True me.. Tap-1645..

Life is rarely ever predictable.
The truth is:
We were never guaranteed that we would have the answers for everything or feel certainty in every situation.

That’s part of this journey’s adventure to get from where we are to where we want to be, we are required to trust, hope, and believe, and dare to blaze the trail even when the path in front of us looks near impossible.

The secret to life isn’t about knowing the future or having the perfect roadmap, but rather having faith for the future and the spirit of a pioneer.



5 things to quit:

1. Trying to please everyone.
2. Fearing change.
3. Living in the past.
4. Putting yourself down.
5. Overthinking.

True me.. Tap-1644..

Wake up early.
Drink coffee.
Work hard.
Be ambitious.
Keep your priorities straight.
Keep your mind right.
Keep your head up.
Do well.
Live well.
Dress really well.

Do what you love.
Love what you do.
It is time to start living.

Work on yourself.
Work for yourself.
Be you.


True me.. Tap-1643..

My biggest flex is that nobody ever knows what’s really going on in my life.
Where i am,
who i’m with,
my next move,
unless i make it known!!

Therefore anything anyone says is just an assumption.
Privacy is the only luxury.
Privacy is peace.


True me.. Tap-1642..

You are responsible for your happiness.
In fact, you create it.
You attract it.
You manifest it.
You are the architect of your reality.
You choose your thoughts.
You choose your perceptions.
You choose your reaction to external forces.

You posses all of the tools needed to expand your awareness, to orchestrate the evolution of your consciousness, to choose happiness, to choose love.
You are that powerful.
Create the life you deserve.
Vibe love. Be you. Be happy.



Developing your craft increases your confidence.
Increased confidence creates consistency.
Consistency creates momentum.
Momentum feels a lot like destiny.

Keep going.

True me.. Tap-1641..

I love the glow you get from minding your own business and letting go of negativity.
You no longer waste your time and energy stressing out or worrying about things that don’t evolve you.
You start focusing your energy on getting better.
You start feeling better.
You start looking better.
You even start attracting better.
Everything changes.

It all begins with you, always.
Be you.


True me.. Tap-1640..

Every good thing takes time.
You can’t rush things.
Growth is not linear, but a journey; one filled with challenges and opportunities to push to your destination.
No one can do it for you, it’s your journey.
And there will be days you’ll want to give up, but you can keep going.
There are no shortcuts to get there, so you have to embrace the process.

Think progress, not perfection.
Allow yourself to grow in the process.
Make room for failure too.
Just do your daily practice and cultivate a kind heart.
Bet on hard work.
Abandon impatience.
The results will come down when they’re ready.
Remember, consistent small steps are way better than just one big step with no further progress.



Some people won’t love you no matter what you do and some people won’t stop loving you no matter what you do.
Go where the love is.

True me.. Tap-1639..

You have to commit to getting up early.
You have to commit to taking care of your responsibilities.
You have to be honest with yourself.
You have to revaluate your priorites.
Nobody is going to do it for you.

These are your goals.
These are your dreams.
Everything you want starts with you.
Everything you want ends with you.



There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done.
One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow.
So today is the right day to love, believe, do, and mostly live.

True me.. Tap-1638..

I don’t believe in coincidences.
I think that things happen the way that they are supposed to.
When you really look at and evaluate every experience you’ve had, it’s a direct result of your actions and thoughts.

Don’t fight or wish away unexpected occurrences.
In time, and in its own way, it will prove to better your life in some way.
I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason.



If you want to be happy,
do not dwell in the past,
do not worry about the future,
focus on living fully in the present.

-Roy T. Bennett.

True me.. Tap-1637..

To attract better, you have to become better.
You can’t do the same things and expect change.
Transform your mindset.
Upgrade your habits.
Think positive.

Be hopeful and consistent with your evolution.
It all starts with you & how you feel about yourself.
Be you.



Stop thinking so hard about everything.
Stop over analyzing.
Just go.
Just do.
If it feels right, just go with the flow.
If it feels wrong, don’t think about it anymore and walk away.

True me.. Tap-1636..

Be firm about your choices right now.
Don’t go backwards to habits that weren’t helping you evolve.
Don’t go backwards to situations that weren’t helping you evolve.

You have to keep reminding yourself why you even decided to move forward.
Stay positive about what’s to come by being consistent with your change now.



