True me.. Tap-574..

Most of the time we humans hold ourselves back from pursuing our dreams because we care about the people who hurt us & moreover we consider their words in a negative emotional way. Let me talk about both and why so!!

How many times you thought “My dreams are impossible!!”. If your goals/dreams are practical/realistic enough to be pursued, never give up on them. It’s only you who knows own strengths & weaknesses. Don’t let someone else’s negative experience stop you from going after what you want. Follow your heart and take risks, don’t stick with the safe and easy choices just because you’re afraid of taking a leap of faith. Your dreams are not impossible and they should be bigger than your fears. Sticking to your vision will eventually beat to progress and yield the results you desire.

Sometimes we do feel “I am stuck with people who hurt me”. Never entertain those who walk over your sanity. Your life is precious and too short not to look out for yourself. Have enough self-respect & self-love to distance yourself from those who constantly mistreat you and bring you down. It may be tough and hurt for a while but everything will be ok, more importantly you’ll be ok. Walking away from a bad situation doesn’t make you weak, it makes you strong. Leaving means acknowledging that it’s not about them seeing your worth, but you realizing your own worth.

Tap OUT..💪

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