True me.. Tap-1668..

You don’t have to prove nothing to nobody.
Everyone’s life succeeds at it’s own pace.
I have seen teenage millionaires getting life sentence for killing people with drugs & over speeding related accidents.
I have seen 40 year old dads returning back home tired with a big smile to hug their kids.
Life isn’t same for everyone. 

Yet there are few disgusting people who look back & think they can hurt someone from past with petty moves.
The answer is clear.
Past has passed, very few people can digest it.
Those who can’t digest it deserve a disconnection from your life.
Own yourself. Be you.


True me.. Tap-1653..

You gotta start believing that your morning commute is cute and fun.
You gotta start believing that every cup of coffee is the best you’ve ever had.
You gotta start believing that even the smallest and most mundane things are exciting and new.

You have to, because that’s when you start truly living.
That’s when you look forward to everyday.
You gotta start romanticizing your life.


True me.. Tap-1635..

Communication is vital to every relationship.
There are people out there whose personalities just don’t mix with yours.
Don’t waste your time trying to figure out why.
Just go where you are wanted and understood, and everything else will fall into place.

If there’s someone in your life you are having trouble communicating with, try to work it out.
Be sure the tone in your voice comes from a place of love and respect to connect with them.
Only surround yourself with people who you can communicate with.


True me.. Tap-1283..

COMMUNICATION is vital to every relationship.
There are people out there whose personalities just don’t mix with yours.
Don’t waste your time trying to figure out why.
Just go where you are wanted and understood, and everything else will fall into place.

If there’s someone in your life you are having trouble communicating with, try to work it out.
Be sure the tone in your voice comes from a place of love and respect to connect with them.

Communicate, understand each other, fix issues, stay together & vibe.

Only surround yourself with people who you can communicate with.

Tap OUT..✌️


I think the biggest communication problem is we do not listen to understand.
We listen to reply or retaliate, that’s the starting point of downfall in every beautiful equation.


True me.. Tap-1214..

Communication is vital to every relationship.
There are people out there whose personalities just don’t mix with yours.
Don’t waste your time trying to figure out why.
Just go where you are wanted and understood, and everything else will fall into place.

If there’s someone in your life you are having trouble communicating with, try to work it out.
Be sure the tone in your voice comes from a place of love and respect to connect with them.
Only surround yourself with people who you can communicate with.

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-1191..

Eat better.
Run more.
Squat more.
Sleep earlier.
Wake up earlier.
Make a good breakfast.
Drink water.
Eat healthy.
Read books.
Talk sense.
Listen more.
Feel deeper.
Love better.
Open your eyes.
Experience life.
Remain consistent.
Be happy.

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-1124..

Types of PEOPLE you need to hang on to;

Enthusiastic listeners.
People who don’t make you guess if they’re mad.
Direct communicators.
The friend who helps you clean your room.
Those who are kind to those who can do nothing for them.
Messy folks who repeatedly get it wrong but never stop trying to get it right anyway.
Kindred spirits.
Loud laughers.
Pals who make the grocery store fun.
Loved ones who get as excited about your success as you do.
The person you feel comfortable crying in front of.
Sing-in-the-car friends.
People who text you to look at the moon.
People who text you just to say hi.
The one you’ve known since childhood who you can go a long time without talking to but nothing changes.
Those who understand the value of holding space.
The mentor who pushes you to do better because they want better for you.
Patient teachers.
Scrappy souls.
Hard workers.
Friends you can joke about hypothetical situations with for hours on end.

The genuine ones.
Anyone who leaves you feeling good afterward, not just when you’re with them.
People who see your fault lines and say they have them too.
Anyone who came to mind as you read this.
Hold them close.
Love them hard.

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-1031..

When you learn how to communicate with others there’s no problem you can’t solve.
It doesn’t mean you’ll always agree with other people and it certainly doesn’t mean that they will agree with you.
But none of that matters if you possess the maturity and the patience to work through your differences.
Think about how much more peace there would be on this planet if people would just talk through a problem instead of using violence & retaliation.

Do you have a friend or family member you have a really hard time getting through to?
Maybe now is the time to try again.
It never hurts to try.

