True me.. Tap-1735..

Most people think they are too clever with their approach & choice of words, and then there are very few others like me who just enjoy laughing at these people while saving my energy by not explaining things to such fools.

I don’t trust words.
I even question actions.
I never doubt patterns.

Such people say they have a personality, but if you look closer it’s just a pattern.

Most people live for people’s acceptance, and at the end they suffer with rejection.
Most people are broken, but instead of fixing their own life they feel projecting own trauma on others is the way to advance towards growth.
You must understand there’s a difference between people around you & people who are there for you. Always be vigilant about the people you choose.


True me.. Tap-1217..

Do yourself a favour;
Surround yourself with those who speak of visions, ideas, goals, growth.

Not those who sit and gossip about others.
And if you do find yourself in that situation, excuse yourself and walk away.
The game ends when you choose to leave such a gathering.

POSITIVE ATTITUDE is not just about your approach towards yourself, it also depends on whom you hangout with.

(This video got nothing to do with the post above. I shared it because I found it informative. Watch it for some knowledge about the current scenario of our post-COVID world.)

Tap OUT..✌️


Approach today with gratitude, understanding, openness; knowing that it offers potential & possibilities.
Knowing that every moment is an opportunity to reflect, reset, and move forward with INTENTION.

True me.. Tap-1054..

It’s not enough to just love doing something if you want to be good at it.
You have to practice everyday.
There needs to be a consistent approach with proper schedule & discipline at place.
If you just show up on the day unprepared,
you won’t fulfill the high expectations of a certain standard & quality .

Take time out of your life to practice your passion.
Do whatever you need to do that will propel you toward your goals.
Whatever your practice or passion is,
you must exercise discipline.

(This video got nothing to do with the post above. Watch it to gain little bit knowledge about the current scenario of billionaires & legit illogical motivational mindset associated to it. Yes, it’s important to work on what moves you. But don’t do that with nonsensical expectations from yourself.)

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-968..

Sometimes when things are really trying and painful all we can think is, why on earth do I have to go through this, why do I deserve this?
But there’s a better way to approach a trying moment in life.
Instead of resisting it, try surrendering to it and considering that there’s a reason it has been given to you and not somebody else.
If you are dealing with it, it is part of your journey.

The next time you go through a trying time, find the ways in which you can grow and learn instead of dwelling on your suffering.
I know it’s an experience that I need to have if God’s putting me through it.
(Not my words.)

Tap OUT..🤗


Being BEAUTIFUL doesn’t mean about your outer appearance but your inner core.
So what makes a person beautiful are their manners, their character, their thoughts, their behaviour & their consistent approach with everything they stand for.



GOD is not in a hurry, you are.
That’s why you are tired.
That’s why you are anxious, and stressed, and disappointed.
You just need to remain true & consistent with the way you are in your walk of life.
Trust that what’s meant to be yours, will be yours.


Stay away from those who criticize, point fingers or put you down.
Stay away from those who try to tell you who you are, what you do wrong, or how you can or can’t feel.
They are choosing to be emotional bullies and walk the path of negativity.
Let them keep that while you take the high road.
Refuse to be abused, even when it’s with words.
Real people are good with their approach towards you consistently, period.

True me.. Tap-882..

You can’t please everyone and you’re not supposed to.
I’ve taken a lot of criticism and even read horrible comments on the Internet, but I can’t let that bring me down.
I have to keep being who I am for the people in my life that matter and that will be enough.

Don’t try to please everyone, just focus on pleasing yourself.
Become a better version of yourself by remaining consistent in your path to life.
If someone is overcriticizing you, don’t feed into them by responding.

There is only one way to avoid criticism:
say nothing, be nothing, do nothing.

Tap OUT..✌️


Somebody is mad at you right now because you always picked peace over drama and distance over disrespect.

Choose people wisely.
Vibe with those who are consistent with their approach towards you.
(Not my words).

True me.. Tap-853..

Some people think;
ADVENTURE is dangerous,
DISCIPLINE is brutal,
TRUTH is lethal,
LOVE is hard,
& LIFE isn’t moving.

