
How you spend your mornings?
How you talk to yourself?
What you read?
What you watch?
Who you share your energy with?
Who has access to you?

Such small habits will change your life.

True me.. Tap-1695..

I stopped running away from my negative emotions.
I stopped running away from my feelings.
I stopped pretending like I had it all together.
I started accepting that I felt messed up.
I let myself breakdown to get ready for a breakthrough.

Sometimes when you are always focusing on being positive, you are avoiding the pain that makes you stronger.
BE AUTHENTIC. (Not my words.)


True me.. Tap-1694..

Success starts with consistency.
Health starts with consistency.
Fitness starts with consistency.
Wealth starts with consistency.
Friendships starts with consistency.
Relationships starts with consistency.
All aspirations are all about consistency.

If only people understood how important it is to be consistent.
Everything that has value in life is a product of consistency.


True me.. Tap-1693..

If you want to be happy, never take things personally.
Learn to let it go.
Let people be what they want to be.
Let people be how they want to be.
Let people expose themselves.

Focus on your mental health.
Focus on your physical health.
Focus on your financial stability.
Focus on your overall wellbeing.
Focus on you.


True me.. Tap-1692..

Choose discipline.
Choose experience.
Choose knowledge.
Choose consistency.
Choose faith.
Choose calm.
Choose joy.
Choose abundance.
Choose self care.
Choose time management.
Choose tunnel vision.
Choose open mindedness.

Choose fun.
Choose laughs.
Choose growth.
Choose health.
Choose love.
Choose harmony.
Choose forgiveness.
Choose yourself.


True me.. Tap-1691..

Wake up early.
Drink coffee.
Work hard.
Be ambitious.
Keep your priorities straight.
Keep your mind right.
Keep your head up.
Do well.
Live well.
Dress really well.

Do what you love.
Love what you do.
It is time to start living.

Work on yourself.
Work for yourself.
Be you.



There are three solutions to every problem:
accept it,
change it,
leave it.

If you can’t accept it, change it.
If you can’t change it, leave it.

True me.. Tap-1690..

If you can’t manage $1,000,
you won’t be able to manage $10,000.
If you’re not happy on your own,
you won’t be happy in a relationship.
If you don’t feel good now,
you won’t feel good when you have everything you’re working toward.

Money doesn’t make you good with money.
Love doesn’t make you love yourself.
Success doesn’t make you happier unless you are already happy.

You are your own foundation.
If that’s not solid, nothing else can stand on it.


True me.. Tap-1689..

To attract better, you have to become better.
You can’t do the same things and expect change.
Transform your mindset.
Upgrade your habits.
Think positive. 

Be hopeful and consistent with your evolution.
It all starts with you & how you feel about yourself.
Be you.



Dark times teach you a lot.
That’s why you can’t regret what you went through, but rather be thankful for all the lessons it taught you.

Being grateful & practicing gratitude is the only way to thrive.

True me.. Tap-1688..

Watch your thoughts;
they become words.
Watch your words;
they become actions.
Watch your actions:
they become habits.
Watch your habits:
they become your character.
Watch your character;
it becomes your destiny.



Stop thinking so hard about everything.
Stop over analyzing.
Just go.
Just do.
If it feels right, just go with the flow.
If it feels wrong, don’t think about it anymore and walk away.

True me.. Tap-1687..

My biggest flex is that nobody ever knows what’s really going on in my life.
Where I am,
who I’m with,
my next move,
unless I make it known!!

Therefore anything anyone says is just an assumption.
Privacy is the only luxury.
Privacy is peace.


True me.. Tap-1686..

To attract better,
you have to become better.
You can’t do the same things and expect change.
Transform your mindset.
Upgrade your habits.

Think positive.
Be hopeful & remain consistent with your evolution.
It all starts with you and how you feel about yourself.
Upgrade yourself.



If you are clear about your goals and take several steps in the right direction everyday, eventually you will succeed.