How you spend your mornings?
How you talk to yourself?
What you read?
What you watch?
Who you share your energy with?
Who has access to you?

Such small habits will change your life.

True me.. Tap-1635..

Communication is vital to every relationship.
There are people out there whose personalities just don’t mix with yours.
Don’t waste your time trying to figure out why.
Just go where you are wanted and understood, and everything else will fall into place.

If there’s someone in your life you are having trouble communicating with, try to work it out.
Be sure the tone in your voice comes from a place of love and respect to connect with them.
Only surround yourself with people who you can communicate with.



Dark times teach you a lot.
That’s why you can’t regret what you went through, but rather be thankful for all the lessons it taught you.

Be grateful & practice gratitude.

True me.. Tap-1634..

Watch your thoughts;
they become words.
Watch your words;
they become actions.
Watch your actions:
they become habits.
Watch your habits:
they become your character.
Watch your character;
it becomes your destiny.


True me.. Tap-1633..

Most people need consistency more than they need intensity.

– Run a marathon.
– Write a book in 30 days.
– Recreational retreat.

– Don’t miss a workout for 2 years.
– Journal everyday or week.
– Practice meditation/silence.

Intensity makes a good story.
Consistency makes progress.
Long-term consistency always beats short-term intensity.



Travel and tell no one.
Find a partner and tell no one.
Live happily and tell no one.
People ruin beautiful things.

Protect your privacy.
Privacy is the greatest luxury.

True me.. Tap-1632..

Don’t compare your real life experiences with someone else’s made up highlights.
In this age of fake smiles and filters make sure you are happy in real life.
Learn to value discretion, silence & privacy in a world where everyone shows and tells everything.

Dare to be authentic in a world where fakeness is normalised.
Be an authentic version of yourself first.

When you build in silence, people don’t know what to attack.
What people don’t know, they can’t ruin.

Keep it secret till you win.
And always remember;
Silence is blissful & private life always wins.



As long as you’re not harming/hurting others in any way, live unapologetically in all you do.
You don’t need validation from anyone for anything.

True me.. Tap-1631..

Every man or woman with ambition has a period in their life where they build a foundation.

No dating.
No fucking around.
No excuses.
No distractions.

There’s just pure tunnel vision into their dreams.
There’s just pure tunnel vision into their visions.
There’s just pure tunnel vision into their goals.
This is what separates the average from the successful.



Let go of expecting people to be a certain way just because you are.
Not everyone will understand you or respect you. Detach yourself from wanting to be understood.

Your life is about own goals, own growth, self-love & self-acceptance.
Be you & be a better version of yourself every single day.

True me.. Tap-1630..

Be thankful that you’re not where you used to be in life.
Be grateful you’ve outgrown so much.
Be grateful you’re still learning.
Be grateful you’ve survived a lot.
Be grateful you know your goals & desires.
Be grateful it made you a better person.

Give yourself credit for making it this far.
Some of your best days are ahead of you.
Remain consistent in your journey.
Keep going, and don’t give up.



There are three solutions to every problem:
accept it,
change it,
leave it.

If you can’t accept it, change it.
If you can’t change it, leave it.

True me.. Tap-1629..

Life has three rules:
Paradox, Humor, and Change.

Life is a mystery; don’t waste your time trying to figure it out.

Keep a sense of humor, especially about yourself.
It is a strength beyond all measure.

Know that nothing ever stays the same.
(Not my words.)


True me.. Tap-1628..

I’ve been to parties where I’ve seen these really gorgeous girls hiding in the corners.
They are afraid to talk to anyone.
I can tell they’re insecure.
Maybe they don’t think they’re pretty enough or they don’t think they have the right outfit on,
but it immediately dims their inner light.

There’s nothing more attractive than someone owning who they are in the skin they’re in.

Find what makes you comfortable and confident.
Remember how special you are and wear it with pride!
Confidence starts with beauty.
Beauty begins from comfort within.



Goal in life is to be happy.
Genuinely happy, intensely happy and consistently happy, without giving a flying fuck about how it looks like to others.

True me.. Tap-1627..

No amount of anxiety will change your future.
No amount of regret will change your past.

Peace is found in acceptance:
• Accept imperfection.
• Accept uncertainty.
• Accept the uncontrollable.

You don’t have to understand.
You don’t have to tolerate.
You don’t have to forget something.
But if you want peace, you must accept it.
Acceptance is peace.


