True me.. Tap-533..

Every lie is a story which isn’t woven to reality, basically such stories never mean logic or sense because of a liar’s previous track record. People who follow a truthful life are different, such people portray their life with confidence. & Confident people don’t lie to themselves. They also don’t tell themselves things like; I’m too old, I’m not smart enough or I’m not attractive enough. They don’t hide behind denial or limiting beliefs that simply offer an excuse to remain stuck in the status quo. They are real with themselves even when the truth seems daunting. Live for yourself.

Tap OUT..💪

True me.. Tap-532..

Confidence is always available beyond comfort zone. Yesterday i was talking little bit about confident people. This next paragraph does the same.

Confident people don’t resist learning new things. People with confidence are lifelong Learners, even when they are experts in their field. They have a learner’s mindset. They know that there is so much more in life to achieve and so many ways to grow. They aren’t entrenched in old ways of doing things or old beliefs about what is right or best. They look for ways to stretch themselves through new endeavors. They don’t get too comfortable. Confident people understand that getting too comfortable is the mortal enemy of achieving goals. That’s because they know that comfort leads to contentment and contentment leads to stagnation when they start feeling comfortable. They take it as a red flag and start pushing their boundaries so that they continue to grow.

Tap OUT..💪