So decide what it is you want,
write it down,
review it constantly,
and each day do something that moves you toward those goals.

True me.. Tap-1685..

You have to commit to getting up early.
You have to commit to taking care of yourself.
You have to commit to taking care of your responsibilities.
You have to be honest with yourself.
You have to revaluate your priorites.
Nobody is going to do it for you.

These are your goals.
These are your dreams.
Everything you want starts with you.
Everything you want ends with you.



To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.

– Ralph Waldo Emerson.

True me.. Tap-1684..

There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done.
One is called yesterday.
The other is called tomorrow.

So, today is the right day to love.
Today is the day to believe.
Today is the day to do.
Today is the day to mostly live.



Be calm.
Nobody can trigger your emotions without your permission.
Learn to be calm and centered no matter what’s happening outside of you.

True me.. Tap-1683..


Alcohol with water.
Failing with learning.
Overthinking with action.
Blame with responsibility.
Toxic friends with mentors.
Complaining with gratitude.
Netflix marathons with sleep.
Fake influencers with inspiring creators.


True me.. Tap-1682..

It’s not easy getting there.
You will be discouraged.
You will be tempted to quit.
But remember, it has to start small and slow.
It needs time and room to grow.
It needs your full attention and commitment.
And it requires the best of you right now.
When progress feels slow, remember that quitting won’t get you closer.
So be encouraged.
Never quit.
Never settle.

Learn to appreciate where you are right now.
It’s not easy but look at you now.
You’ve learned and progressed.
Now believe in yourself a lot more.
And remember; do not despise these small beginnings.
It all starts there.
You will see big things ahead.
You got this.

Progress is still a progress no matter how slow.


True me.. Tap-1681..

I’ve been to parties where I’ve seen these really gorgeous girls hiding in the corners afraid to talk to anyone.
I can tell they’re insecure.
Maybe they don’t think they’re pretty enough or they don’t think they have the right outfit on, but it immediately dims their inner light.
To me there’s nothing more attractive than someone owning who they are in the skin they’re in.

Find what makes you comfortable and confident.
Remember how special you are and wear it with pride!
Confidence starts with beauty.
Beauty begins from comfort within.



Study yourself and your behaviour more than anything.
Self awareness is the key to true confidence.
No one can tell you who you are when you already know.

True me.. Tap-1680..

Life is about balance.
Be kind.
But don’t let people abuse you.
But don’t be deceived.
Be content.
But never stop improving yourself.

Life is constantly under construction.
There’s always something to improve.


True me.. Tap-1679..

I have been through so much and done so many things I could easily be judged for.
I would never want to judge anyone else for whatever paths they are on; it’s just not my place to criticize someone else’s journey.
Nor is it anyone else’s place to criticize my own.

Don’t judge others.
Think about how you’d want to be treated.

Judging a person does not define who they are.
It defines who you are.
(Not my words.)


True me.. Tap-1678..

Date, in private.
Love, in private.
Be happy, in private.
Live, in private.

That way, you can;
Take your losses, in private.
Maintain, in private.
Rebuild yourself, in private.



Train your mind to be stronger than your emotions.
Having self-control will get you further than constantly reacting to everything that’s trying to test your patience.

Center yourself and remain calm in difficult or challenging situations.

True me.. Tap-1677..

To attract better,
you have to become better.
You can’t do the same things and expect change.
Transform your mindset.
Upgrade your habits.

Think positive.
Be hopeful & remain consistent with your evolution.
It all starts with you and how you feel about yourself.
Upgrade yourself.



Your time and energy are leaking from 3 cracks;

• Social Media.
• Overthinking.
• Inconsistent people in life.

Instead of productivity hacks, first fix these cracks.

True me.. Tap-1676..

When you are alone,
mind your thoughts.
When you are with friends,
mind your tongue.
When you are angry,
mind your temper.
When you are with a group,
mind your behavior.
When you are in trouble,
mind your emotions.
When you are blessed with success,
mind your ego.