True me.. Tap-1626..

If you can’t manage $1,000,
you won’t be able to manage $10,000.
If you’re not happy on your own,
you won’t be happy in a relationship.
If you don’t feel good now,
you won’t feel good when you have everything you’re working towards.

Money doesn’t make you good with money.
Love doesn’t make you love yourself.
Success doesn’t make you happier unless you are already happy.

You are your own foundation.
If that’s not solid, nothing else can stand on it.



Consistency is the jewel worth wearing.
Consistency is the anchor worth weighing.
Consistency is the thread worth weaving.
Consistency is a battle worth winning.

True me.. Tap-1625..

Nobody is asking you to be perfect.
It’s enough to just do the best you can do today with what you have inside you right now.
Often times, we put too much pressure on ourselves to please other people.

Whatever you feel when you wake up is good enough; just start with that and make the most of today.

Start where you are.
Use what you have.
Do what you can.


True me.. Tap-1624..

Happiness doesn’t start with a relationship.
Happiness doesn’t start with a vacation.
Happiness doesn’t start with a job.
Happiness doesn’t start with a money.
It starts with you.

When you wake up each morning,
take a moment to think about what kind of life you want to have.

Consciously choose to have a happy life.
Life that is filled with love,
Life that is filled with laughter,
Life that is filled with good health,
Life that is filled with success.

Then begin your day focused on the things you can do to make this your reality.



Your entire life can really change in a year.
You just gotta love yourself enough to know you deserve more,
be brave enough to demand more,
be disciplined enough to actually work for more.

True me.. Tap-1623..

If we believe there is no magic in life, then we’ll never experience it.
If we believe the miraculous is not real, then we’ll never accept it when we see it.
If we believe that we’re limited in what we can do, accomplish, and become, then we’ll always live within the confines of our imagination.

However, the opposite is also true.

If we believe in magic, we’ll experience it around every corner.
If we believe in the miraculous, then we’ll train ourselves to see and be thankful for the little miracles that unfold each day.
If we believe that we are limitless, then we’ll see anything we imagine is possible.

The beliefs that we hold onto influence our lives significantly, determining how our story unfolds.



In the end, only three things matter:
How much you loved,
How gently you lived,
How gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.

– Buddha.

True me.. Tap-1622..

At this age, everything is changing.
Day by day we don’t notice, but just look back over the past year and you will realize everything has.

People you thought were going to be there forever aren’t,
and ,
People you never imagined you’d be speaking to are now some of your closest friends.

Life makes little sense, and the more we grow the less sense it will make.
So make the most of it now, before it all changes once again, because in the near future, all of this is only going to be memories.


True me.. Tap-1621..

No matter how confident you are that you’re “right” in a situation, there’s a good chance that the person you are in a fight or disagreement with feels equally confident that they’re right.
Often the reason fights become so complicated is because there isn’t just one right answer or solution.
It’s two- sided and important to listen to all sides before anyone comes to a decision.

Stay open-minded and be willing to hear the other person’s side.
They may point something out to you that you never would have thought about that will help you grow.
Even if you’re right, the other person still has their side of the story.


True me.. Tap-1620..

Things i can control;

– How i treat myself.
– How i treat my body.
– How i react to people.
– How i react to situations.
– How i express my thoughts.
– How i speak to others.
– How i treat others.
– What i do with my spare time.
– Where i give my time.
– Where i give my energy.
– Where i give my attention.
– The people i choose to surround myself with.
– The content i consume.



Three simple rules in life;

1. If you don’t go after what you want,
you’ll never have it.

2. If you don’t ask,
the answer is always no.

3. If you don’t step forward,
you’re always in the same place.

True me.. Tap-1619..

You create self-confidence by doing instead of procrastinating.
You create self-confidence by doing instead of over-planning.
You create self-confidence by doing instead of self-sabotaging.
You create self-confidence by doing instead of complaining.
You create self-confidence by doing instead of feeling sorry for yourself.

Self-confidence is a super power.
Once you start to believe in yourself, magic starts happening.


True me.. Tap-1618..

Overthinking confuses the situation.
Overthinking twists things around.
Overthinking forces you to worry.
Overthinking often makes everything seem much worse than it actually is.
Overthinking can ruin you.

Trust that you made the right decision.
Stay consistent in your journey.
And continue to grow.
Don’t overthink life.


