True me.. Tap-887..

I’ve been so blessed to be able to travel so much over these last few years.
One of the most profound things I witnessed while traveling was seeing how much we take for granted.
I’ve seen slums where people are walking around without shoes or jackets in the freezing cold.
I’ve been to places where people are working so hard at such physically demanding jobs while making hardly any money.
It taught me to value every person on this planet and to not take my job for granted, to not take my life for granted, to never take the joy i experience for granted.

Stay open to anything and take a day (or week) seeing a new part of the world.
If you can’t afford to take time off work then visit a new neighborhood in your own town.
One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.
Be grateful for everything you have.
(Not my words.)

Tap OUT..✌️

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