
Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right.
Forget about those who don’t.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a chance, take it.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would most likely be worth it.

– Paulo Coelho.

True me.. Tap-877..

Often when we’re comforting loved ones, all that we want to do is take their pain away.
It’s such a natural desire to help those we love in need.
But there are many times when it is necessary for people to go through pain to fully learn and emerge stronger than ever.
Remember not to enable someone who needs help with a problem.
Support them in finding a solution.

The next time a loved one is going through a difficult period, think about how you can support them instead of fixing them.
You can’t resolve other people’s issues, but you can sit with them and share the burden of their pain, thereby lightening it. (Not my words.)

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-727..

When you see broken pieces of humanity, broken systems, broken ways of doing things, please don’t look away.

Don’t sit out saying, “there’s nothing i can do”.

Like anything, change happens when we decide to show up and say something. As human beings, we were meant to come to each other’s aid to take care of one another, to live in peace and unity, to fight and defend each other’s freedom, rights, and voices.

So, don’t wait for someone else to stand up and say “let’s fix this”. Step in- now. Be the voice of justice and change NOW. Not when you feel ready, but when you see it, when you realize it. Because, now that you have seen, you are responsible.
And the only way we’ll see change, justice, and restoration is if we’re bold enough to take the first step and lead the way for others to do the same.
Raise your voice towards safeguarding your HUMAN VALUES.

Tap OUT..💪

True me.. Tap-716..

There are more good people in this world than bad. You may not think so, but it’s true. The bad ones make a lot of noise and cause a lot of trouble, so they’re the ones we see on the news and portrayed in books and films, but your average human being is a good human being. And that’s a fact.

Although it’s always important to be careful in life, from whom to trust to what time you walk home on your own, it’s also important to remember this. Sure, the guy who saves you from drowning might be planning to shave your hair off and sell it as a wig but, more likely than not, he’s simply trying to save your life. If most people were bad, nothing would ever get done. There would be no such thing as society.
So be alert, yes. Be sensible, yes. But try not to be afraid. If you’re afraid, you’re letting the bad guys win.
(Not my words).

Tap OUT..👍

True me.. Tap-672..

You might think that you don’t matter in this world, but because of you someone has a favorite mug to drink their tea you bought them.
Someone hears a song on the radio, and it reminds them of you.
Someone has read a book you recommended to them and gotten lost in its pages.
Someone remembered a joke you told them and smiled to themselves any random day.

Never think you don’t have an impact.
Your fingerprints can’t be wiped away from the little marks of kindness that you’ve left behind.
(Not my words)

(This video got nothing to do with the post above. I am a big fan of Sacha Baron Cohen. His level of wit & comic timing is unachievable for mere mortals. Big up for the MTV COMEDIC GENIUS AWARD.)

Tap OUT..💪


No Mirror can reflect a picture of a Human as best as his attitude and way of speaking do.

-Hazrat Ali.

(This video got nothing to do with the post above).

True me.. Tap-557..

Most people think their love for their religion or nationalism is unique. About religion I will talk some other day. But let me share today why i find current trend of nationalism stupid yet funny!!

You are born at a specific part of the world. Of course you have to stay loyal to your motherland. But how? You are loyal to your nation by paying your taxes in time, behaving well to your fellow citizens, be nice & welcoming to everyone no matter whether they are born in your country or coming from some other part of the world in search of a better tomorrow. That’s how real nationalism should be. Most modern countries were created after few people migrated & named it their home. We survive today not because of nationalism, but because of “we as humans were in search of right opportunities and right society/surrounding to build that opportunity”.

Let’s talk about current trends of nationalism, i should say TOXIC NATIONALISM. When i see “AMERICA FIRST”, “CHINA FIRST”, “INDIA FIRST” & later that’s followed by “GOD BLESS AMERICA” or any other country’s name in that bold italic place, I laugh at it without a second thought. Because everyone talks something against the other one to prioritise their own nation. Which later spreads hate & violance for nothing. This doesn’t reflect your love for your country. Just imagine JESUS is back to this world again. What he should do with this same ideology? He must embrace his middle eastern livelihood, then go back to his motherland Bethlehem & bless Palestine first to become the richest most powerful country in this world. Thank God, your beloved God is not alive to see such nonsense. Humans are mediocre in so many ways, this is the best worst one. In case you get the joke, i appreciate your time.

