True me.. Tap-541..

Every kind of addiction causes some harm to our sanity. When you think about addiction, you might think of alcohol or drug addiction, but there are countless other forms of addiction you could be addicted to, work, sugar, video games, drama or even a toxic relationship. No matter what your compulsion is, it will always be a barrier to your happiness. Addiction creates an insatiable appetite, the void can never be full since your desire for the object of your affection is limitless. You’ll never feel that sweet satisfaction.

Addiction only leads to a cycle of relentless hunger and dissatisfaction. To make things worse while you’re stuck in this never ending sequence of discontent, your addictions saps the energy from all other areas of your life like hobbies, passions, relationships or self-care. Recovery is a long hard road. It may be one of the most challenging experiences of your life, but it can be also the most rewarding if you want to be happier. Think about dropping your addictions.

Tap OUT..🤗