True me.. Tap-956..

If you tell a skiier to don’t lose balance or don’t get hit by a tree, they definitely will. So their trainer usually tells them to follow the path & nothing more.

Our Human brains are so stupid that we can’t comprehend the NEGATIVE.
For example;
If i tell you to not think about an elephant, you can’t follow that one.
Didn’t you just think about an elephant right right now?

Life is like that & most people are exactly like that.
The people who worry too much about failure/betrayal/getting cheated/behaving bad are the ones who usually do all those negative things as their first line of defence.
And later overthinking makes everything worse with time.

Just become confident & stay consistent on your journey, i believe you can do that.
Confident & consistent with your thoughts/mindset.
Confident & consistent with communication/behaviour.
Confident & consistent with your lifestyle/habit/choices/goals.
Confident & consistent with the way you live.
You don’t need different stories for different people.
In short, you don’t need that negativity to prosper inside you.
Follow the path of light. Life is fun, let it flourish.

Tap OUT..✌️