True me.. Tap-1584..

The longer I live the more I realize the impact of attitude to life.
Attitude, to me, is more important than facts.

It is more important than the past,
than education,
than money,
than circumstanstances,
than failures,
than successes,
than what other people think or say or do.

It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company, a church, a home.

The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for the day.
We cannot change our past.
We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way.
We cannot change the inevitable.
The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude.
I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to us is 90% how I react to it.
(Not my words.)


True me.. Tap-1248..

As children, we were daring in our imagination; nothing was impossible to us as young dreamers.
We dreamt of experiencing wild and outlandish experiences in far-off lands.
We dreamt of becoming victorious heroes, genius inventors, and admired artists.
We dreamt of sharing a whimsical love story that left us breathless.
We dreamt of having a big home filled with family and friends tucked away in the forest or on top of a city sky rise.

There was nothing that our little minds didn’t imagine.
Our imagination was fearless.

However, for many, as life played out, when something didn’t work out the way we planned or envisioned, we took those unmet expectations as the sign to stop believing and give up on imagining the wild.
We took it as a token that everyone else was right; our imaginations were lofty.
Little by little, many of us trained ourselves not to trust that “anything can happen”.
We allowed time, experiences, circumstances, and people’s opinions to jade us.

But, what we believe is what we experience.

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-1045

You never really know the true impact you have on those around you.
You never know how much someone needed that smile you gave them.
You never know how much your kindness turned someone’s entire life around.
You never know how much someone needed that long hug or deep talk.

So don’t wait to be KIND.
Don’t wait for someone else to be kind first.
Don’t wait for better circumstances or for someone to change.
JUST BE KIND, because you never know how much someone needs it. (Not my words.)

Tap OUT..🤗


You don’t need a better phone.
You don’t need a better home.
You don’t need better circumstances.
First you need a better mindset.

True me.. Tap-913..

I’ve encountered so many people in my life who tell me that can’t do something.
Those people are just testing you and you can’t let them bring you down.
True friends will lift you up and believe in you.
Don’t allow anyone to tell you you can’t live your dream because if you don’t believe in yourself then nobody else will.

Think about one thing you’ve been holding back on doing and start doing it today.
Be fearless.
There are so many beautiful, talented souls in this world.
Don’t let anything stand in the way of your potential.

Tap OUT..💪


Losers are always a product of their circumstances & winners are always a product of their DECISIONS. And Money is a decisive person’s game.

I am a fan of everything where there is money, it can be a news/an article or a video like this. Whatever Kevin O’Leary talks about Money always packs tons of sense. He is known as Mr.Wonderful for a reason. If you are in your 20s or 30s, these YouTube video reactions he does with CNBC MAKE IT could be entertaining, amazingly informative yet educational for you no matter where you live or what you do for living.

True me..Tap-165..

I have the audacity to say & do whatever I feel right for me while being TRUE to everyone I am connecting. Never felt the need to lie or deceive someone, never did that.

If I need/want you in my life, I know I am not strong enough to hurt you. If you feel hurt because of me, most probably I have stopped caring whatever you are & I don’t give a shit what you think of me. My TRUTH always stays intact & unchanged in all circumstances. Don’t count it like my ego, it’s my way of prioritizing myself & those who wanna see me smile.

Tap OUT..😜

True me.. Tap-139..

Some relationships look good in Instagram, some work in bed, some work under just certain circumstances with tons of mindfuckery. You definitely know what I am talking about, all those glittery bullshit I mean. I want none. I am just happy to be me. And I want nothing except TRUTH. I will buy the same when I approach LOVE, vice versa.

This is to the one i wanna be with & name LOVE: Trust me I am a real nasty person when my mind loses shit, most of the time it’s work or past memories. I might end up snatching your pizza slice or last bite of cheesecake, more over that I don’t know what harm I can cause you. For me cheating means, Sunday cheat meals. That’s it.

Tap OUT..🤗