You have to learn how to communicate if you want to get along in this world.

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-1006..

Instead of saying “I’m lazy,” saying “I’ve made a habit of not doing work unless it’s absolutely necessary.”
Instead of saying “I’m a bad friend,” saying “I haven’t communicated as much as I should with the people I care about.”

By being specific about your problems, and by framing it as an action that you are consciously either working on or ignoring rather than an unchangeable part of who you are, you allow yourself to accept your mistakes and work constructively on them instead of pretending they didn’t happen or wallowing in blaming yourself.

Honestly I think one of the most empowering things you can do for yourself is to separate your negative qualities from your identity. (Not my words.)

Tap OUT..✌️


Throw away the idea that you need to pause your life until you are fully healed; this is a different way of being attached to perfection.
Progress happens when you make better decisions in the midst of living.
You can simultaneously heal your past while being open to the present.

Sunday story time.. 06.

Everyone wants to know how i tolerate my bestfriend DEMI since past 700 years of our friendship because her attitude is bit aggressive?

Let me answer & YES, it’s a long answer:
We were attending Lory’s birthday party near Cardiff bay. Party was over & some Justin Bieber song started playing. DEMI walked towards me & said; “Rudey, my pussy is drying up because of this shit song. Let’s leave & let’s drive to Tenby. We will talk about everything after reaching the beach.”

We both laughed & i still remember those exact words. And Yes, DEMI still calls me RUDEY because of my rude/angry/grumpy face.
We went through a bad fight before 5 months of that birthday party & i stopped talking to Demi. I decided i must allow her some time to think & respond logically instead of continuing that fight.
Only few friends know Tenby is my favourite coastal town in Britain & i prefer afternoon swimming when i think about relaxing.
DEMI made the right choice with place & timing.
We went swimming & she broke the ice while chilling at beach. We had a long open vivid conversation about everything which went loose.
We were able to come back stronger.
Years gone & our equation keeps getting better with time.
No matter how much i deny, she is the sassiest angel i ever came across. Bestfriends for some good reasons, and i can’t appreciate more.


27-Feb is the date we had a bad fight & we both stopped communication for 5 months. We both still talk about the stupid reason behind it & what we missed in those 5 months. We laugh at each other’s silent treatment. We tease each other about why that was just unnecessary.

We humans always take goodness for granted & our ego stops us from accepting our flaws.
We miss opportunities.
We disrespect good people.
Sometimes we hurt others without even knowing.
We make blunders easily.

But there are very few who accept & cross that path to acknowledge own mess.
Who says it’s easy!!
Very few are ready to talk about what’s wrong in them & why they are ready to change for better instead of farting from mouth “THAT’S HOW I AM”.
I admire those who strive to be a better human.
It’s easy to go vulnerable towards such people who come with clean intentions.
Every equation can be easy, soothing, happening & loving.

Tap OUT..😘

True me.. Tap-956..

If you tell a skiier to don’t lose balance or don’t get hit by a tree, they definitely will. So their trainer usually tells them to follow the path & nothing more.

Our Human brains are so stupid that we can’t comprehend the NEGATIVE.
For example;
If i tell you to not think about an elephant, you can’t follow that one.
Didn’t you just think about an elephant right right now?

Life is like that & most people are exactly like that.
The people who worry too much about failure/betrayal/getting cheated/behaving bad are the ones who usually do all those negative things as their first line of defence.
And later overthinking makes everything worse with time.

Just become confident & stay consistent on your journey, i believe you can do that.
Confident & consistent with your thoughts/mindset.
Confident & consistent with communication/behaviour.
Confident & consistent with your lifestyle/habit/choices/goals.
Confident & consistent with the way you live.
You don’t need different stories for different people.
In short, you don’t need that negativity to prosper inside you.
Follow the path of light. Life is fun, let it flourish.

Tap OUT..✌️


The biggest communication problem is;
most people do not listen to understand.
They listen to reply or retaliate.
And that’s a major turn off in a person’s personality.

