True me.. Tap-1145..


Be grateful for what you have right now. Manifestation happens when you’re vibrating on a high frequency, so so if you’re living day to day being ungrateful, you are emitting a low frequency.

Become explicitly clear on them by writing them down, looking at them every single day, saying them out loud, writing them in a journal, and/or affirming them through powerful affirmations.

Close your eyes and visualise yourself having the things you desire, visualise yourself as if you already have them, visualise this beautiful life you’re trying to manifest.

Your dream job, dream relationship, or even that million pounds, aren’t just going to arrive on your doorstep.
Instead, the Universe will send you powerful signs and powerful opportunities.
Don’t ignore them – take action.
Say yes. Get moving.

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-786..

I am happy when I eat fresh fruit,
when I burst out laughing,
when I discover a new song,
when I finish a good book,
when I wake up and feel relaxed.
I’m glad to have friends, family, a home,
food when I’m hungry,
hot water when I shower.
I love being able to live and see the seasons change,
to have gifts at christmas and at my birthday,
to travel sometimes,
to have a good education and a great access to culture.
I’m flattered when people compliment me,
when people smile at me,
when people are polite to me.

There are so many things that make life so simple and easy and I will always think about them more than all the bad things that will happen to me.
I do not have time to be sad every day and ungrateful.
I have every reason in the world to be happy.
Take life day by day and be grateful for the little things.
Don’t get caught up in what you can’t control.
Focus on the positive.

Tap OUT..✌️