True me.. Tap-1184..

Life is rarely ever predictable.
The truth is: we were never guaranteed that we would have the answers for everything or feel certainty in every situation.

That’s part of this journey’s adventure to get from where we are to where we want to be, we are required to trust, hope, and believe, and dare to blaze the trail even when the path in front of us looks near impossible.

The secret to life isn’t about knowing the future or having the perfect roadmap, but rather having faith for the future and the spirit of a pioneer.


Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-1183..

You’ve got to ask yourself what you’re living for, who you’re living for, and if none of those answers begin with you then you’re living your life wrong.
You’re living a lie.
Everything you do should revolve around you.
Every person, every place, ever moment should start and end with you.

This is your life and you shouldn’t spend it on dull things, in people who don’t understand the type of love you carry within your bones.
Because you only live once and it’s your job to make it count.
So let every day be yours, own it and never apologize for being who you are.

Tap OUT..✌️


You are the priority in your life.
How you love you, how you see you, how you treat you is going to set the stage and issue the invitation that will draw other people in to love you.


Everything in life starts with your mindset first and your actions second.
Your actions follow your thoughts, your beliefs and ideas.
To make a shift, to free your energy: start with getting your mind right, and then, take action.


My primary goal in life is to feel vibrant and alive, inside and out.
Mentally, emotionally, spiritually & physically.
I’ve been unhappy enough to know that I only want joy+peace to surround and flow through me.

– Alex Elle.


Everything in life starts with your mindset first and your actions second.
Your actions follow your thoughts, your beliefs and ideas.
To make a shift, to free your energy: start with getting your mind right, and then, take action.

True me.. Tap-1174..

Certain things i wish i knew sooner:

1. If taking care of yourself means letting someone down, then let someone down.
2. Never let rejection lead to self-rejection.
3. What happened yesterday may not be your responsibility, but how you behave today is upto you.
4. Obsessing over the things that society said you’re supposed to do will kill your happiness.
Everyone is different and your path to happiness will be different too.
5. My low maintenance relationships are my strongest.
6. If you want to enjoy your life, don’t subscribe to other people’s definition of ‘fun‘.
Your fun belongs to you, make sure you define it.
7. Stop expecting honesty from people who lie to themselves.
People who are inconsistent aren’t going anywhere in their life, stop planning a journey with them.
8. If you learn to read books, you can be smart.
If you learn to read yourself, you can be anything.

Tap OUT..✌️


Life is about balance.
Be kind, but don’t let people abuse you.
Trust, but don’t be deceived.
Be content, but never stop improving yourself.

True me.. Tap-1171..

SUCCESS never comes to look for you while you wait around thinking about it.
You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.
Knowledge is basically useless without action.
And action means nothing without intention.
Good things don’t come to those who wait;
they come to those who work on meaningful goals.

Ask yourself what’s really important and then have the courage to build your life around your answer.

And remember, if you wait until you feel 100% ready to begin, you’ll likely be waiting the rest of your life.

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-1167..

You have this one life.
How do you wanna spend it?
Hating yourself?
Running after people who don’t see you?

Be brave.
Believe in yourself.
Do what feels good.
Take risks.
You have this one life.
Make yourself proud.

Tap OUT..✌️


Self-control is strength.
Calmness is mastery.
You have to get to a point where your mood doesn’t shift based on the insignificant actions of someone else.
Don’t allow others to control the direction of your life.
Don’t allow your emotions to overpower your intelligence.


You need to ignore what everyone else is doing and achieving.
Your life is about breaking your own limits and outgrowing yourself to live your best life.
You are not in competition with anyone else.
Plan to outdo your past, not other people.

True me.. Tap-1157..

If youve never tasted a bad apple, you will not appreciate a good apple.
You have to experience life to understand life.
You have to endure disappointment in life, all kind of disappointments, you have to fall flat on your face and feel the pain.
Accept that a lot of your “friends”rather see you fall and fail.
Jealousy is bad disease.
It’s hard to accept and it has a bitter taste, but thats life.
At the end if you don’t give up, SUCCESS is inevitable.
We have to fall before we find out who we really are and what we are capable of.

(This video got nothing to do with the post above. One of my favourite songs i must say, I had to share it.🤣 Watch it for fun.)

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-1155..

Love your fucking life.
Take pictures of everything you find beautiful.
Tell people you love them.
Talk to random strangers.
Do things that you’re scared to do.
Fuck it, because so many of us die and no one remembers a thing we did.

Take your life and make it the best story in the world.
Remain consistent with your way of living.
Remain consistent with your desires & demands.
Remain consistent with your goals & dreams.
Don’t waste these precious things called “LIFE”.

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-1154..