True me.. Tap-1617..

Remember, most of your stress comes from the way you respond, not the way life is.
Adjust your attitude.
Change how you see things.
Look for the good in all situations.
Take the lesson and find new opportunities to grow.

Let all the extra stress go.
Let all the extra worry go.
Let all the extra overthinking go.



Never blame anyone in your life.

Good people give you happiness.
Bad people give you experience.
The worst people give you a lesson.
And the best people give you memories.

True me.. Tap-1616..

Go first.
Say hello.
Lead the run.
Do the first set.
Lend a hand.
Make the first call.
Introduce yourself.
Call a friend for no reason.
Help a stranger for no reward.
Find people going up the same mountain.
Climb together.

A simple truth:
The world rewards those who initiate.
So, don’t wait for opportunities.
Create them.



If they respect you,
respect them.
If they disrespect you,
still respect them.

Do not allow the actions of others to decrease your good manners, because you represent yourself, not others.

True me.. Tap-1615..

If tou truly want something,
you will make it happen.
Do not blame the conditions.
We create our own destiny.

It is we who decided what we can and can not do.
Work hard and put your heart and soul into your work.
Use every second to think about how you can achive your goal.

Focus on your own stuff.
Everybody walks a diffrent path.
Do not try to walk someone elses because that is not going to work.
And most important do what you love.
You create you.


True me.. Tap-1614..

You can be healing and still be:

– Triggered.
– Afraid.
– Emotionally closed-off.
– Unclear about which path to take next.
– Tender.

Healing is not perfection, it’s small steps.
And it’s progress toward becoming you again.
Journey with grace through the process.


True me.. Tap-1613..

You have to commit to getting up early.
You have to commit to do your duties on time.
You have to commit to taking care of your responsibilities.
You have to be honest with yourself.
You have to revaluate your priorites.

Nobody is going to do it for you.
These are your goals.
These are your dreams.
Everything you want starts and ends with you.


True me.. Tap-1612..

7 things to keep in mind:

1. Go after dreams,
not people.

2. Love yourself,
and the rest will follow.

3. Never lose your sense of wonder.

4. You are capable of more than you know.

5. No regrets in life.
Just lessons learned.

6. Your only limit is you.

7. Life goes by in a blink of an eye.
So live life.



Train your mind to see the good in everything.
Positivity is a choice.
The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.

– Marcandangel.

True me.. Tap-1611..

You can rise up from anything.
You can completely recreate yourself.
Nothing is permanent.
You’re not stuck.
You have choices.

You can think new thoughts.
You can learn something new.
You can create new habits.
All that matters is that you decide today and never look back.



Life is about balance.
Be kind, but don’t let people abuse you.
Trust, but don’t be deceived.
Be content, but never stop improving yourself.

True me.. Tap-1610..

Take some time to rest.
Take some time to recover.
You don’t always have to be so busy.
You don’t always have to be pushing yourself so hard.
Step back and take care of yourself.

Those moments of self-care will add value.
Those moments of self-care will add energy.
Those moments of self-care will add purpose.
Those moments of self-care will add creativity to everything you do.

Find a healthy balance and enjoy your life.


True me.. Tap-1609..

Self-care isn’t just holidays and massages.

It’s working on your habits.
It’s working on your mindset.
It’s working on your healing your past.

It’s removing toxic thoughts.
It’s removing toxic people.
It’s removing toxic places from your life.

It’s living intentionally.
It’s living purposefully.
It’s living consciously.



What if I break your trust someday?

Trusting you is my decision.
Proving me wrong is your choice.

Favorite line.

True me.. Tap-1608..

Things you can control:

Your beliefs,
Your choices,
Your attitude,
Your thoughts,
Your perspective,
How honest you are,
What books you read,
How often you exercise,
How you treat yourself,
The type of food you eat,
How kind you are to people!



True me.. Tap-1607..

I love the glow you get from minding your own business.
I love the glow you get from letting go of negativity.
You no longer waste your time.
You no longer waste your energy stressing out.
You no longer waste your energy worrying about things that don’t evolve you.

You start focusing your energy on getting better.
You start feeling better.
You start looking better.
You even start attracting better.
Everything changes.



Try to surround yourself with positive people who make you happy, sarcastic people who make you laugh.
And coffee.
You should always surround yourself with coffee.

True me.. Tap-1606..


