True me.. Tap-1216..

It’s easy to judge.
It’s more difficult to understand.

Understanding requires compassion, patience, and a willingness to believe that good hearts sometimes choose poor methods.

Through judging, we separate.
Through understanding, we grow.

-Doe Zantamata.

(This video got nothing to do with the post above. Every single time someone tells me about crypto investment/trading, i know either it’s a dumbfuck or a scammer. There’s no other 3rd category for such fools. Every crypto investor talks about future of finance, web3, blockchain technology. The fun part is; 99.9% of these dumb donkeys don’t even know how to write 2 codes in C/C++. Now that’s the perfect recipe for a disaster. 97% NFT market down, 78% crypto currencies market down & i perfectly saw this coming.)

Tap OUT..✌️