• Can we talk?
• I apologise.
• You were right.
• I love you.
• I miss you.
• I don’t want to be at odds.

Stop letting pride & ego hold you hostage from the happiness in life.

(This video got nothing to do with the post above. The best tribute video to Boris Johnson. I had to share it.)

Tap OUT..😜


Life is too short to worry about stupid things.
Have fun.
Fall in love with a vibe that’s consistent.
Regret nothing.
And don’t let people bring you down.


Ssshhhhhhhh. Secret.
Here’s my cheat sheet to a happy happening life.

Write when you are overthinking.
Move when you are anxious.
Read something new when you are tired.
Walk when you are confused.
Workout when you are sad.


In life, you will realize there is a role for everyone you meet.
Some will test you,
some will use you,
some will love you,
and some will teach you.
But the ones who are truly important are the ones who bring out the best in you.
They are the rare and amazing people who remind you why it’s worth it.

True me.. Tap-1149..

There are so many popular figures who want people to think they are strong and tough because they use substances and party all night long.
To me, strong is when you can sit through your problems and feel your emotions, when you don’t have to hide them.
There have been nights where I’ve had to sit on my hands because I want to act out, because I physically can’t sit still in the pain or I’m trying to distract myself from living in the moment.

Stop running and start dealing with life and your problems.
It could be as simple as not checking your phone when you’re uncomfortable or alone.
Listen to what’s going on in your mind and respect the thoughts coming to you.
If you’re spending your entire life chasing the next party, what are you running away from?

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-1148..

Life doesn’t always go in a straight line.
Things get messy and tangled.
And our paths twist and turn in many directions.
The right things happen at the wrong time and opportunities get passed by.
Some things happen that we just cannot understand in the moment no matter how badly we want an answer.
And some things that we wish would happen just never do.

Life can be a little messy, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be wonderful.
Because even in the messiness, even in the mistakes and missed chances, even in the midst of not knowing what to do or where to turn, there are still so many beautiful moments.
There is still love and joy and light.
There is still laughter and kindness.
So maybe life is messy.
But maybe, it doesn’t need to be anything else.
Maybe it’s in all of the messiness that we can see all of the things that matter most of all.
(Not my words.)

Tap OUT..✌️


Your entire life can really change in a year.
You just gotta love yourself enough to know you deserve more.
Be brave enough to demand more.
And be disciplined enough to actually work for more.


A lot of people have asked why I’m so low key lately!!
It’s because, I’m enjoying living my life instead of trying to prove l have one life.


You will not always be the smartest person in the room, and you will not always be the strongest or the funniest or the most talented.

But you can always be brave and you can always be kind, and these are the things you should be every minute of every day for the rest of your life.
Because yes, those things on top are great things. These next ones are better.


I saw a post today that said, “When you finally learn your place in peoples lives, your feelings won’t get hurt. And loyalty doesn’t mean accepting unlimited amounts of inconsistency & pain from others”.

Whether it’s friends, family or whoever. I swear that’s the truth and one of the most important life lessons you’ll learn.

True me.. Tap-1142..

Make choices that make people wonder if you’ve lost your mind.
Disappoint people if needed.
Fly off the handle.
Learn to be alone.
Learn to be with others too.
Smile when you’re sad, just to confuse those who are trying to bring you down.
Live a good life.
Be kind when you can and understanding when you can’t.
Be irreplaceable, undefeatable, incorrigible.
Do all of the small things with grace, laughter and an unshakeable belief in what’s to come.
Don’t you worry.
Be a fearless authentic version of yourself.
Life is fun, let it be.

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-1141..

Eat better.
Run more.
Squat more.
Sleep earlier.
Wake up earlier.
Make a good breakfast.
Drink water.
Eat fruits.
Read books.
Talk less.
Listen more.
Feel deeper.
Love better.
Open your eyes.
Experience life.
Be happy.
Be you.

Tap OUT..✌️


It’s the small habits,
how you spend your mornings,
how you talk to yourself,
what you read,
what you watch,
who you share your energy with,
who has access to you.
That will change your LIFE.


If you are serious about the change in your life that you desire, you must be willing to go through uncomfortable situations.
It is the only way you will GROW.

True me.. Tap-1138..

It’s funny because when you were a child,
you believe you can be anything you want to be, go wherever you want to go.
There’s no limit to what you can dream.
You expect the unexpected,
you believe in magic,
you believe in fairy tales,
and you strongly believe in possibilities.
Then you get older.
That innocence is shattered.
And somewhere along the way the reality of life gets in the way.
You’re hit by the realization that you can’t be all you wanted to be.
You might have to settle for a bit little bit less.


Tap OUT..💪


You need to ignore what everyone else is doing and achieving.
Your life is about breaking your own limits and outgrowing yourself to live your best life.
You are not in competition with anyone else.
Plan to outdo your past, not other people.

