True me.. Tap-548..

There is nothing like “SETTLE DOWN” for something. And never settle for mediocre. Self-assured people have a vision of what they want and they go for it. Let’s say CONFIDENT PEOPLE for better understanding. They don’t hold back & allow their fears to keep them from trying. They push themselves to go above and beyond. They set the bar high for themselves and demand excellence. They know they are as deserving of the best in both work and life.

Confidence is SEXY & you are the most expensive person in your life. People often forget to look at mirror & say “YOU DESERVE THE BEST”.

This video on Donald Dump got nothing to do with today’s post. Sad to see couple of dumbfucks still believing in voter fraud garbage what this orange piece of shit pukes. While claiming to be world’s oldest strongest democracy, America has shown last week that there is a new breed of homegrown terrorists blooming. I don’t believe in religion, race or nationalism. Hope people will rise above all to cherish humanity one day.

Tap OUT..🤗