True me.. Tap-1675..

Pause before judging.
Pause before assuming.
Pause before accusing.
Pause before responding.
Most importantly, pause whenever you’re about to react harshly.

You’ll avoid saying things you will later regret.
You’ll avoid doing things you will later regret.
Practice the pause.



Don’t worry about what people say behind your back, they are the people who are finding faults in your life instead of fixing the faults in their own life.

True me.. Tap-1674..

Your competition isn’t other people.
Your competition is:

• Your procrastination.
• Your Ego.
• Unhealthy food you’re consuming.
• The knowledge you neglect to learn.
• Negative behavior you’re nurturing.
• Your lack of creativity.


True me.. Tap-1673..

Why Consistency Matters?

Consistency is the key to success in any endeavor.
Whether it is personal, professional, or creative, consistency helps you to achieve your goals, improve your skills, and build your reputation.

Consistency leads to progress.
By doing something regularly, you can measure your improvement, overcome challenges, and reach new milestones.

Consistency builds habits.
Habits are actions that become automatic and effortless over time. By being consistent, you can form positive habits that support your goals and eliminate negative habits that hinder them.

Consistency creates trust.
Trust is the foundation of any relationship, whether it is with yourself, your family, your friends, or your customers. By being consistent, you can show that you are reliable, dependable, and honest.

Consistency is not easy, but it is worth it.
By being consistent, you can achieve your goals, improve your skills, and build your reputation. Remember, consistency is not about perfection, but about persistence. As long as you keep trying, you will succeed.


True me.. Tap-1672..

You can change your location,
you can meet new people,
and still have the same old problems.

To truly change your life,
you need to look inward,
get to know and love yourself,
and heal the trauma and dense conditioning in your mind.

This is how you get to the root.
Internal changes have a significant external impact.


True me.. Tap-1671..

You have this one life.
How do you wanna spend it?

Hating yourself?
Running after people who don’t appreciate you? 

Be brave.
Believe in yourself.
Do what feels good.
Take calculated risks.
You have this one life.
Make yourself proud.



The most important lesson I’ve learned over this past year is;
Don’t let anybody make you cruel.

No matter how badly you want to give the world a taste of its own bitter medicine;
It is never worth losing yourself.

True me.. Tap-1670..

Stop saying you’ll do it ‘one day’.
You just have to do it.
At some point you have to make the first move.
You have to make all the things you plan inside your head happen.
You need to start taking steps to get what you want even if they are baby steps.

It’s time to start working on that life you have always dreamed of.
Put the fear of failure aside and just do it.
The one thing more scary than starting is regret.


True me.. Tap-1669..

There’s a reason I have huge disagreements with modern day preaching of KINDNESS.
Imagine there’s a beggar on streets who’s kindly asking for some money or food or help, that kindness is not his choice, that kindness is his only way to approach you, that kindness is forced on him because of his situation. I don’t think you should value that kindness at that point, but please choose to help him looking at his situation.

Now let’s pick another situation where a successful person who’s kind enough to give his employees an extra day off at work or some bonus or he chooses to help someone anyway possible under his capabilities without clicking a picture for social media clout. That wasn’t forced on him, that kindness was his choice, that kindness says his upbringing was right & that kindness says his values+morals are in sync with humanity.
I value such KINDNESS.


True me.. Tap-1668..

You don’t have to prove nothing to nobody.
Everyone’s life succeeds at it’s own pace.
I have seen teenage millionaires getting life sentence for killing people with drugs & over speeding related accidents.
I have seen 40 year old dads returning back home tired with a big smile to hug their kids.
Life isn’t same for everyone. 

Yet there are few disgusting people who look back & think they can hurt someone from past with petty moves.
The answer is clear.
Past has passed, very few people can digest it.
Those who can’t digest it deserve a disconnection from your life.
Own yourself. Be you.


