True me.. Tap-1234..

How to change yourself in one year;

1. Don’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from.
2. If you wanna fly, you must give up everything that weighs you down.
3. Make someone smile everyday.
But don’t forget that you are someone too.
4. Be kind to yourself & others.
Give strangers compliments and do random acts of kindness for others and treat yourself like someone you love.
5. Be yourself, you are the only person who’s like you and that is an advantage.
You are so unique & you are enough.
Don’t compare yourself to others.
Comparison destroys personality.

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-1221..

There are people in this life who will take advantage of you and tell you who they think you are.
It’s upto you what to do with that information.
The moment you let people make decisions on your behalf, you have given up your dignity.
But you can always get it back as long as you remember to connect with your higher power.

Don’t let anyone take advantage or manipulate you.
Remind yourself that you’re entitled to the life and love you deserve.
Remember, no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

Tap OUT..✌️


I am not lucky.
You know what I am?
I am smart.
I am talented.
I take advantage of the opportunities that come my way.
And I work really really hard.
Don’t call me lucky.
Call me a badass.

-Shonda Rhimes.

True me.. Tap-889..

There are people in this life who will take advantage of you and tell you who they think you are.
It’s up to you what you do with that information.
The moment you let people make decisions on your behalf you have given up your dignity.
But you can always get it back as long as you remember to connect with your higher power.

The people who know the least about you always have the most to say.
Don’t let anyone take advantage or manipulate you.
Remind yourself that you’re entitled to the life and love you deserve.

Tap OUT..💪

True me.. Tap-815..

Remember you are not promised tomorrow.
So how are you going to ensure that you crash your heart into your life?
How are you going to ensure that you leave this world, whenever it happens for you, with a soul that is tender and full and weathered in the best way?
With a soul that was never asked to make itself smaller, with a soul that was never waiting for the day it was skinnier, or prettier, or cooler, or more successful, in order to take advantage of the time it was given?

We cannot wait to be the people we have always dreamed of being.
We cannot wait for life to perfect itself.
There is no right time, there is no perfect circumstance.
We have to leap, even when our legs are shaking.
We have to show up for ourselves not in 3 months, or 5 years, or 10 years, but now.
In this moment.
Because every single day is a blessing.
Every single day is a gift.
Do not lose sight of that.

Tap OUT..💪

True me.. Tap-798..

Be strong, be kind, be free.
Do things that make you proud of yourself.
Surround yourself with people who bring out your best qualities.
And distance yourself from the people who do the opposite.
Hangout with people who are ready to exchange knowledge with enough understanding about what they are saying & why.
For example;
Don’t just follow someone’s words because they said “Investing in stock market/real estate/crypto will make you money/rich”.
95% of these people don’t even know how to multiply 12*13 without a calculator.
Do you really think such dumbfucks can advice anyone on finance?
Forget finance, if someone is saying something without knowing enough about it, that person is a complete fake nut.
Stay away from such morons.
Fun story: Most people who invest in bitcoin think it’s more like a virtual currency, but hardly few know it was designed as a medium of transaction. It’s more like Western Union Money Transfer.

Be true, true to yourself and true to your morals.
Stand up for yourself.
Don’t let people take advantage of your kindness and soft heart.
Don’t take shit from anyone, and don’t put yourself down.
Believe in yourself and believe in your journey.
Be good to yourself.
Be unapologetically you.
Embrace your imperfections.
Accept the fact that when you grow, sometimes you lose people and that’s okay.
Celebrate your every success and learn from failure.
Learn to accept that, first you have to learn a lot about anything & everything before jumping in.
And most importantly, never ever let anything stand in the way of the person you are becoming.
BE A TRUE YOU. (Not my words).

Tap OUT..✌️



True me.. Tap-586..

How often do you feel “I’m too different”!! That’s not just you. So many claim to be different which makes everyone similar and lackluster at the end with that same way of thinking. Spending all your time squeezing yourself in a box trying to fit in is a waste of energy and stops you from reaching your true potential.

Standing out isn’t a bad thing and you might not be as different or weird as you think. Use your unique qualities to your advantage to help you become successful and the best version of you.

Tap OUT..🤗

True me.. Tap-512..

There are titles, positions and ranks that command respect through status. That said, should you blindly respect your teachers, your boss or even your parents!? What if those people aren’t behaving in a respectable manner!? What if they take advantage of their position!? Well here’s the thing, age or position shouldn’t be a prerequisite to gaining respect. It’s more about how someone conducts themselves, their attitude towards others and their actions. Respect is thoughtful consideration to another person’s words, feelings, thoughts, ideas, wishes or needs. We all want to be respected by others, but respect is something we need to earn.

If you want to be happy and successful, learning how to earn respect should be an important goal.

Tap OUT..👍