True me.. Tap-1133..

This is what you don’t do:

Don’t let this world make you bitter.
Don’t let the actions of other people turn you cold on the inside.
Certain things happen that hurt us, people come that leave us, and most of all there are moments when you’re bound to fall.
Don’t let those things make you unkind.
It’s okay to cry.
It’s okay to be sad.
But it’s never okay to do other people wrong just because you were done wrong.
We’re human.
We break.
We make mistakes.
But don’t let pain and sadness run your life.

Wake up in the morning and do what you think is right.
There are moments in your life where you feel like giving up and you can’t take it anymore.
It’s okay.
I know you’re weak.
But the things that show your weak side are also the same ones that make you stronger in the long run.
It’s all about taking whatever life throws at you and learning from it.

Tap OUT..✌️


Self-control is strength.
Calmness is mastery.
You have to get to a point where your mood doesn’t shift based on the insignificant actions of someone else.
Don’t allow others to control the direction of your life.
Don’t allow your emotions to overpower your intelligence.


The older I get, the more comfortable I am with letting things go.
Everything doesn’t warrant a reaction, response, or rebuttal.
I am most peaceful when I preserve my energy for things that elevate ease in my life.


True me.. Tap-1126..

7 Things to live by:

1. Go after dreams, not people
2. Love yourself and the rest will follow.
3. Never lose your sense of wonder.
4. You are capable of more than you know.
5. No regrets in life. Just lessons learned.
6. Your only limit is you.
7. Life goes by in a blink of an eye. So live life.

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-1123..

Please stop overthinking life like you have to have an answer to every feeling or situation.
That’s not how life works.
We figure it all out by just living.
We learn what’s important and what isn’t
by messing up,
by missing an opportunity,
by seeking advice and not taking it.

Sometimes we have no damn clue what to do, and that’s okay.
Always trust your gut and know that everything works out the way it’s meant to.
It always does.
Relax; we were never in control anyway.

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-1122..

Sometimes, a bad day turns into a bad week,
which finally becomes a bad month,
which ends up leading to generalized bad times.
And you struggle.
You feel like you’ve been thrown into a battlefield you did most certainly not ask for.
But you are here.
And you have to keep fighting.
Sometimes, staying alive with an optimistic mindset is like taking a spoon of the medicine you hate the most.
This spoon of medicine is bitter, hard to swallow and straight up disgusting so you block your nose with the other hand and drink it anyways because you have no other options.
The same thing happens here.
When you don’t want to fight anymore because you are just so tired, all you have to do is to blindly trust you’re gonna make it out alive.

You have to keep fighting, even if you are crawling on the floor.
I don’t care, you’ve got to keep fighting.
Life goes on after death, you will go on after bad times, I swear.
(Not my words.)

Tap OUT..💪


My primary GOAL in life is to feel vibrant and alive, inside and out. Mentally, emotionally, spiritually & physically.
I’ve been unhappy enough to know that I only want joy & peace to surround me and flow through me.


True me.. Tap-1116..

6 Ways to fill your LIFE with PROSPERITY:

1. Make a personal commitment to add more value than you are paid for in your work/business relationships.

2. Live out of your imagination rather than out of your memory by constantly envisioning yourself having all you want.

3. Get in the habit of blessing your money and silently hoping that it helps the person you give it to.

4. Spend one hour this week journaling about your beliefs around money so that you heighten your awareness as to any blocks and resistance to having more.

5. In your journal make a collage of images showing others living the life you want.

6. Become the most giving person you know.

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-1114..

What interests me the most, is a persons mind.
Their stories.
Their thoughts.
The memories.
The secrets that lay dormant in their head, waiting to be told.
I find it so interesting.
Cause I have been through a lot.
And I am just fascinated by other’s struggles.
Everyone has their own struggle.
I love learning from someone’s life.
How they came to be the person they are today, why they act or talk the way they do.
These all dictate a person’s character, values & personality.
It’s just very interesting.
Be an authentic version of yourself fearlessly.

Tap OUT..✌️


Self-control is strength.
Calmness is mastery.
You have to get to a point where your mood doesn’t shift based on the insignificant actions of someone else.
Don’t allow others to control the direction of your life.
Don’t allow your emotions to empower your intelligence.

True me.. Tap-1113..

Have a goal.
Wake up earlier.
Start running early morning.
Make a new recipe.
Buy a weighted blanket.
Cuddle your puppy or horse.
Say “I love you & I care for you” to someone.
Laugh to dad jokes.
Discover the universe.
Sing your favourite song.
Have your own blog/business/investments.
Sleep well.
Go to the specific place you desire.
Be in peace with yourself.
Take a picture on the top of a mountain.
No matter the kind of goal, have one GOAL.
And fight for it, keep fighting till you get it done.