(This tweet got nothing to do with the post above. The repercussions of this COVID pandemic will be felt in coming years even after we are back to normalcy.)

True me.. Tap-932..

It’s so easy to get caught up in the superficial beauty of our world.
It’s incredible how you can meet someone so physically stunning and when you get to know them, they seem to lack basic kindness, communication skills & compassion for others.
The moment someone isn’t kind to others, any physical beauty they might have had disappears.
Real beauty comes from kindness, virtue, and compassion.
Seeing that kind of beauty requires more than just a casual glance.

Take time to get to know people and then decide how beautiful they are; you will become more beautiful in the process.

Sometimes people are beautiful.
Not in looks. Not in what they say.
Just in what they are.

(There are reasons i find my people beautiful beyond looks. If you are included in this “MY PEOPLE”, you are appreciated. And i owe you whole lotta love & respect for life.)

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-919..

Shout it.
Sing it.
Write it.
Dance it.
Paint the most AUTHENTIC you all over the canvas of your life.
Whoever’s left applauding your art are YOUR PEOPLE.
Whoever fades away was never yours to begin with.

(This movie trailer got nothing to do with the post above. I am not a fan of online dating or any form of fast-track romance. My big reason is, i trust no one except my family & myself. And Yes, there’s a group of 17 friends whom i consider family. Trust & respect are earned with consistency & communication.)

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-909

Violence is the easy way out and it only leads to more violence.
We need people in this world who are willing to find solutions through peace, through communication, honesty, and diplomacy.
World peace may seem impossible, but it’s worth aiming for.

You don’t have to be a politician to stop wars and practice peace.
Make sure every word you speak and every action is coming from a place of love.

If you and I are having a single thought of violence or hatred against anyone in the world at this moment, we are contributing to the wounding of the world.

(This video got nothing to do with the post above. Big fan of Neil deGrasse Tyson and this sketch is the funniest impersonation of him.)

Tap OUT..✌️


If you’re busy, say it.
If you’re upset, express it.
If you’re running late, let people know.
If you don’t want to do something, be straightforward.
If you’re unsure, ask.

It’s so simple but so important.
Communication goes such a long way.

True me.. Tap-879..

Relationships between family, friends, significant others, and colleagues are complicated and full of learning experiences.
Nobody comes into this world knowing everything.
We all go through different experiences, make mistakes, have successes, and then make more mistakes that we can learn from.
The ability to trust and listen to the people in your life is the foundation all healthy relationships are built on.

While talking to friends, make sure you are really listening to what they have to say and aren’t distracted by something else.
You owe that to them and you would want the same in return.
Trust is a bond between two people that is found only when they are able to listen and understand where the other person is coming from.
That to me is the only key to friendships and relationships.

Tap OUT..✌️


You don’t have to communicate, keep in touch with, and be nice to people who are inconsistent & who affect your wellbeing in a negative way.
You don’t have to put up with something you don’t like.

Don’t make yourself stay in a toxic environment that will be ruining your life little by little.

True me.. Tap-869..

I’ve seen busy people make time.

I’ve seen bad communicators communicate well.

I’ve seen bad texters respond quickly and write paragraphs.

I’ve seen people who “aren’t ready for a relationship” get ready in few conversations.

I’ve seen a girl proposing me in front of 24 friends to marry her ASAP on my birthday, who used to say “I DON’T NEED A MAN TO BE HAPPY” since 7 years.
(Hello Lioness😜).

A healthy adult relationship is one where both people in the relationship give and both receive.
There is a safe, equal and open exchange of ideas, communication, feelings, and thoughts and all perspectives are considered and valued.
There is also the freedom to respectfully challenge, heal, confront, and strengthen one another.

At the end what matters is a TRUTHFUL CONSISTENT person who gets you, no matter what’s coming.
If someone wants you, you won’t have to ask for effort.

Tap OUT..♌

True me.. Tap-867..

How rare the trust is these days, how small the case looks like a strong bond based on openness and honesty, how small the chance seems to be a bit of loyalty and commitment?!?
Even smaller is the chance of a combination of the above, smaller and almost rare.

