyone you meet.

Do not judge other people, use your time making a difference.
So the moral of the story is; WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE?

(This video got nothing to do with the post above. I feel pity on these antivaxxers, let’s not judge them. I also understand we shouldn’t mock dead people. We mustn’t lack compassion because certain group of dumbfucks can’t understand WHAT’S LIFE or HOW SCIENCE WORKS, these are just victims of misinformation. We can either laugh at their nonsense or smile to their mediocrity.)

Tap OUT..✌️


When you wake up each morning, take a moment to think about the kind of life you want to have.

Consistently consciously choose to have a happy life: one that is filled with love, laughter, good health and success.

Then begin your day focused on the things you can do to make this your reality.

A happy life is a CHOICE, choose it wisely.

(This video got nothing to do with the post above. Watch it & please understand the importance of general knowledge & basic day to day information. Just checking your Google feeds may help you escape embarassing situations. I mean, look at these fools.)

True me.. Tap-844..

Be happy on purpose.
Look for the rainbow when it’s raining.
Find the hope even when it’s bleak.
Choose forgiveness even when bitterness is easier.
Choose love even when it feels impossible.
Make it a habit to choose joy as much as you possibly can because life isn’t meant to be lived in disappointment or frustration.
It’s not meant to be lived in hatred.
It’s meant to be lived laughing so hard your stomach hurts.
It’s meant to be filled with soft moments of love.
It’s meant to be filled with tight hugs that last for minutes.
Life is meant to be lived happy.

Next few lines about this word “HAPPY”.
Only my 17 close friends know why sometimes i ask “Are you happy?” during our weekend meets.
Good people, good communication & good vibes are always welcome with a HAPPY heart.
(Pizzeria & Diwali, Thanks to all those who joined for a tiny celebration.)

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-811..

Keep the honest moments close to your heart.
The ones that are the most human.
When you laugh until your ribs ache with your friends,
when you feel stars exploding inside of you from falling in love,
when life breaks you open and those tears of transformation pour like a river from your soul.
Life is really quite simple.
We get to experience this planet for a brief while.
We get to learn how to love ourselves and one another for the strange, messy, and magical creatures we are.
What a gift it is to have a human life.
If you look a little closer, there is always something to be grateful for.
True gratitude isn’t ignoring the darkness.
It’s participating with your whole heart in whatever moment life brings.
It’s leaning into the unfolding process and having the courage to not need all of the answers.

LIVE for the MOMENTS you can’t PUT into WORDS. (Not my words).

(This paragraph got nothing to do with the post above. Whoever thinks something brewing between TAP & DEMI after seeing my snapchat stories, i am SORRY to disappoint you once again. Actually I was trying to teach her horseriding, but later i had to calm down the horse because DEMI scared him. She scared a canadian warmblood within 5 minutes. And i am afraid of her since the fall of Holy Polish empire. We are bestfriends, that’s all. SORRY MY ROYAL BITCH, YOU KNOW I HATE YOU.😋😘)

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-786..

I am happy when I eat fresh fruit,
when I burst out laughing,
when I discover a new song,
when I finish a good book,
when I wake up and feel relaxed.
I’m glad to have friends, family, a home,
food when I’m hungry,
hot water when I shower.
I love being able to live and see the seasons change,
to have gifts at christmas and at my birthday,
to travel sometimes,
to have a good education and a great access to culture.
I’m flattered when people compliment me,
when people smile at me,
when people are polite to me.

There are so many things that make life so simple and easy and I will always think about them more than all the bad things that will happen to me.
I do not have time to be sad every day and ungrateful.
I have every reason in the world to be happy.
Take life day by day and be grateful for the little things.
Don’t get caught up in what you can’t control.
Focus on the positive.

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-744..

No one knows what you need to do more than you do.
Cry when you need to. It’s relieving.
Laugh when you need to. It’s healing.
Sit alone when you need to. It’s necessary.
Surround yourself with strangers when you need to. It’s eye-opening.
Living by your needs is not easy. No one said it was.

But a fact that you should always remember is this:
“you are more worthy of being taken care of than anyone around you”.
And I don’t mean the superficial kind of care.
I mean the care that your soul needs.
Everyone around you is struggling somehow.
Everyone around you is trying to reach a goal, a destination, or a dream.
Just as you might not expose your worries to the world, no one else has to.

Remember that you are a work in progress.
You are not perfect.
You are not expected to be perfect.
Do not allow the fear of falling to stop you from jumping.
Do not allow the fear of responsibility to stop you from committing.
Do not allow the fear of exposure to stop you from shining.

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-685..

No one knows what you need to do more than you do.
Cry when you need to, It’s relieving.
Laugh when you need to, It’s healing.
Sit alone half an hour when you need to, It’s necessary.
Surround yourself with random friends when you need to, It’s eye-opening. Especially listening to someone carefully is a dose of nectar to our eager mind & heart. Living by your needs is not easy, no one said it was. But a fact that you should always remember is this: “You are more worthy of being taken care of than anyone around you. And I don’t mean the superficial kind of care. I mean the care that your soul needs”.

Everyone around you is struggling somehow. Everyone around you is trying to reach a goal, a destination, or a dream. Just as you might not expose your worries to the world, no one else has to. Remember that you are a work in progress. You are not perfect & you are not expected to be PERFECT.

Do not allow the fear of falling to stop you from jumping.
Do not allow the fear of responsibility to stop you from committing.
Do not allow the fear of exposure to stop you from shining.
(Not my words).

Tap OUT..🤗

True me.. Tap-637..

Life is kind of like a party. You invite a lot of people, some leave early, some stay all night, some laugh with you, some laugh at you, and some show up really late. But in the end, after the fun, there are a few who stay to help you clean up the mess. And most of the time, they aren’t even the ones who made the mess. These people are your true friends in life.

Tap OUT..🤗

True me.. Tap-459..

Smile & Laugh are two different things. In my case, I laugh a lot & I hardly smile. For an example; whenever I meet few girls from my uni, that ass makes me smile but that intelligence makes me laugh. (SUP ZK).😝

There must be a feminazi somewhere thinking “HOW THE FUCK THIS GUY CAN QUOTE GIRLS AS DUMB!!”. Please calm down. You can swap the genders & read it, I still mean the same. I am just saying “Lack of knowledge is dumb. And information is knowledge, not your university degree. According to my analogy, every lazy person is dumb due to their lack of interest in information & slow easy mindset towards life”.

I need to smile more. Maybe you need to laugh more. Smile & Laugh both. Life is fun, let it be.
Tap OUT..😜

Best Dad-Son Duo Joke..

Dad: At your age I was married & impregnated your mum with you in her tummy. When are you planning to get married?

Son: OK. Chill. No marriage. But next one, i too tried something like that with my girl.

Dad: What do you mean?

Son: I mean, I don’t know how to impregnate her with a condom on my lion.

Dad: You are a proper asshole.

Son: She said the same couple of times. 🤣

Some jokes have no conclusion. Get what you can take out of it. 🤣👍 SORRY BABA.