True me.. Tap-1246..

We live in a world where 99.9% of private yacht, private jets, mansions are owned by men.
But it’s always 99.9% women who upload those images in Instagram.
Men who really own things don’t even want to come to picture, they enjoy staying random.
Suddenly you see a stupid maze of nonsense just in these 3 lines.

While making money, you will come across million such examples.
It’s people who achieved too little always speak more words than that’s necessary.

Money never comes from poor to rich or to the ones who work hard for it.
Money comes to those who can manage it from those who can’t manage it.

(Few lines said by my bestfriend Demi’s dad i always remember.)


True me.. Tap-1113..

Have a goal.
Wake up earlier.
Start running early morning.
Make a new recipe.
Buy a weighted blanket.
Cuddle your puppy or horse.
Say “I love you & I care for you” to someone.
Laugh to dad jokes.
Discover the universe.
Sing your favourite song.
Have your own blog/business/investments.
Sleep well.
Go to the specific place you desire.
Be in peace with yourself.
Take a picture on the top of a mountain.
No matter the kind of goal, have one GOAL.
And fight for it, keep fighting till you get it done.

Wake up everyday with motivation, and fall asleep with a smile.
Live your life to the fullest, every second.
Do exactly what you want, and accomplish it.
You are the master of your life.
You decide.
You create.
So go.
Never doubt of your capacities, and go.

Tap OUT..🤗