True me.. Tap-1664..

Sometimes the best thing you can do is;
No thinking,
No wondering,
No imagination,
No obsession.

Just breathe and have faith that everything will turn out for the best.
Trust tomorrow will be an upgrade of today.



Sometimes the best thing you can do is;
No thinking,
No wondering,
No imagination,
No obsession.

Just breathe and have faith that everything will turn out for the best.
Trust tomorrow will be an upgrade of today.


Sometimes, the best thing that you can do is;
Not Think,
Not Imagine,
Not Wonder,
Not Obsess.

Just Breathe and have Faith that everything will turn out for the best.

True me.. Tap-626..


1. If you are unsatisfied with your situation, face the facts. You can either do something about it or accept it. Everything else is being a crybaby.

2. Starting is the hardest part, but even if you fail you’ll grow just from trying.

3. Judge people based on your interactions with them, not on what other people say.

4. Take responsibility for your mistakes. It is hard but people will respect you for being mature and honest.

5. When you want something, don’t settle for mediocrity. Give it your all.

6. Obsessing over the past is the worst way to waste your time.

7. Try to fix the problem before being pissed off at yourself. Sometimes it’s an easy mistake and you won’t have to kick yourself for making the mistake.

8. Make conversation with whoever you can and whenever you can. You can meet some interesting people.

Tap OUT..💪

True me..Tap-94..

Stop stalking, start talking. When you know someone is your source of real happiness, hold them close to your heart & soul. That’s what a soul tie means!!

You don’t come to a relationship with a armour of ego, deceit, pride, hidden agenda, half baked reality, lie and tons of obsessive codependent bullshit. You reach your love butt naked with smile on your face, hearts on your sleeve & Truth in your head/heart/mouth. If no, you haven’t loved yet. Time for some heart-to-heart conversation with self. Till the time you are not a TRUE you, you can’t get/give that goodness called LOVE..

Tap OUT..😘