We all want it, in fact we all call it.
We claim to be loyal, to be open, to be honest,
but if we are all, how does distrust arise?
The disappointment?
The abuse of trust and the use of someone else?

Whether it’s love, friendship or family.
We all want the same thing.
We all want respect, trust, honesty, communication, openness and loyalty consistently.
Be aware of your choices, your actions and consequences before you harm a relationship, a relationship that is self-reliant today.
If you want them to be true to you, then stay true to yourself first. (Not my words).

Tap OUT..💪

True me.. Tap-862..

Find someone who loves you well.
Someone who never belittles you even in the heat of an argument.
Someone who is gentle with you, but does not treat you like you are fragile.
Someone who knows what you are capable of, and celebrates those pieces of you.
Not someone who is intimidated by your strength.
Someone who doesn’t make you feel guilty for being flawed.
It is not love’s job to punish you.
And remember the person you love is just as broken as you are when they fall short.
No one is perfect do not hold them to this standard.

Find someone who is patient, consistent, forgiving, and apologetic.
Someone who practices forgiveness freely and often.
Love someone who is humble, kind, and empathetic.
Not only with you, but with a beggar on the street, or a stranger in the supermarket.
Common courtesy is important.
Compassion is important.
Kindness is important.

Now that i mentioned something about relationships twice in a day, my university friends will again start questioning whether i am seeing someone! Let me answer even before that question pops up. Most of my posts are scheduled a month advance. Typing these two paragraphs today right before the post goes live.

I entertained something inconsistent for a while. Whatever happened, I am not strong enough to blame or hate anyone. Let’s say, that was my fault. I am in the process of becoming single. In Snapchat, if you see my hands resting on some girl’s fine 🍑, high chances it’s either my bestie DEMI or my neighbour girl. Yes, i have a ting towards athletic girls.♌ But I don’t have a TYPE whom i want to date. First i have to be ready, next the connection must vibe positivity & remain consistent, that’s all. The most beautiful part about a girl where my heart goes little weak; when i feel she is grabbing my arms little stronger looking into my eyes with a wide big bright smile, while crossing baby/kid’s clothing section in shopping malls. Everyone knows i adore kids, they are angelic to me. 2023 goal is to become the best A+ dad world has ever seen, and i will settle to be a good B+ boyfriend/husband i guess.😂

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-844..

Be happy on purpose.
Look for the rainbow when it’s raining.
Find the hope even when it’s bleak.
Choose forgiveness even when bitterness is easier.
Choose love even when it feels impossible.
Make it a habit to choose joy as much as you possibly can because life isn’t meant to be lived in disappointment or frustration.
It’s not meant to be lived in hatred.
It’s meant to be lived laughing so hard your stomach hurts.
It’s meant to be filled with soft moments of love.
It’s meant to be filled with tight hugs that last for minutes.
Life is meant to be lived happy.

Next few lines about this word “HAPPY”.
Only my 17 close friends know why sometimes i ask “Are you happy?” during our weekend meets.
Good people, good communication & good vibes are always welcome with a HAPPY heart.
(Pizzeria & Diwali, Thanks to all those who joined for a tiny celebration.)

Tap OUT..✌️


Some people love you.
Some people love to be around you.
Some love what you can do for them.
Understand the difference.

Learn the difference between connection and attachment.
One brings consistency, the other is fakefuckery.
One gives you power, the other sucks the life out of you.

True me.. Tap-841..

When I give, it does not come with strings.
I’m not keeping track of what you owe me.
When I give, I choose to do so without ulterior motives.
I give because I’m genuine.
I give because I know what it’s like to be without.
To long for and be ignored.
To speak and not be heard.
To care for and have nothing returned.
When I give it’s because I get it.
It’s because I know the value in what I have in my heart and I refuse to let the world stop me from sharing that.
But when things start being taken for granted,
When you no longer appreciate my sincerity,
I won’t switch, I won’t get angry, and I won’t be spiteful.
I’ll just get smart and I’ll change your role in my life.
Because when I give, I’m all in.
But when I’m done, there’s no looking back.