These are all low-key narcissistic inconsistent personality traits which brings severe unhappiness to life.
And all you gotta do is; stay away from those who think like this.

ADVENTURE brings joy.
DISCIPLINE teaches you to be consistent.
TRUTH is core of basic human values.
LOVE is beautiful.
& LIFE is fun.

You have to carry this attitude forward in life.
Remain consistent with the way you are.
That helps you to be in sync with life.
Hangout with those who reflect & second your thoughts.
A happy person is not a person who’s always in a good situation, but rather a person who always has a good attitude in every situation.

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-848..

Once you stop fantasizing about that ideal version of yourself and start working towards becoming that person by setting your alarm clock earlier
and actually going to the gym,
and actually volunteering at places,
and actually eating healthier,
and actually remaining consistent,
and not procrastinating,
and working just a little bit harder,
you’ll realize that it was so easy all along.

Becoming your ideal self will only ever exist in your mind until you make the decision to work towards becoming that person.
Get up!!
Get going!!
It’s now, there is no light at the end of the tunnel.
Get that flashlight and pave your own path.
No one else is going to do it for you.

Keep going.
Keep growing.
Keep glowing.

Tap OUT..💪


You deserve someone who can’t WAIT to talk to you
& spend time with you
& get to know you
& fall in love with you.

Stop settling for halfhearted, lukewarm, hesitant, inconsistent & indecisive.
It’s soooooooooo much better to be alone than to be with someone who makes you FEEL ALONE.

True me.. Tap-824..

People bring perceptions.
Even our media outlets, news channels & newspaper all try to portray a perception.
The same way your understanding is also a perception.
The problem with PERCEPTION is, it’s a mixture of truth, lies, nonsense, imaginary bullshit & fakefuckery.

What i want in life is TRUTH.
TRUTH always remains same.
There are no 2 sides to TRUTH.
The story of TRUTH never changes.
TRUTH’s approach, flow, guidance, information & assistance all are CONSISTENT.
If someone/something is TRUTHFUL,
the only proof is whether it’s CONSISTENT.

(RIP Sir David Amess. Everytime there’s a knife attack or rape/drugs/abduction incident, either it’s a Pakistani or a Somalia based immigrant who’s the culprit in 90% cases. I am not just talking about UK, this happened in Germany before a month & couple of times in Montreal-Canada last year. And this thing called ISLAMIC EXTREMISM has no sign of stopping. Fuck that idea of religion which makes you kill someone in the name of GOD. There should be a definition for this term TERRORIST. Every motherfucker who owns an illegal weapon is a terrorist in my eyes & every person who supports them must be treated the same way. All Governments must come together to form a resolution that next time a terrorist is killed or captured, never mention he belongs to which country/religion/organization. Just mention, an INSECT was caught & killed. That’s it. Giving these assholes an identity is a major failure of our society.)


True me.. Tap-818..

You have to chase the things that ignite you.
You have to do the things that bring you joy.
You have to surround yourself with the people who bring you back home to yourself, with the people who respect you and embrace you in ways that make you feel like you are worthy and accepted and celebrated and loved.
You have do the work to heal yourself,
even when it hurts especially when it hurts,
so that you do not continue to approach your life within the boundary of what is heavy within you.
You have to put yourself out there,
and you cannot worry about what other people think,
you cannot rob yourself of experience or happiness or inspiration because you are scared of how you will be perceived.
You have to be unapologetic in the way that you exist here.
You have to believe that your ideas, and your hope, and your being, deserve to take up space.
You have to believe that you have purpose.

Because our existence is finite.
And as hard as that is to understand,
as hard as that can be to connect with,
from time to time remind yourself that in the most human way we are all living on borrowed time.
We live as if we are promised the experiences and the potential we are chasing,
we live as if we have control over what happens to us.
But we don’t, and that is liberating,
because it is pressing there is urgency within the lesson.
It is meant to wake you up.
Life is meant to be lived. (Not my words).

