True me.. Tap-1106..

There is so much abundance, success, and happiness available to you.
Work for what you want.
Crave it.
Consume it.
Do what it takes to create what you need.
On the journey you will lose, you will be told NO, but that doesn’t mean you’re not worthy.
Success is a choice, choose it.

(This video got nothing to do with the post above. Big fan of MCU. She-Hulk looks amazing. Waiting for this one to come to Disney+.)

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-1097..

We all have bad days, but the darkness always brings light.
You have the choice and the power to emerge from whatever darkness or hardship might be consuming you.
Use your inner light to shine and light up the world.
Sometimes it can be as simple as thinking happy thoughts or smiling when you don’t want to.

Light up the world with your smile even if you’re feeling down.

Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds!

Tap OUT..✌️


There is so much abundance, success, and happiness available to you.
Work for what you want.
Crave it.
Consume it.
Do what it takes to create what you need.
On the journey you will lose, you will be told no, but that doesn’t mean you’re not worthy.
Success is a choice, choose it.


Don’t fake being okay.
You only hurt yourself.
Be real with what you’re going through.
Just don’t let it consume you.
Balance & Be you.


Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too.

– Will Smith.

(This video got nothing to do with the post above. Global citizen Live, watching it with my bestie bitch since last night. Just shared it because of the music & message.)

True me.. Tap-530..

People are always divided with opinions towards a happy life. Some believe MONEY is important & some believe LOVE is important. This fight between MONEY & LOVE is so peculiar that i laugh at it whenever this discussion pops up.

What nobody talks about is, both are a painstakingly time consuming slow process till you reach it’s epitome. Most people purposefully lie about both of these two. At the end, you get exactly what you invest. Even a small lie has it’s consequences, Karma keeps a count of it’s course. People fail in MONEY (material growth) or LOVE because of their impatient behaviour or inconsistency. Stay calm, quiet, upfront and focused while you are fetching something purposeful in life.

Tap OUT..👍