I stopped sending paragraphs.
I stopped telling people how to behave.
I stopped entertaining retaliation & inconsistency.
I stopped telling people how important is communication.
I started walking away from all these crap, blocking, and distancing myself.
Life is becoming peaceful.
Sometimes being yourself & independent in life is better than being surrounded by halfass people.

(This post is not for those who came & vanished in past. It’s for my future person, in case you experience something is odd in me or missing in me, just say it and keep forgiving me till you experience the best of me.)

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-834..

Be with someone who is invested in you.
I don’t mean someone who thinks you’re cute or funny.
I mean someone who wants to know every insignificant detail about you.

Someone who wants to read every word you write.
Someone who wants to hear every note of your favorite song,
and watch every scene of your favorite movie.
Someone who wants to find every scar upon your body,
and learn where each one came from.
Someone who communicates with both head & heart.
Someone who knows why you prefer black coffee & sourdough pizza.
Someone who wants to know your favorite brand of toothpaste & shower gel,
and which quotes resonate deep inside your bones when you hear them.

There is a difference between attraction, interest & the word i mentioned INVEST.
Find the person who wants to learn every aspect of who you are, and hold onto them.

Every relationship/equation/friendship in your life are an immense investment of consistent time & energy, never offer discounts on that.

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-820..

I like meeting new people,
it’s fun but i hardly take them seriously.
Let’s say I like meeting new people,
but i don’t like making new friends.
Most people are inconsistent+liars which bums my mood,
that’s just cheap in my eyes and i struggle to trust such morons.
I already have little over a dozen amazing friends who are my friends since 14th century or past life.
That’s the reason I never miss attention or affection.
The only proof your people are real with you is whether they are consistent with their approach towards you. Rest others are there just for nothing – mental drain to be honest.

(Not a secret, i shoot my shots when she’s a peng ting. That’s the best part about being single.😜 There’s a party at Frank’s place next week. Shooting this song at my bestie DEMI, Amanda & Karo’s🍑.)

Next few lines are meant for the one who calls me SONNENPRINZ out of fun & adore.
Sonnenprinz means SUN PRINCE in German.
Meeting someone 7th time in 6 years,
actually 4th time since May-2021.
She drives 5 hours to drop me at airport & airport is just 30km away from my house.😂
I must agree that 45-minute drive from my house to airport is pure banter.
I still don’t know what i am bringing to the table,
but the vibe is 🔥🔥🔥🔥.
I love it when a girl questions or corrects my knowledge on engineering & business.
Basically i love it when someone proves me wrong.
Conversations are healing & communication is a sexy thing.

Tap OUT..✌️


What kills a HUMAN soul?
Exhaustion, secrecy, inconsistency & fake fuckery.

And what brings a soul back from dead to a beautiful lively realm called LIFE?
Honest connection, consistent communication, grace & gratitude.

There are two types of songs in my playlist.

1. Songs which makes me do 200 push-ups or lift weights. Basically my favourite workout tracks.
2. Songs which make me dance. Best case scenario, salsa or b-boying dance-off with my friends when it’s a celebration or pouring or snowing.

This song fits bit of both 1 & 2. I had to share it.

True me.. Tap-812..

So many of the lessons I’ve learned have been about standing up for myself and setting boundaries.
Most people in our current world are used to inconsistent approach & deceptive behaviour, which are both cheap & unacceptable in accordance to HUMAN standards.
It’s really hard and sometimes even painful.
In work environments and everyday life, be sure to set boundaries for those you’re spending time with.
Make sure they’re aware with what you’re comfortable with and your limitations.
Communicate with others to make sure you are honoring yourself.
It’s hard, but it’s worth it. Always.

You don’t owe anybody the present other than yourself.
Take time for you.
Respect yourself and your privacy.
Set boundaries.
Set one boundary today in your professional or personal life. (Not my words).
Life is fun, let it be.

(This 5 minutes video got nothing to do with the post above, It’s about world’s top economies in 2050. Watch it for little knowledge & fun. FYI my entire stock market investment portfolio is linked to number 2, 3 & 7 countries.)

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-802..

