True me.. Tap-1439..

Do you believe that there are no accidents in life?

Everything happens for a reason.
Every people we meet will have a role in our lives, be it big or small.
Some will hurt, betray and make us cry, to become stronger.
Some will teach us lessons, not to change us, but for us to realize our mistakes and to help us grow and make us a better person.
And some would simply inspire and love us, to make us happy.


True me.. Tap-205..

When I say “I have been through hell & back“, I literally mean it. I was dead once & brought back to life in a hospital bed because of a stupid accident.

Tap OUT..👍


Reality of life, learn it quickly as you can.

If something bad happens once; it’s INCIDENT, ACCIDENT OR MISTAKE. It happens again second time, it’s COINCIDENCE. It happens again for the third time, it’s a bloody PLAN.