Wake up everyday with motivation, and fall asleep with a smile.
Live your life to the fullest, every second.
Do exactly what you want, and accomplish it.
You are the master of your life.
You decide.
You create.
So go.
Never doubt of your capacities, and go.

Tap OUT..🤗

True me.. Tap-1110..

No matter what you do, no matter how many times you screw up and think to yourself “there’s no point to carry on”, no matter how many people tell you that you can’t do it, keep going.
Don’t quit.

Don’t quit, because a month from now you will be that much closer to your goal than you are now.
Yesterday you said tomorrow.
Make today count.
Keep going.

(This video got nothing to do with the post above. Thanks to my mum for teaching me how to play chess at the age of 7. I was playing state level chess till my MBA days. The game started in India & now there’s chess Olympiad happening in India. Here’s a short video about history of chess.)

Tap OUT..💪

True me.. Tap-1109..

Life lessons it took me a while to learn:

1. Missing people is not a reason to reconnect with them.
It’s okay to remember people without rekindling.
2. You can’t talk to everyone about everything.
It’s okay to have certain people for certain topics.
3. When someone is envious of you, it’s not your job to make them feel better about who you are.
4. Assumptions are not rooted in fact.
If you want to know something, it’s always best to ask.
5. Authenticity equals freedom.
There’s nothing that someone can hold over you when you’re okay with who you are.

Tap OUT..💪


Your entire life can really change in a year.
You just gotta love yourself enough to know you deserve more.
Be brave enough to demand more.
And be disciplined enough to actually work for more.


If you are serious about the change in your life that you desire, you must be willing to go through uncomfortable situations.
That’s the only way to grow.

True me.. Tap-1105..

Life doesn’t end at 25.
Life doesn’t end at 30 or 40 either.
Life doesn’t end at 65.
It doesn’t matter how old you are.
It doesn’t matter when you decide to get your high school degree or start a family.
It doesn’t matter when you decide to go run a marathon or go travel the world.
Life is not made up by numbers, age is just a number, and your age is not all that you are.
You got time.
Life doesn’t end until it ends.

(This video got nothing to do with the post above. I am a big fan of entire Marvel Cinematic Universe. MCU phase-4 is amazing so far & Next phase-5 looks amazing. I had to share it.)

Tap OUT..🥰

True me.. Tap-1103..

If anyone tells you that you can’t live the life you imagined, you don’t have to prove them wrong.
Just keep on working your hardest and know in your heart that you can achieve it.
Use their doubtful attitude as motivation.

You deserve all the happiness in the world.
So pursue it with all the madness and passion in your soul.
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.
Live the life you have imagined.

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-1102..

When I was fighting depression, I remember hearing this expression and not understanding it at first.
When I decided to implement it in my life, a whole new world opened up for me.
Change the negative, self-loathing thoughts to positive, self-affirming ones.
When you’re positive about yourself and everything around you, you begin to see the world in a different light.
Your life today is what you make of it.

Be mindful of the tone of your thoughts.
Change your thoughts, change your life.
(Not my words.)

Tap OUT..✌️


Self-care isn’t just holidays and massages.
It’s working on your habits, mindset and healing your past.
It’s removing toxic thoughts, inconsistent people and places in your life.
Self-care is living intentionally, purposefully and consciously.

True me.. Tap-1099..

Life is rarely ever predictable.
The truth is: we were never guaranteed that we would have the answers for everything or feel certainty in every situation.

That’s part of this journey’s adventure to get from where we are to where we want to be, we are required to trust, hope, and believe, and dare to blaze the trail even when the path in front of us looks near impossible.

The secret to life isn’t about knowing the future or having the perfect roadmap, but rather having faith for the future and the spirit of a pioneer.

Tap OUT..✌️


People settle because they’re afraid something better won’t come along.
They fear they aren’t good enough.
You are worth exactly what you want in life, but you have to believe it or you won’t attract something better.

Take a moment to realize your worth.
Don’t ever settle.

True me.. Tap-1096..

Each one of us is born with a unique and remarkable gift that’s not only meant to change our lives but the greater world around us.
I know this to be true because I’ve witnessed it throughout my life.
Whatever your strengths are, they may be something that someone else wishes they had.
So use your gifts wisely and you will be amazed how much you can inspire others.

Inspire someone today just by being yourself.
The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.
Life is fun, let it be.

Tap OUT..✌️


Your entire life can really change in a year.
You just gotta love yourself enough to know you deserve more, be brave enough to demand more, and be disciplined enough to actually work for more.

True me.. Tap-1095..