TRUST is a bond between two people that is found only when they are able to listen and understand where the other person is coming from.
That to me is the key to friendships and relationships.

Relationships between family, friends, significant others, and colleagues are complicated and full of learning experiences.
Nobody comes into this world knowing everything.
We all go through different experiences, make mistakes, have successes, and then make more mistakes that we can learn from.
We all take our own sweet time to trust, evaluate, make a move, prepare and proceed.

When talking to friends or anyone who’s a part of your life, make sure you are really listening to what they have to say and aren’t distracted by something else.
Most people just listen to respond, reply, retaliate or react, which is complete nonsense.
Listen to understand, COMMUNICATION is the first step to TRUST.
You owe that to them and you would want the same in return.
The ability to trust and listen to the people in your life is the foundation all healthy relationships are built on.
(Not my words).

Tap OUT..✌️


You know what’s really powerfully sexy?

A sense of humour.
A taste for adventure.
A healthy glow.
Humble behaviour.
Truthful communication.
Appetite for success.
Hunger to learn.
Smartass comebacks.
And a consistent approach with every word you just read.

Because you can fake something only for a timeframe.
If it’s true, it’s consistent.
And consistent has no time limit.

True me.. Tap-777..

Staying in a relationship just because you love somebody is not worth it.
Love is not all you need.
Respect is what you need.
Reassurance is what you need.
Communication is what you need.
Heart to heart conversation is what you need.
Happiness is what you need.
Knowing everyday you’re their favorite person is what you need.
Learn to love yourself first, let other one match it.

When someone not so familiar asks me “Ever been in LOVE!?!”.
My answer is: Yeah 3 times.

1. When i woke up at 5.45am today morning just wearing a trunk & i saw my 5 pack abs.
2. When i was getting ready for university, because now i am a PhD research scholar.
3. When i received my bank balance text after buying groceries at Lidl.
I fall in love with myself 3 times everyday.

Two exceptions i must mention;
1. When a kid accidentally says my name TAP after i touch his/her nose while saying TAP TAP TAP.
2. When a cute caucasian girl or a latina mami in a beach with a fine 🍑 approaches me, can’t beat that one.
Special mention; also when my bestie bitch makes coffee for me when i am working from home at her house. This one is dedicated for you Demi.

Tap OUT..😜

True me.. Tap-758..

Date her who walks you till your car.
Date her who dares to steal your hoodie in front of your face.
Date her who wants to meet your parents, and is respectful towards them.
Date her who respects your siblings and family members.
Date her who’s kind to animals, its a reflection of how she’ll treat usual people.
Date her who makes you smile.
Date her who looks confident with or without makeup.
Date her who will listen to your complain or accomplishments.
Date her who doesn’t force you to do things you don’t want to.
Date her who will come hang out and cuddle just cause she can.
Date her who loves you through the good and the bad.
Date her who has seen you angry, happy, sad, and still feels for you.
Date her who has a hunger for SUCCESS & hunger for more beyond that.
Date her who actually utilises her time to the fullest, so that she can value your TIME.
Now you know you aren’t entertaining someone boring/sluggish.

Life can easily remain exciting happy happening even in a relationship if you are dealing with a stronger individual, stronger in finance & faith.

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-746..

I have two kinda friends;

1. Who live in my city or near my city (max 2-4 hours away). We text whole day. Talk every night. Meet every weekend or we meet at least once in two weeks.
2. Who live in a different continent with huge timezone gap. We text here & there. We talk every weekend. We meet once or twice in a year.

I never entertained anything below these two.
That’s the reason most of my friends are my friends since past 1600 years.
It’s hard to entertain new people, because people are hella inconsistent with their approach.
And consistency is a quality very few people pack in their soul, which soothes our soul in return.
Consistent communication is the backbone of every equation.

