True me.. Tap-802..

TRUST is a bond between two people that is found only when they are able to listen and understand where the other person is coming from.
That to me is the key to friendships and relationships.

Relationships between family, friends, significant others, and colleagues are complicated and full of learning experiences.
Nobody comes into this world knowing everything.
We all go through different experiences, make mistakes, have successes, and then make more mistakes that we can learn from.
We all take our own sweet time to trust, evaluate, make a move, prepare and proceed.

When talking to friends or anyone who’s a part of your life, make sure you are really listening to what they have to say and aren’t distracted by something else.
Most people just listen to respond, reply, retaliate or react, which is complete nonsense.
Listen to understand, COMMUNICATION is the first step to TRUST.
You owe that to them and you would want the same in return.
The ability to trust and listen to the people in your life is the foundation all healthy relationships are built on.
(Not my words).

Tap OUT..✌️

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