The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of ATTITUDE on life.
Attitude, to me is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do.
It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill.
It will make or break a company, a church, a school, a home.

The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.
We cannot change our past.
We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way.
We cannot change the inevitable.

The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude.
I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.
And so it is with you, we are in charge of our ATTITUDE.

Tap OUT..✌️


When you wake up each morning, take a moment to think about the kind of life you want to have.
Consciously choose to have a happy life: one that is filled with love, laughter, good health and success.
Then begin your day focused on the things you can do to make this your reality.

True me.. Tap-1092..

No matter what is going on in your world, no matter what happens today, do everything with a joyful heart.
During the highs and lows, choose a stance of celebration.
Every day, choose to find something to be thankful for.
Decide to find the gold, and resolve to look for the happy moments.

If you can’t find anything to be joyful about, remember this: you are alive with a beating heart and air flowing through your lungs.
This means your work here is not finished, and you haven’t reached your story’s end.
You have a purpose; you have a dream that needs you to bring it to life.
That is something to be joyful about and celebrate.

(This video got nothing to do with the post above. Apparantly PROFESSIONAL MODEL BLOWER is a real thing, even though this video is hella funny. 2 minutes of pure fun. Don’t miss it.)

Tap OUT..😜


Your entire life can really change in a year.
You just gotta love yourself enough to know you deserve more, be brave enough to demand more, and be disciplined enough to actually work for more.

True me.. Tap-1091..

You have this one life.
How do you wanna spend it?
Hating yourself?
Running after people who don’t see you?

Be brave.
Believe in yourself.
Do what feels good.
Take risks.
You have this one life.
Make yourself proud.

(This video got nothing to do with the post above. No disrespect to Boris Johnson or Irish people, this one is funny af. No matter how much i laugh, it’s kinda true. I had to share this 55 seconds pure joy.)

Tap OUT..🤪

True me.. Tap-1089..

You don’t have to go searching the world for success.
It’s already within you.
So, how do you obtain it?
Dig deep within you and develop what you have been given.
You’ve been gifted with skills, talents, knowledge, and creativity to help you bring your dreams and ideas to life.
Start developing those treasures, don’t take them for granted or let them stay hidden and unused.
It won’t always be easy sometimes, it will feel like hard work.

But stand in confidence that if you are willing to dig deep and put in the work to develop yourself, your gifts, and your creativity, you will be victorious.
As you dig deep and honor your gifts, you will find that you are pure gold capable of every success you dream of.
You got this.

Tap OUT..💪


People always mistake SIMPLE with EASY.

For example; suppose you want a great body.
You just need to wake up early for a run, eat right, do push-ups, do pull-ups, do squats, sleep in time, done.
You have to do this every single day of your life.
That’s so SIMPLE.
But, how EASY is that, you have to answer me!?


True me.. Tap-1088..


1. Wake up every morning, say, ‘this is going to be the best day of my life’, and it will be.
2. The moment you realize you are responsible for every aspect of your life is when you are completely free.
3. You don’t have to be in a relationship to be happy.
You just have to understand yourself.
4. To love yourself, simply be yourself.
5. Life is in constant flux.
Savor the moments we enjoy and know that those we don’t will pass.
6. The self is always changing.
What matters is how we create the self we wish to be every moment.
7. We only have so much time.
It’s okay and crucial to cut off things that are unnecessary.

Tap OUT..💪

True me.. Tap-1085..

If tou truly want something you will make it happen, do not blame the conditions.
We create our own destiny.
It is we who decided what we can and can not do.
Work hard and put your heart and soul into your work.
Use every second to think about how you can achieve your goal.
Focus on your own stuff.
Everybody walks a diffrent path.
Do not try to walk someone else’s path because that is not going to work.
And most important, DO WHAT YOU LOVE.

(This video got nothing to do with the post above. Sharing it because it’s buzzing in my head since past two days. Of course it’s an awesome track.)

Tap OUT..🥰


You need to learn how to select your thoughts just the same way you select your clothes every day.
This is a power you can cultivate.
If you want to control things in your life so bad, work on the mind. That’s the only thing you should be trying to control.

True me.. Tap-1082..

When someone treats you like you’re just one of many options, help them narrow their choice by removing yourself from the equation.
Sometimes you have to try not to care, no matter how much you do.
Because sometimes you can mean almost nothing to someone who means so much to you.
It’s not pride, it’s self-respect.

Don’t expect to see positive changes in your life if you surround yourself with negative people.
Don’t give part-time people a full-time position in your life.
Know your value and what you have to offer and never settle for anything less than what you deserve.

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-1079..

Three major lessons you must learn for an easy smooth sailing life;

1. Sometimes bad things happen to good people and sometimes you might think you know someone, you might think they’re on your side but deep down inside they’re not.
Pay attention.
Actions speak louder than words, inconsistent words mean nothing and such words are just another way to cover up the truth with lies.