Tap OUT..✌️


You can’t fuck up anything that is meant for you.
So stop being so scared of what will happen.
Trust your intuition, stay consistent with your approach, stay relevant with your purpose, let your heart and soul guide you on this journey.

Life is fun, let it be.

(This video got nothing to do with the post above. It’s a comparison by Food insider about Ben & Jerry’s ice cream in UK & USA. I am jealous of USA only for this one reason, and maybe Disneyland. That’s all.)


Ask yourself if what you’re doing today is getting you closer to where you you want to be tomorrow.

(This video got something to do with the post above. Watch it if you want a nice kick to your butt & get things going. Title of this video is; 20 RULES FOR ENTREPRENEURS.)

True me.. Tap-814..

Mama once said;
“We don’t just entertain friends/relationships outta fun, we build them over time, we respect them & we keep them. That’s why never accept or serve discounted garbage”.

I was in my teen days.
I was still getting pocket money from parents.
I wasn’t able to understand those heavyweight words (right words).
I thought my mum was talking about not buying discounted clothes/stuffs or wasting money on fastfood with friends during weekend trips.
Most of my friends know i hate discounted clothes now too.
In fact, i don’t have a single piece of clothing from any fast fashion brands.

Coming closer to my 30, now i am understanding that she told me not to hangout with people who have discounted/cheap personality/approach/attitude/mindset, It took me almost 14 years to figure out the real meaning behind those wise words.
Being a MAN means progression/consistency of understanding, knowledge, acceptance & virtue while developing better habits.

(This video got nothing to do with the post above. Watch it to understand how your shopping habits are shaping a climate & humanitarian disaster. There’s a reason I never buy clothes from H&M, Zara, TK Maxx or any store/brand with 50% discount board. I buy clothes which cost at least a hundred quid or more, and i wear them for ages. They stay with me because, I know I have spent enough money to buy them. And i fully remember how much I paid, I have a photographic memory. Fun part is, I still have t-shirts, jackets, hoodies & sneakers from my 8th grade & engineering college days which fit perfectly even today. FYI, I am a sneakerhead & my love for watches is something divine.)


True me.. Tap-806..

Figure out what you want to do with your life and just do it.
Dedicate a separate journal for you to write down all of your goals.
And don’t just stop at journaling, make detailed steps towards achieving them.
Stopping sitting around and half arsing your way through things because you can’t seem to find any direction,
because seriously, life is what you make it and sometimes you need to get up and force yourself to do the things you know will benefit future you.

Things like I’m still young or I’m too old are out of the question.
No matter how old you are,
what you study or where you study,
use the time you have right now to learn & hustle.
I mean really hustle.
Because you don’t want to look back and say you should’ve worked harder, trained harder, tried harder, thought harder, loved harder or fought harder.
DISCIPLINE & CONSISTENT APPROACH towards all your EFFORTS are your only two best friends in your journey.
Don’t give yourself a reason to have regrets later on in life.

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-805..

What we think, we become.

Our thoughts are so powerful that we must always be mindful and conscious of what we’re telling ourselves.
We have the power to manifest anything we want with the power of our thinking.
So often we can get into a pattern of negative thinking without even realising it,
and before we know it we have brought into our lives the very thing we were afraid of.
The good news is that this principle also works for positive thoughts.
By thinking wonderful things about our lives, we are subconsciously changing them with the energy of our perspective.

Make sure you spend today thinking thoughts aligned with your dreams.
Cut out the thoughts that are bringing you down.
In this process of nurturing your thoughts, stay consistent with your approach. (Not my words).

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-746..

I have two kinda friends;

1. Who live in my city or near my city (max 2-4 hours away). We text whole day. Talk every night. Meet every weekend or we meet at least once in two weeks.
2. Who live in a different continent with huge timezone gap. We text here & there. We talk every weekend. We meet once or twice in a year.

I never entertained anything below these two.
That’s the reason most of my friends are my friends since past 1600 years.
It’s hard to entertain new people, because people are hella inconsistent with their approach.
And consistency is a quality very few people pack in their soul, which soothes our soul in return.
Consistent communication is the backbone of every equation.