True me.. Tap-1667..

You have one life.

Don’t spend it scrolling through everyone else’s.
Don’t spend it wishing you had someone else’s.
Don’t spend it comparing it to someone else’s.
Don’t spend it competing with someone else’s.
Don’t spend it talking about someone else’s.
Don’t spend it recounting your mistakes.
Don’t spend it rehearsing your failures.
Don’t spend it focusing on your limitations.
Don’t spend it living in regret.
Don’t spend it paralyzed by fear.
Don’t spend it listening to the naysayers.
Don’t spend it living purposelessly.

Live it.


True me.. Tap-1666..

Oversharing is how you leak the energy.
Privacy is protection.
Stop telling people more than what they need to know.
The less you reveal, the more people can wonder. 

Forget attention.
Move in silence.
Live peacefully.
Vibrate higher.
Speak when it’s time to say checkmate.


True me.. Tap-1665..

Most people need consistency more than they need intensity.

– Run a marathon.
– Write a book in 30 days.
– Recreational retreat.

– Don’t miss a workout for 2 years.
– Journal everyday or week.
– Practice meditation/silence.

Intensity makes a good story.
Consistency makes progress.
Long-term consistency always beats short-term intensity.


True me.. Tap-1664..

Sometimes the best thing you can do is;
No thinking,
No wondering,
No imagination,
No obsession.

Just breathe and have faith that everything will turn out for the best.
Trust tomorrow will be an upgrade of today.


True me.. Tap-1663..

The 4 stages of WEALTH:

1) Stability:
– No debt.
– Bills are paid.
– Savings are funded.

2) Strategy:
– Investing.
– Money works for you.

3) Security:
– Enjoy your money.
– Travel.
– Eat good food.

4) Freedom:
– Money is not an issue.
– Quality of life trumps costs.


True me.. Tap-1662..

Be thankful that you’re not where you used to be in life.
Be grateful you’ve outgrown so much.
Be grateful you’re still learning.
Be grateful you’ve survived a lot.
Be grateful you know your goals & desires.
Be grateful it made you a better person.

Give yourself credit for making it this far.
Some of your best days are ahead of you.
Remain consistent in your journey.
Keep going, and don’t give up.


True me.. Tap-1661..


Talk – Softly.
Eat – Sensibly.
Breathe – Deeply.
Dress – Smartly.
Act – Fearlessly.
Work – Patiently.
Think – Creatively.
Behave – Decently.
Earn – Honestly.
Save – Regularly.
Spend – Intelligently.


True me.. Tap-1660..

Beauty also looks like:

Good moral values.
Emotional intelligence.
A kind and grateful heart.
A desire to do and be better.



5 things to quit:

1. Trying to please everyone.
2. Fearing change.
3. Living in the past.
4. Putting yourself down.
5. Overthinking.

True me.. Tap-1659..

I don’t believe in coincidences.
I think that things happen the way that they are supposed to.
When you really look at and evaluate every experience you’ve had, it’s a direct result of your actions and thoughts.

Don’t fight or wish away unexpected occurrences.
In time, and in its own way, it will prove to better your life in some way.
I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason.


True me.. Tap-1658..

The more you act out what you wish to see in the world, the more you’ll inspire others to do the same.
It really is that simple.
If you want to change, you have to be the change that’s needed.

Make a list of things you believe in and don’t be afraid to stand up for what you’re passionate about.
Be the change you wish to see in the world.


True me.. Tap-1657..

No amount of anxiety will change your future.
No amount of regret will change your past.

Peace is found in acceptance:

• Accept imperfection.
• Accept uncertainty.
• Accept the uncontrollable.

You don’t have to understand.
You don’t have to tolerate.
You don’t even have to forget something.
But if you want peace, you must accept it.

Acceptance is peace.



Expectations aren’t wrong.
Unrealistic expectations are the problem, and that’s in your control, so that’s your problem.