2. Almost everything we go through we can’t control.
That means, if it’s yours, then somewhere down the line it’ll return to you.
And if it’s not, then you have to make peace with it and move on.
It’s as simple as that.

3. Letting go is never an easy thing to do, no matter how many times you’ve rehearsed it, no matter how many times you’ve played it in your head, it never goes as planned and almost always does it sting a little harder than you thought.
(Not my words.)

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-1077..

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.
The small things in life don’t need to be worried and stressed about so much.
The alarm can be fixed.
The tire can be replaced.
The coffee can be refilled.
The parking ticket can be paid.
The keys can be found.
The to-dos can get to-done.
You can get sleep.
You can get some food.
Maybe a Snickers to satisfy.

Your life is great.
You just have to allow it to be.
People don’t make you angry, you allow the anger to dwell within you.
Circumstances don’t upset you, you allow yourself to get upset.
You choose to worry, you choose to criticize, you choose to blame, and you choose to complain.
No one else decides this for you.


Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-1076..

Everyone has a story to tell, a lesson to teach, and wisdom to share.
Life is a beautiful masterpiece bound together by your experiences.
Open up and share your story; become an inspiration to others.

You can make a difference because you matter.
You were created with purpose.
Live your life with good intention, go out there and make a difference by being the difference.

(This video got nothing to do with the post above. Big fan of Key & Peele, also a big fan of Neil deGrasse Tyson. Watch it for fun & you will definitely gain some knowledge about parallel universe.)

Tap OUT..😜

True me.. Tap-1073..


1. The past is in the past, focus on the future.
2. Opinions do not define reality.
3. Everyone’s journey is different.
4. Time is the essence of healing.
5. Judgement is a confession of character.
6. Overthinking will lead to paralysis/sadness.
7. Happiness is an inside job, found within.
8. Positive thoughts, create positive actions.
9. Smiles are contagious.
10. Sprinkle kindness, it’s free.
11. You only fail if you quit/do not try.
12. What goes around, comes around. Karma it is.
13. The quicker you choose to move forward, the quicker the suffering ends.

Tap OUT..✌️


The most important lesson I’ve learned over this past year is, don’t let anybody make you cruel.

No matter how badly you want to give the world a taste of its own bitter medicine, it is never worth losing yourself.

True me.. Tap-1072..

Life is rarely ever predictable.
The truth is: we were never guaranteed that we would have the answers for everything or feel certainty in every situation.

That’s part of this journey’s adventure to get from where we are to where we want to be, we are required to trust, hope, and believe, and dare to blaze the trail even when the path in front of us looks near impossible.

The secret to life isn’t about knowing the future or having the perfect roadmap, but rather having faith for the future and the spirit of a pioneer.


Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-1071..


• Hard times, pain & lessons; one day they’ll be your strength, your awareness & your blessings.

• Stop expecting honesty from people who lie to themselves.

• You’ll never look good trying to make someone look bad.

• Save your explanations for those that are determined to understand you.

• Give your silence to those that are determined to misunderstand you.

• Most people react with retaliation while responding, few listen & very few people understand your words to reply with decency.

• Your life is too short to be unhappy 5 days a week in exchange for 2 days of freedom.

• Don’t be upset from people you don’t respect.

• Life is not tiring. Wanting life to be a certain way but not having the confidence to make it that way, that’s tiring.

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-1069..

7 Things to live by:

1. Go after dreams, not people.
2. Love yourself and the rest will follow.
3. Never lose your sense of wonder.
4. You are capable of more than you know.
5. No regrets in life. Just lessons learned.
6. Your only limit is you.
7. Life goes by in a blink of an eye. So first live life.

(This article got nothing to do with the post above, you can click on the image to read the entire article. There’s a reason i don’t like apps like TIKTOK or Instagram reels, such apps are limiting our attention span. Our human race is losing focus & we struggle to put attention towards where it’s needed. I know some people who can’t read a page long article because it’s a page long or they can’t watch a 15 minutes video because it’s 15 minutes long.🤣🤣 This is called GOLDFISH SYNDROME, which means 10 second memory of a goldfish.)

Tap OUT..😜

True me.. Tap-1068..

Life doesn’t end at 25.
Life doesn’t end at 27 or 30 either.
Life doesn’t end at 35 or 45.
Life doesn’t end at 65.

It doesn’t matter how old you are, when you decide to get your high school degree or start a family.
It doesn’t matter when you decide to go run a marathon or go travel the world.

Life is not made up by numbers, age is, and your age is not all that you are.
You got time.
Life doesn’t end until it ends.