Thanks to everyone who wished me “HAPPY BIRTHDAY”,
who sent a big box of sneakers or a tiny little gift with a card,
who knocked my door at 12am,
who threw cake on my face,
who hugged me from behind,
who squeezed me,
who slapped my ass,
who kissed my cheeks purposefully,
who kissed my lips accidentally,
who snatched my phone,
who made a mess in my living room,
who had pizza at 1am with me,
who put redwine on my white couch,
who went on a late night drive with me,
who gave me a head massage & back massage in front of 17 friends,
who said “we are friends forever”,

At the end i must say, I don’t give a shit about birthdays.
I am not a 3yr old kid who’s dying for gifts & people around.
The more i am moving closer towards my 30, the more i am missing my high school, engineering college or MBA days, sometimes i also think about getting married & pumping 90-95 babies inside my future wifey. Kids are angelic to my eyes, not a secret.

I love you all because i love the vibe.
You all make me a better me.
Your wishes help me move forward stronger.
Your midnight calls make me see a new world.
Your energy makes me feel energetic.
All of you are adored.
Many call me TAP, some say TAPPIE, BESTIE DEMI says RUDEY coz my resting bitch face is hella rude, 3 say DADDY for fun, and everything is accepted that comes with a smile.
Still feeling like a 16.
Feeling like nothing much has changed in me, the same naughty sporty happy happening beefcake i used to be.
Birthdays aren’t that important, friends showing up to surprise you at 12am is important.
These feelings are irreplaceable.
I owe you all whole of me.
(If anyone noticed bit too much of sass in my snapchat stories, JUST SWALLOW IT.)🤪


Tap OUT..😘

True me.. Tap-514..

Never badmouth others. No matter it’s in a professional or social setting, it’s not appropriate to badmouth people. You certainly will not earn any respect by doing this. If you’re unhappy with someone and what they’re doing, talk to them and work things out. Don’t talk behind their back. That’s the kind of behavior that attracts gossip and negativity. Not only does it reflect badly on you as a person. It also hurts the other party whether you realize that or not.

So be honest and transparent when you’re communicating with others. Always act as if the person you’re talking about is right there with you.

Tap OUT..🤗

True me.. Tap-219..

Anyone still asking “Why Tap & Demi aren’t dating?”.

Answer: Familiarity & Romantic equation both are two different things. In my eyes that LOVE takes effort in TRUTH, RESPECT, TRUST, COMMUNICATION, VULNERABILITY & DECISIVENESS. I can’t love someone without respect & I don’t give second chances. We are best friends, hopefully this will never change.

Tap OUT..😜

Power COUPLE!!

People really get confused when they see these two words together “POWER COUPLE”.

It simply means, you see TRUTH, TRUST & CONFIDENCE in your partner’s eyes. Each time you are face to face, you scream at your partner without opening mouth “You are going nowhere this lifetime. Your address is my arms. I own you.” There is no longer a day where communication will struggle. There is no chance for misunderstandings. Each words spoken are TRUTH or a PROMISE. That’s when you are sure about your forever next.

While typing this I can add one thing; I don’t know where i stand in terms of a romantic relationship or LOVE kinda bullshit. I was/am never ready to enter a relationship. Did that mistake just once, failed. Not ready to allow anyone close without a huge time tested solid foundation.

Now I assure, I see TRUTH in someone. Request is; please never lose it. My heart is healed & I am back on track towards usual flamboyance. Thanks for succesfully keeping my both heads active. Yes, I am trying to make you weak. And shhhhhhhhh, I know how to make twins.😂😘

True me.. Tap-185..

Relationships/LOVE/Marriages all need upgradation time to time. Some sass, some TRUTH, a open communication to kill misunderstandings, all are a must. They are called “RENEWAL OF VOWS”.

Tap OUT..😘

True me..Tap-168..

It took me plenty of courage & strong will-power to become a human from a disastrous monster on the run. I know, I am True to myself & everyone else. I dreamed a life without lies, all who fit there are onboard already.

Tap OUT..💪

Demi!! SORRY!! 🙏


It’s not fun when communication is blocked. I have no issues in accepting I messed up big time. I wasn’t able to make it. Don’t grant me a SORRY just like that. You know I don’t believe in that word.

