True me.. Tap-194..

Don’t give a shit when people say something behind you, it’s their life full of misery which holds them in that same spot.

It’s your job to become expensive yet grounded. Evolve for the better with your TRUTH.

Tap OUT..💪

True me..Tap-94..

Stop stalking, start talking. When you know someone is your source of real happiness, hold them close to your heart & soul. That’s what a soul tie means!!

You don’t come to a relationship with a armour of ego, deceit, pride, hidden agenda, half baked reality, lie and tons of obsessive codependent bullshit. You reach your love butt naked with smile on your face, hearts on your sleeve & Truth in your head/heart/mouth. If no, you haven’t loved yet. Time for some heart-to-heart conversation with self. Till the time you are not a TRUE you, you can’t get/give that goodness called LOVE..

Tap OUT..😘