Thanks to everyone who wished me “HAPPY BIRTHDAY”,
who sent a big box of sneakers or a tiny little gift with a card,
who knocked my door at 12am,
who threw cake on my face,
who hugged me from behind,
who squeezed me,
who slapped my ass,
who kissed my cheeks purposefully,
who kissed my lips accidentally,
who snatched my phone,
who made a mess in my living room,
who had pizza at 1am with me,
who put redwine on my white couch,
who went on a late night drive with me,
who gave me a head massage & back massage in front of 17 friends,
who said “we are friends forever”,

At the end i must say, I don’t give a shit about birthdays.
I am not a 3yr old kid who’s dying for gifts & people around.
The more i am moving closer towards my 30, the more i am missing my high school, engineering college or MBA days, sometimes i also think about getting married & pumping 90-95 babies inside my future wifey. Kids are angelic to my eyes, not a secret.

I love you all because i love the vibe.
You all make me a better me.
Your wishes help me move forward stronger.
Your midnight calls make me see a new world.
Your energy makes me feel energetic.
All of you are adored.
Many call me TAP, some say TAPPIE, BESTIE DEMI says RUDEY coz my resting bitch face is hella rude, 3 say DADDY for fun, and everything is accepted that comes with a smile.
Still feeling like a 16.
Feeling like nothing much has changed in me, the same naughty sporty happy happening beefcake i used to be.
Birthdays aren’t that important, friends showing up to surprise you at 12am is important.
These feelings are irreplaceable.
I owe you all whole of me.
(If anyone noticed bit too much of sass in my snapchat stories, JUST SWALLOW IT.)🤪


Tap OUT..😘

True me.. Tap-441..

Two people want each other. True. Vibe. Grow. Stick together. A relationship must be as simple and easy as that. Just cut & exit when anything else beyond/below that comes to play, that’s nothing but pure mindfuckery.

I love being single because “I DON’T LIKE/WANT OBLIGATION”, the same reason I don’t like debt or mortgages. My approach to life remains the same no matter where I am dealing with whatsoever kinda situation. And YES, I do believe in a truthful togetherness.

Tap OUT..👍

True me.. Tap-222..

Doesn’t matter whether you broke up with someone or you are trying to woo someone, if you are sure about approaching LOVE “MAKE SURE YOUR SINGLEHOOD IS PROVEN FOR SOME MONTHS AT LEAST, PAST PEOPLE HOLD YOU BACK FROM A PROSPEROUS FUTURE“. A clean and fully healed heart makes things easier for both to move ahead together towards a successful tomorrow.

Tap OUT..👍

True me..Tap-171..

There are people who think someone will approach for a relationship & life will be all rose pink after that. We are living in the world where one swipe left/right, you meet someone. And next day that person is gone to someone else or better.

My philosophy is; I am building myself. I get along with strong headed or loyal heart people. The one who wants me will get me & not stop fighting till mission accomplished. Life is like 80% work & 20% rest bullshit. That’s how I roll. A romantic relationship is not the goal of anyone’s life. You don’t need LOVE to spoon or fuck. It depends on your morals how you entertain people. Build a TRUE amazing self before asking a stable secure relationship.

Tap OUT..👍

True me..Tap-164..

My way to approach business: TAKE RIGHT RISKS.

Risks are a requirement for standing out in crowd. Right, because it should serve my purpose & remain long lasting.

Tap OUT..👍

True me.. Tap-157..

Defo I am single & Happy as hell. In no mood to be tied down in a relationship, my goals towards a secure tomorrow is my priority.

I take years to allow someone close to me. Earning Tap is a tough task. I would suggest you to stop trying, because I know you will give up & I don’t give a shit. Whoever approaches me with LOVE, they know the reason behind my denial.

I can share my status looking at this pic: Best friend is someone named “GRANNY”. I am definitely planning to hook up with her in 2070. Sorry DEMI.😂

True me.. Tap-139..

Some relationships look good in Instagram, some work in bed, some work under just certain circumstances with tons of mindfuckery. You definitely know what I am talking about, all those glittery bullshit I mean. I want none. I am just happy to be me. And I want nothing except TRUTH. I will buy the same when I approach LOVE, vice versa.