Just remember “I will never lie to you. I will never break your trust. I will never hide anything. I will never block your access to my tomorrow. I am lucky to have you as my guardian angel. You are only one person in front of whom I can be emotionally naked. Doesn’t matter I screw 20 more bitches, you will never lose access to my life. People come and go, all are worthless because no-one stands the test of time, their validity is limited. You are my shining star. Your company makes me feel like I found diamond in a coal mine.”

One thing I am confessing, “I was falling for you during a certain phase of my life. It’s you who broke it. Can’t forgive you. Whenever you say those 3 words to me, I don’t want to hear it. And pardon me, I can’t serve you anything such in exchange.” I will unblock your number tomorrow after interview with my PhD supervisor. I am little stressed. We will start from where we left. I assure you will get all your answers. We planned shopping & food during next month meeting, no changes with that. But I am substracting Frank from that plan. And we will not talk this shit during that time, let’s finish what’s left unsaid.

Tap OUT..😘😘😘😘

LOVE is easy!!

Yes, we all know it takes ages to trust someone & then LOYALITY comes to play. After establishing trust, a long lasting truthful consistent communication is always needed till you name it “LOVE”. It’s not LOVE, if it’s not forever. And it takes a really big chunk of time to plan that FOREVER.

People use bullshit mindgames & screw it. That’s the reason there are way too few who experience this blessing.

6 Signs you aren’t in LOVE!!

Love means, we constantly improve communication & consistency, practice patience. It also means just leave when things aren’t equal anymore.

6 signs you aren’t in LOVE:

1. You moved things fast with your partner.
Infatuations thrive on speed, while LOVE takes time to develop. Infatuations live in illusion. Love can survive reality. When you quickly jump into a relationship with someone, you base it off your dreams more than whose really in front of you. Common examples are; thinking about a future with them, lusting after some legit emotions or obsessing about them for anything in your head. All of these are done after months and years of knowing them, that you just slipped/skipped.

2. You expect them to be flawless.
And you get angry or upset over them when you see their true colours. Do you believe in soulmates or fate? It sounds good in theory. But we all know infatuations also need perfection to survive. We need our partners to be consistently well dressed, good with their words or impressive with their accomplishments, meantime you are not giving them space to be honest. Love on the other hand is grounded. When you love someone, you accept their imperfections, you work through the bad and enjoy the good together.

3. You are not comfortable enough around them. Who hasn’t felt self-conscious about saying the wrong thing or making bad decisions/impressions? But when you truly fall in love with someone, that’s when you can let loose and stop caring so much. Those who have a strong sense of love and belonging are more open to vulnerability. Whereas those who feel disconnected with their partners consistently build their walls up. When you don’t share your emotions and struggles nor secrets with someone, you haven’t fully loved.

4. You become more distant.
It’s normal for passion to intensify initially only to taper off, which isn’t gonna help you into a steady relationship. But two people in love will still want to be around each other frequently. That’s another reason people in love plan a life together equally over indulging in rest activities. If you find yourself wanting to get away from your partner more and more these days, often because you’d rather go hang out with your friends or family or cat/dog, then something’s up.

5. Your mind is elsewhere.
With mind soon your heart also follows the same route. Partners who are in love tend to maintain a focus on their counterparts. When you notice the little things about them or express concerns when the two of you run into conflict, it shows you care for them. If you avoid those tough conversations or slip away from arguments, you also stop emphasizing their importance in your life.

6. You developed anxiety.
Have you been experiencing digestive problems or have trouble sleeping/over sleeping? Anxiety can show in this bodily disfunction. You might have something you need to get off your chest and dread how to break the news off to your partner. Remember you can only run away from the truth for so long before it catches upto you.

Forcing LOVE when it’s absent will only hurt the two of you. Both of you deserve to find love elsewhere if it can’t be found in your relationship.
Where do you think you stand on your feelings? Dig deeper, learn yourself with little Truth and self evaluation.


Communication is the foundation of a relationship. That teaches you how to approach & appreciate someone selflessly. Most relationships end up in broken pieces, because they miss this step one.

True me.. Tap-31..

My only one tip for the people in relationships;

Words may hurt, but silence breaks both. Express & expand further. If you are in LOVE, your foundation is true consistent COMMUNICATION.

Tap OUT..😘