True me.. Tap-1028..

Become honest about personal struggles because the issues that we’ve dealt with are still taboo to talk about.
Self-harm, eating disorders, addiction, and mood disorders are things people aren’t always open about.
But it’s so important that someone starts talking about these issues, so that those who are struggling know that there is help out there.
It is your job to be a beacon of hope.

Stand up for those who can’t yet.
Give them support and strength.
Every life has a purpose.
Share your story and you may help someone find their own.

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-900..

I’m a firm believer in leaving this world a better place for future generations.
Being an optimistic person has presented me with so many extraordinary opportunities to give back, to volunteer, and to touch so many lives along the way.
I’ve had the privilege of advocating for those dealing with bullying, eating disorders, and mental health issues.
Everyone has causes close to their hearts, so whatever you’re passionate about, do something to make a difference.
Do your part to make this world a better place.

I have been through enough ups & downs in my close to 30 life. I gave myself oppertunity to live/work/study in 4 cities/countries. I graduated engineering & MBA way back. The friends who entered my life those days are still intact, that’s my biggest flex. My address will change again next year. I will not say i enjoy travelling, everyone does. I will say, i relocate every 2-3 years. The more people i came in touch with the more i understood, we live in a world of WEAK MEN & GIRLS BUSY IN TIKTOK. Proper inconsistency at play. Still there’s hope to experience a world focused on growth, happiness & fulfillment.

Tap OUT..🤗