True me.. Tap-1672..

You can change your location,
you can meet new people,
and still have the same old problems.

To truly change your life,
you need to look inward,
get to know and love yourself,
and heal the trauma and dense conditioning in your mind.

This is how you get to the root.
Internal changes have a significant external impact.


True me.. Tap-1537..

You can change your location,
you can meet new people,
and still have the same old problems.

To truly change your life,
you need to look inward,
get to know and love yourself,
and heal the trauma and dense conditioning in your mind.

This is how you get to the root.
Internal changes have a significant external impact.



Conditions & Situations will never be just right. Certain times you are allowed to wait till factors are favorable, but that mustn’t delay your actions. Find your purpose & set GOALS. One step at a time & you will reach destination if your movement is forward no matter how slow you are moving.