This is to the one i wanna be with & name LOVE: Trust me I am a real nasty person when my mind loses shit, most of the time it’s work or past memories. I might end up snatching your pizza slice or last bite of cheesecake, more over that I don’t know what harm I can cause you. For me cheating means, Sunday cheat meals. That’s it.

Tap OUT..🤗

True me.. Tap-109..

Whenever LOVE approaches me, the only thing I will do is be me & be True. Rest everything needs to be done by the other person. Things need to make sense before I believe.

I value life for what it is. The only thing I appreciate is TRUTH, doesn’t matter how good or ugly it is. I don’t want you to judge anything. Let me cherish you if anything goes down. My shoulders will always be there to lift you higher, not just to cry and calm down. Our tiny motto will be to build something bigger than what we had & stay indulged in each other while making it happen. I will never hesitate being naked in front of you emotionally, you have to be my mirror (vice versa). Not the best one; I want to write a LOVE STORY which brought more money, more challenges, more experience, more happiness, tons of rampant raw sex & abundance to life.

Tap OUT..💪🤗


In a relationship if someone is not moving up with time; just move forward with your life towards your goals & success, with or without them. You need a better you tomorrow. If deserving & you both are meant to be together, the other person will step up to catch up.


Communication is the foundation of a relationship. That teaches you how to approach & appreciate someone selflessly. Most relationships end up in broken pieces, because they miss this step one.

True me.. Tap-56..

Some situations are meant to drain you. You can’t put two different tyres in a motorcycle & run it smoothly. The harder you try, the harsh failure you have to face. Pull back, have a heart to heart with yourself. Make sure you are coming from a place of honesty & integrity, then approach the situation or the other side with your TRUTH. Life is easy & fun, don’t clunk it with negative bullshit.

Tap OUT..😘


Some people put a front like they are happy as fuck, without any such gain. If you have sorrow or some emotions inside, pour it out to seem like a legit human.

You can’t catch a fish without hook. Stop damaging your own brain with mindgames.

True me.. Tap-46..

People may hurt, scold, betray, abuse & break your heart. Stay strong, don’t behave like a pussy. Everything happens for a reason. Your other side is earning their karma by misusing you. At the end someone beautiful is coming to clean all & adore you for what you are. Your Truth & goodness will be rewarded at any cost. Stay positive, vibe right.

Tap OUT..😘

Break UP SEX!! Really??

Apparently my friends were suggesting to go on a banging spree last time when I told them about breaking up with a person who felt flat on standing on her ground to be a human. I just exited that part because that wasn’t serving me. If a relationship isn’t making you happy; you don’t need to break up from that person, you just need to come out from the bullshit they are trying to sell you. The day they will understand their own value, that person will figure out what’s best for them & you figure out what’s best for you.

In the name of break up, don’t go for stupid rebound sex bullshit. Some even end up in friends with benefits situations which attract more complications. That lowers your standard as a human even further. I make sure there is some standard in a person even when it’s a one night stand. That girl wasn’t even worth it. That was my reason for break up.

(Not gonna mention further details)

Tap my thoughts.. 13

Life is like a concert. Don’t go ahead & argue/fight with/for somebody towards any reason good or bad, it’s like you are stopping your own fun by wasting time on someone else who is all about negative vibe.

True me.. Tap-45..

Since the day you are born till today, all your actions are already written by your almighty. Call it destiny or call it your lifepath.

The only thing you can do is; understand your heart/head’s call & put it under logic to understand the truth, just follow it. You know where to move. Don’t prefer to live under regrets. You deserve happiness & love in your life. Smile..

Tap OUT..🤗

True me.. Tap-36..

Life has taught me enough lessons to see/figure out the brighter side of every situation. I know what positivity means. Don’t expect your fuckery to be accepted.

So now when your granny dies, please don’t forget to invite me. I can be your funeral DJ.

To achieve anything from finance, education, career or love; you need a good decision making power & a positive vibration.

Tap OUT.. 😜😘