(This video got nothing to do with the post above. Shared it because i liked it, big fan of Key & Peele.)

Tap OUT..✌️


Don’t allow your life to just be fine.
Or just okay.
Or even just good.

Make it brilliant, consistent, spectacular, wild, extraordinary.
Fill with excitement and adventure, be passionate and fearless, search for freedom and opportunity.
You only get one life, so make it count.
Make it mean something amazing.
Make it yours.

True me.. Tap-1066..

The real glow up isn’t proving the people from your past wrong.
It is finally feeling so content and hopeful about your future that you stop thinking about them entirely.
When you want to change your life in order for it to look different, and only that, you are still orbiting around the opinions of people who didn’t love you, and didn’t have any intention to.

A real glow up is authentic.
It is lifting off all the cover-up bullshit and addressing the real problems.
It is healing.
It is changing, for good.
It is, for the first time, prioritizing your heart over someone else’s eyes.
The real glow up is realizing that you have nobody to prove wrong but yourself. (Not my words.)

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-1059..

What interests me the most, is a persons mind.

Their stories, their thoughts.
The memories.
The secrets that lay dormant in their head, waiting to be told.
I find all of it so interesting.
Cause I have been through a lot.
And I am just fascinated by other’s struggles.
Everyone has their own struggle.
I love learning about someone’s life.
How they came to be the person they are today,
why they act or talk the way they do.
It’s just very interesting.

You will live this life with that identity only once.
Remain CONSISTENT on your path.
Be the most authentic version of yourself, no matter what the world tells you to be.

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-1058..


If you have food in your fridge, clothes on your body, a roof over your head and a place to sleep,
you’re richer than 75% of the entire world.

If you have money in your wallet, a little change, and can go anywhere you want,
you are among the top 18% of the world’s wealthy people.

If you are alive today with more health than illness,
you are more blessed than the million people who will not survive this week and die.

If you can actually ‘READ’ this message and understand it,
you are more fortunate than the 3 billion people in the world who cannot see, cannot read or suffer mental retardation.

Life is not about complaining pain and sorrows.
It’s about a thousand other reasons to be grateful and happy. (Not my words.)

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-1057..

Stop worrying about other people understanding you.
Get in touch with yourself instead.
Focus on what makes you happy, what makes your soul feel at peace.
You are your biggest commitment, so start loving your flaws, your awkwardness, your weirdness, your intensity, your vulnerability, your everything.

Life becomes so much more fulfilling when you are just simply yourself.
The world keeps spinning whether people understand you or not so why not make this next trip around the sun about you.


Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-1054..

It’s not enough to just love doing something if you want to be good at it.
You have to practice everyday.
There needs to be a consistent approach with proper schedule & discipline at place.
If you just show up on the day unprepared,
you won’t fulfill the high expectations of a certain standard & quality .

Take time out of your life to practice your passion.
Do whatever you need to do that will propel you toward your goals.
Whatever your practice or passion is,
you must exercise discipline.

(This video got nothing to do with the post above. Watch it to gain little bit knowledge about the current scenario of billionaires & legit illogical motivational mindset associated to it. Yes, it’s important to work on what moves you. But don’t do that with nonsensical expectations from yourself.)

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-1053..

You have this one life.
How do you wanna spend it?
Hating yourself?
Running after people who don’t see you?

Be brave.
Believe in yourself.
Do what feels good.
Take risks.
You have this one life.
Be you.
Make yourself proud.

(This video got nothing to do with the post above. Current situation of gun violence/crime in America is something rest world can’t get their head around, it’s just illogical & pure nonsense. I mean even more illogical the way people & politicians are reacting to it in USA. Peace to those souls & their families.)

Tap OUT..✌️


Stop waiting for friday, sunday or for summer,
or for someone to fall in love with you,
or for anything in life.
HAPPINESS is achieved when you stop waiting for it and make the most of the moment you are in NOW.

True me.. Tap-1048..


Speak with integrity.
Say only what you mean.
Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others.
Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.

Nothing others do is because of you.
What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream.
When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.

Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want.
Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama.
With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.

Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick.
Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self abuse and regret.

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-1047..


1. Stop complaining and appreciate how lucky you are every day.
2. Embrace loneliness and reinvent yourself in the process.
3. Say goodbye to the people that don’t bring consistent positive energy into your life.
4. Throw off the TV and set Internet controls.
5. Pick one skill you want to cultivate and put all your effort into developing it.
6. Commit to the goals you set and never look back.
7. Sweat every day to boost your mood.
8. Fail forward. Learn from every mistake you make.

Tap OUT..💪

True me.. Tap-1045

You never really know the true impact you have on those around you.
You never know how much someone needed that smile you gave them.
You never know how much your kindness turned someone’s entire life around.
You never know how much someone needed that long hug or deep talk.