1. Try again when you fail.
2. Tomorrow is another good day.
3. Smile when it rains hard.
4. Happiness is always a choice.
5. Experience can never be bought.
6. Knowledge stays with you forever.
7. Cry hard, then stand firm.
8. Love, get hurt, and love.
9. Eat. Play. Work. Sleep. Love.



Happiness is a choice, not a result.
Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy.
No person will make you happy unless you decide to be happy.
Your happiness will not come to you.
It can only come from you.


True me.. Tap-1605..

You can rise up from anything.
You can completely recreate yourself.
Nothing is permanent.
You’re not stuck.

You have choices.
You can think new thoughts.
You can learn something new.
You can create new habits.

All that matters is that you decide today and never look back.
Your choices matter.
Your decision matters even more.


True me.. Tap-1604..

There is so much abundance available to you.
There is so much success available to you.
There is so much happiness available to you.

Work for what you want.
Crave it.
Consume it.
Do what it takes to create what you need.

On the journey you will lose.
On the journey you will be told no.
But that doesn’t mean you’re not worthy.
Success is a choice, choose it.


True me.. Tap-1603..

Be firm about your choices right now.
Don’t go backwards to habits that weren’t helping you evolve.
Don’t go backwards to situations that weren’t helping you evolve.

You have to keep reminding yourself why you even decided to move forward.
Stay positive about what’s to come by being consistent with your change now.


True me.. Tap-1602..

I was raised to show respect.
I was taught to knock before i open a door.
Say hello when I enter a room.
Say please and thank you, and to have respect for my elders.
I do let another person have my seat if they need it.
Say ‘yes sir’ and ‘no sir’, and help others when they need me to, not stand on the sidelines and watch.
Hold the door for the elderly person behind me.
Say ‘excuse me’ when it’s needed.
To love people for who they are and not for what i can get from them.

And most importantly, i was also raised to treat people exactly how i would like to be treated by others.
It’s called respect.



We don’t talk about trees getting older.
We say they are growing.
Let’s use the same term for ourselves.
We are not getting older, we are just growing.
That’s the spirit of living.

True me.. Tap-1601..


Your health.
Your mental health.
Your well-being.
Your boundaries.
Your bliss.
Your happiness.
Your self love.
Your self worth.
Your self respect.
Your purpose.
Your goals.
Your much needed rest.
Your piece of peace.



When you think everything is someone else’s fault,
you will suffer a lot.
When you realize that everything springs only from yourself,
you will learn both peace and joy.

– Dalai Lama.

True me.. Tap-1600..

Treat your energy like you would treat your money.
Budget it,
save it,
find ways to increase it,
invest it where you know you will get a return, etc.

When you place value on your energy like you would any other form of currency,
you will be surprised at how much changes in your reality.

Our energy is our true currency.
Money is just symbolic for exchange of energy.
This is why you “pay” attention.
Invest your energy & time into what you want to grow.


True me.. Tap-1599..


• Notice how you think and speak.
Don’t say “I can’t do it”.
Say “I can’t do it yet”.

• Practice positive self-talk and self-love.

• Surround yourself with people who encourage you.

• Stop looking for approval from others.

• Accept your imperfections and limitations.

• Be mindful of your thoughts.

• Set goals and use a specific, actionable game plan.

• Know that change and improvement are possible.

• Cultivate a sense of purpose.


True me.. Tap-1598..

You have this one life.
How do you wanna spend it?
Hating yourself?
Running after people who don’t see you?

Be brave.
Believe in yourself.
Do what feels good.
Take risks.
You have this one life.
Make yourself proud.


True me.. Tap-1597..

Things to remember when you are going through tough times:

1: Everything can and will change.
You’ve overcome challenges before.
It’s just a learning experience.

2: Sometimes not getting what you want can be a blessing.

3: Allow yourself to have some fun.

4: Being kind to yourself is the best medicine.

5: Other people’s negativity isn’t worth worrying about.

6: And there is always, always, always something to be thankful for.



Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day.
It’s about the choice to show up and be real.
The choice to be honest.
The choice to let our true selves be seen.

– Brene Brown.

True me.. Tap-1596..

Use your money to;

– Look better (grooming)
– Feel better (food choices)
– Make more money (invest)

Use your time to

– Look better (gym)
– Feel better (meditation)
– Make more money (skills)

Spend your time and money on things that will improve your quality of life.