Fix your stupid brain before blaming someone else.

True me.. Tap-1656..

Nobody is asking you to be perfect.
It’s enough to just do the best you can do today with what you have inside you right now.
Oftentimes, we put too much pressure on ourselves to please other people.

Whatever you feel when you wake up is good enough; just start with that and make the most of today.
Start where you are.
Use what you have.
Do what you can.


True me.. Tap-1655..

Happiness doesn’t start with a relationship.
Happiness doesn’t start with a purchase.
Happiness doesn’t start with a vacation.
Happiness doesn’t start with a location.
Happiness doesn’t start with a job.
Happiness doesn’t start with money.

It’s how you deal with stress in each little moment that determines how well you achieve happiness in the end.
If you want life to be happier, you need to change your present response.
Happiness starts with you.


True me.. Tap-1654..

You will never fail physically first.
You will always fail mentally.

It’s your job to push past your limits.
Every day.
Every workout.
Every stressful situation.
Push through.
Break through.

Life is a mental game.
It’s all about your mindset.
Embrace it.


True me.. Tap-1653..

You gotta start believing that your morning commute is cute and fun.
You gotta start believing that every cup of coffee is the best you’ve ever had.
You gotta start believing that even the smallest and most mundane things are exciting and new.

You have to, because that’s when you start truly living.
That’s when you look forward to everyday.
You gotta start romanticizing your life.



If you expect the world to be fair with you because you are fair, you’re fooling yourself.

That’s like expecting the lion not to eat you because you didn’t eat him.

True me.. Tap-1652..

You have this one life.
How do you wanna spend it?
Hating yourself?
Running after people who don’t see you?

Be brave.
Believe in yourself.
Do what feels good.
Take risks.
You have this one life.
Make yourself proud.


True me.. Tap-1651..

A shark in a fish tank will grow 8 inches.
But the same shark in the ocean it will grow 8ft or more.
The shark will never out grow its environment.
And the same is true about you & every other human being.

Many times we’re around small thinking people, so we don’t grow.
Change your environment and watch your growth.


True me.. Tap-1650..

Pause before judging.
Pause before assuming.
Pause before accusing.
Pause before responding.
Most importantly, pause whenever you’re about to react harshly.

You’ll avoid saying things you will later regret.
You’ll avoid doing things you will later regret.
Practice the pause.


True me.. Tap-1649..

You can rise up from anything.
You can completely recreate yourself.
Nothing is permanent.
You’re not stuck.
You have choices.
You always have choices.

You can think new thoughts.
You can learn something new.
You can create new habits.
All that matters is that you decide today and never look back.



Your entire life can really change in a year.
You just gotta love yourself enough to know you deserve more.
Be brave enough to demand more.
And be disciplined enough to actually work for more.

True me.. Tap-1648..

Self-care isn’t just holidays and massages.
Self-care is working on your habits.
Self-care is working on your mindset.
Self-care is healing your past.
Self-care is discarding toxic thoughts from your head.
Self-care is removing toxic people from your life.
Self-care is erasing toxic places from your memory lane.

Self-care is living intentionally.
Self-care is living purposefully.
Self-care is living consciously.



Dark times teach you a lot.
That’s why you can’t regret what you went through, but rather be thankful for all the lessons it taught you.

Being grateful & practicing gratitude is the only way to thrive.

True me.. Tap-1647..

When you are alone,
mind your thoughts.
When you are with friends,
mind your tongue.
When you are angry,
mind your temper.
When you are with a group,
mind your behavior.
When you are in trouble,
mind your emotions.
When you are blessed with success,
mind your ego.


True me.. Tap-1646..

Build your 3 pillars:

• Lift.
• Run.
• Stretch.

• Read.
• Travel.
• Meditate.

• Stocks.
• Real estate.
• Business.

Go hard and you are ahead of 96% of people.