So don’t wait to be KIND.
Don’t wait for someone else to be kind first.
Don’t wait for better circumstances or for someone to change.
JUST BE KIND, because you never know how much someone needs it. (Not my words.)

Tap OUT..🤗

True me.. Tap-1044..

You can’t let people scare you.
You can’t go your whole life trying to please everyone else.
You can’t go through life worried about what everyone else is going to think.
Whether it’s your hair, clothes, what you have to say, how you feel, what you believe and what you have.
You can’t let the judgment of others stop you from being you.
Because if you do, you’re no longer you.
You’re someone everyone else wants you to be.
Be you, that’s the most amazing thing you can do with yourself.

(This video got nothing to do with the post above. CNBC never disappoints with anything. Shared this video because i found it informative. Watch it if you have 10 minutes to know little bit about London & Russian influence on it.)

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-1042..

If we believe there is no magic in life, then we’ll never experience it.
If we believe the miraculous is not real, then we’ll never accept it when we see it.
If we believe that we’re limited in what we can do, accomplish, and become, then we’ll always live within the confines of our imagination.

However, the opposite is also true.

If we believe in magic, we’ll experience it around every corner.
If we believe in the miraculous, then we’ll train ourselves to see and be thankful for the little miracles that unfold each day.
If we believe that we are limitless, then we’ll see anything we imagine is possible.

The beliefs that we hold onto influence our lives significantly, determining how our story unfolds.

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-1041..

Stop worrying about other people understanding you.
Get in touch with yourself instead.
Focus on what makes you happy, what makes your soul feel at peace.
You are your biggest commitment, so start loving your flaws, your awkwardness, your weirdness, your intensity, your vulnerability, your everything.
Life becomes so much more fulfilling when you are just simply yourself.
The world keeps spinning whether people understand you or not.
So why not make this next trip around the sun about you!!

(This video got nothing to do with the post above. There’s a reason why i don’t believe in crypto/NFT bullshit even though i own some of it. I understand & believe in the technology of blockchain. There will be a time in future when crypto currencies will go mainstream, those currencies will be made under government regulations by banks after 10-15 years. Current entire crypto market will crash soon or sooner. But when fools are busy fooling fools, it’s a fun sight to watch.)

Tap OUT..😜

True me.. Tap-1035..

I hope you find the kind of happiness that exists on your own terms.
I hope you truly take the time to figure out what moves you, what encourages your soul, what you deeply crave from life, and I hope you have the courage to chase that.
I hope you have the courage to believe that you are deserving of everything you desire, that you are capable and worthy of curating the kind of life for yourself that sparks something within you.
You have a fire inside of you I hope you never let convenience, or comfort, or the easiness of standing still put it out.
I hope you show the world what you can do with all of that passion inside of you.
(Not my words.)

Tap OUT..

True me.. Tap-1033..

You never really know the true impact you have on those around you.
You never know how much someone needed that smile you gave them.
You never know how much your kindness turned someone’s entire life around.
You never know how much someone needed that long hug or deep talk.

So don’t wait to be kind.
Don’t wait for someone else to be kind first.
Don’t wait for better circumstances or for someone to change.
Just be kind, because you never know how much someone needs it.

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-1024..

This is your life.
You’re allowed to change your mind.
To change your heart.
You’re allowed to be a different person.
To wake up one day and not want to do the things you’ve been doing all your life.
You’re allowed to love who you want.
To move on from the people who are not good to you.
To let go of anyone without any kind of explanation.
Without any kind of regret.
You’re allowed to make mistakes.
To learn from them.
Or not to learn from them and experience everything all over again.
You’re allowed to forget your past if you want to.
Or to stay in it but you must also understand that this is not how you will grow.
You’re allowed to change careers.
To dress differently.
To chase different dreams.
To change locations, even if, at first, you’re terrified to do so.
You’re allowed to dislike yourself but also allowed to change those same parts you don’t see eye to eye with.
To work on them until you’re completely comfortable with who you are.
This is your life.
Make it count.
Make your own validation.
Your own path.
Your own way of life.
You are enough.
And you are not broken.
You’re a lot stronger than you want to believe.

Tap OUT..✌️



There is no need to explain or make sense of it.
It’s your life.
Do what makes you happy.


Bruce Lee Said:

Don’t speak negatively about yourself, even as a joke.
Your body doesn’t know the difference.
Words are energy and cast spells, that’s why it’s called spelling.
Change the way you speak about yourself and you can change your life.
What you’re not changing, you’re also choosing.


How you spend your mornings,
How you talk to yourself,
What you read,
What you watch,
Who you share your energy with,
Who has access to you,
It’s the small habits, that will change your life.