True me.. Tap-1044..

You can’t let people scare you.
You can’t go your whole life trying to please everyone else.
You can’t go through life worried about what everyone else is going to think.
Whether it’s your hair, clothes, what you have to say, how you feel, what you believe and what you have.
You can’t let the judgment of others stop you from being you.
Because if you do, you’re no longer you.
You’re someone everyone else wants you to be.
Be you, that’s the most amazing thing you can do with yourself.

(This video got nothing to do with the post above. CNBC never disappoints with anything. Shared this video because i found it informative. Watch it if you have 10 minutes to know little bit about London & Russian influence on it.)

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-914..

You have to be fearless about pursuing your dreams.
You have to be willing to leave your comfort zone to grow not only as a human being but to push your own boundaries.
I encourage anyone chasing dreams to be fearless;
go into emotional areas that aren’t always comfortable or comprehensible.
Do something out of your comfort zone today.
Sometimes the things that scare us help us grow.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.
So throw off the bowlines.
Sail away from the safe harbor.
Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover.
(Not my words.)

Tap OUT..💪

True me.. Tap-655..

You can’t let people scare you.
You can’t go your whole life trying to please everyone else.
You can’t go through life worried about what everyone else is going to think.
Whether it’s your hair, clothes, what you have to say, how you feel, what you believe and what you have, you can’t let the judgment of others stop you from being you.
Because if you do, you’re no longer you. You’re someone everyone else wants you to be. It’s just a waste of your precious time because you aren’t getting this life again.


Tap OUT..🤗

True me.. Tap-445..

We live in a fast-paced world where it’s easy to judge and hard to understand anything/anybody. People will never understand your journey or your struggle. Actually they don’t need to, it’s not meant for them. Don’t waste your time explaining, people hear what they want to hear and nobody is bigger than their understanding.

Goals/dreams must scare you little bit in exchange of tons of excitement. Your dreams & goals are yours, so is your JOURNEY. Enjoy it. Have a good one.

Tap OUT..💪