Tap OUT..😜


I never understood religion, i never will. It’s not about Hindu, Muslim or Christianity, it’s about forcing that belief/idea of MY GOD IS SUPERIOR OR ALIVE”. There was a time all gods were living on this planet, so is dinosaurs. Now God is gone, it’s on us humans to fight & get radical or move ahead with little gratitude & humanity. I respect your faith. I rest my case.

True me.. Tap-548..

There is nothing like “SETTLE DOWN” for something. And never settle for mediocre. Self-assured people have a vision of what they want and they go for it. Let’s say CONFIDENT PEOPLE for better understanding. They don’t hold back & allow their fears to keep them from trying. They push themselves to go above and beyond. They set the bar high for themselves and demand excellence. They know they are as deserving of the best in both work and life.

Confidence is SEXY & you are the most expensive person in your life. People often forget to look at mirror & say “YOU DESERVE THE BEST”.

This video on Donald Dump got nothing to do with today’s post. Sad to see couple of dumbfucks still believing in voter fraud garbage what this orange piece of shit pukes. While claiming to be world’s oldest strongest democracy, America has shown last week that there is a new breed of homegrown terrorists blooming. I don’t believe in religion, race or nationalism. Hope people will rise above all to cherish humanity one day.

Tap OUT..🤗

True me.. Tap-474..

We live in a world where people have very little amount of confidence, faith, belief, moral, knowledge & humor. You can offend anyone with bare minimum effort. It’s laughable to see who flex about their GOD being the greatest in universe also get offended with a moron’s few words against their almighty. For an example; if your GOD is that kinda powerful, neither he gives a fuck about a hater’s hate or he hardly cares about an overenthusiastic follower’s defence to save his grace.

Work towards being a better you. Accept humans for their Humanity, that’s were all it began. One thing which can straighten it all is a stable sorted healthy level of self confidence. If you believe in something, do it for yourself rather than your efforts towards proving it to others.

Tap OUT..💪

True me.. Tap-465..

I AM SUPERIOR TO YOU or MY RACE/RELIGION/GOD IS SUPERIOR TO YOURS. This shitty line has created all kinds of huge divides in HUMANITY.

This same ideology a terorist follows & sadly this same ideology is alive in a white supremacist as well. The only difference is one of these has no regard for law. If I calculate these two in standards of HUMANITARIAN grounds, I will give them a score of “YOUR PARENTS SHOULD HAVE TRIED ANAL THAT NIGHT”. Saddened to see a world which still believes in creating cultural/religious divide. Humanity strangely falls short to fight radicalism, always. This tiny post is my way to bid a bye to that soul. (Talking about the incident of teacher’s beheading in France).

Tap OUT..✌️

COVID-19- Corona Virus Disease 2019: OUR WAREHOUSE UPDATE..

Being a money driven mentality person, it irks me when business gets effected because of any kinda scenario. But we mustn’t forget our values. Humanity & goodwill associated to it always helps us build what we are. Till the time things come to normalcy, everyone of my team can report from home. That too 2hrs a day & 3days a week. We are just deducting work hours, monthly payout will remain exactly the same as it was.

Please practice social distance & hygiene till governments figure out a way with the help of healthcare services to deal this pandemic. No matter whether/how badly this contamination spreads, no matter you are healthy or sick, no matter what’s your age; your government needs your help to deal with this because they need more time. This is the right moment to be a responsible human being towards your society & nation. Stay healthy, stay safe & stay home. If you spot any disabled/elderly people close to your neighborhood, try to help them with necessary hygiene or grocery purchases. Don’t forget to maintain the 6ft distance. After certain age people stop accepting good or bad input about life/lifestyle, make them understand the importance behind staying home for a tiny while.

Our warehouse is moved towards Amazon’s facility in India, can’t do much there. Still doing our bit on this situation. We are donating 800 boxes of hand sanitizer, antibacterial soaps & ready to eat banana caramel porridge packs to the people in need. Anyone close to Sepang township in Kuala Lumpur can visit our whey protein supplement warehouse near Sama Sama hotel & collect two boxes each, It’s the corner building to the next street in same road. If you want contact person’s phone number, just reply this post with your email-ID. Don’t abuse this thinking of free goodies. Please pass on to the needy if you can afford yours.

Tap OUT..🤗

True me.. Tap-150..

I love & respect you because you are a human being, that enhances my humanity. Religion came to serve humanity.

If your religion/god is not helping you to see the lines I mentioned, you are either following some alien or your god is disowning you in disguise.

Tap OUT..🤗